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Jun 3, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
@SheryllCashin @GeorgetownLaw @politico @BeaconPressBks @diverse_schools Why do elite blacks in white spaces presume racial equality can only be achieved thru proximity to whiteness? Integration only benefited the top 15% socioeconomic blacks. Instead of fighting for integration w/Brown, we should have been fighting for enforcement of Plessy. @SheryllCashin @GeorgetownLaw @politico @BeaconPressBks @diverse_schools 100,000 black teachers & principals in black schools had their careers destroyed by Brown. Many black businesses that served black communities were destroyed by Brown. Brown rewarded black hyper-assimilationists & set off a hunger games for blacks to compete for white validation.
May 23, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read

WNBA players better B very careful how they treat CaitlinClark. I suspect many players think like Queen of Smugness SunnyHostin who thinks race & sexuality can drive ticket sales more than basketball ability.

Walk w/me. A thread w/bars.

nypost.com/2024/05/23/spo… I get many BW are upset Clark is getting all the hype & all the endorsements they haven't got. Well, that's b/c you did not elevate your game to the marketable level Caitlin Clark did. Why havent there been players who learned to become deep threat shooters like Steph Curry?
May 17, 2024 25 tweets 6 min read

Check out all the attention Morehouse College is getting from President Biden & Democrats right NOW. Dems are panicking over black men abandoning them for Trump. NEWSFLASH: Morehouse students are NOT representative of most black men.

Walk w/ me. A thread w/bars. Image Get this line from the AJC this morning:

"If Morehouse College truly serves as an avatar for the mood & thinking of black men in America, never will that be more evident than Sunday morning" [Referring to Morehouse graduation]

I need you to get how egregious this line is. Image
Apr 25, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read

R. Kelly is somewhere hoping & praying. Bill Cosby is somewhere saying "I told you so." HarveyWeinstein is twiddling his thumbs in prison saying "one down, one to go." JonathanMajors is somewhere dreaming of Kang the Conqueror's return.

Walk w/me. A thread w/bars. Image Here are some potential avenues by which Jonathan Majors' case may be overturned (although his career will not).

1) the trial judge "prejudiced Weinstein w/EGREGIOUS IMPROPER RULINGS, including letting women testify about allegations that were not part of the case" &
Apr 18, 2024 26 tweets 6 min read

As many 1st Amend. lawyers will tell U, no1 performing a public duty has a right 2privacy that trumps a defendants right 2a fair trial. I'm of the perspective nothing in our court system should be private, including juror identity.

Walk w/me. A thread w/bars. Image Now that a Trump juror has now been outed, admitted to failed impartiality & removed from the jury, we need to have a hard conversation why do we allow grand juries to operate in secret & why do we shield juror's identity from the public despite the need for FULL TRANSPARENCY.
Apr 5, 2024 35 tweets 7 min read

How many of U prepared 4a world where no1 answers a 911 call? Youre NOT as safe as U think. This world is crumbling. People who aren't prepared 2protect their family when govt is incapable of doing so will simply perish.

Walk w/me. A thread w/barz. Image If U dont know who Anbex is, what dey sell & why yo family better hv a stockpile of what they sell, U aint ready. If U aint got 6-12 months of water&food stored, U aint ready. If U aint got at least enough backup fuel stored 2travel 1,000 miles at the drop of a hat, U aint ready.
Mar 11, 2024 25 tweets 5 min read

Commit this phrase 2 memory: "Reductio ad Hitlerum." Its a straw man argument employed as an association fallacy to discredit& delegitimize a person. Democrats are attempting 2 defeat a man versus the ideas that will outlive him.

walk w/me. a thread w/bars. Image Its also sometimes referred to as "playing the Nazi card." The goal here is 2associate a person w/what many consider 2B the worst human being in history- AdolfHitler. Whenever some1 plays the Nazi card, U immediately know they're incapable of formulating a cogent counterargument.
Mar 1, 2024 25 tweets 5 min read

Here's the thesis: slavery bred mediocrity & the lineage of that mediocrity is still embedded in black Americans today. Bondage was bedfellow, but freedom was an impostor. Stick a fork in us. Black folks are done.

Walk w/me. A thread w/bars. Image It has become increasingly difficult 2 find a vibrant intellectual community in this country. Every1 is animated along their political & likability fault lines. Ethics aside, loyalty tests are common & if U dont adhere to them, you will be in constant conflict w/others& cast out.
Feb 25, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
People have no clue how serious this immigration issue is & who is coming across our borders. The suspect in the killing of that UGA nursing student is an undocumented immigrant just like the shooter in NY& the men who beat up the NY police officers. Chaos

Meanwhile NYC, CA & Chicago are giving illegal immigrants free healthcare, $9k stipends & converting publics schools to migrant shelters. This is NOT a hard problem to solve. Give me 24hrs & I will make every immigrant think twice about illegally crossing our border.
Jan 11, 2024 51 tweets 19 min read

Political capital is NOT a renewable resource. Those who dont comprehend this should be kept far from leadership. For this reason HBCU Morehouse Colleges board should move at "all deliberate speed" 2 fire its Pres. Dr. David Thomas.

Walk w/me. A thread w/bars. Image I should offer the following disclaimer. If you are a person who is prone 2 hero worship & lionizing historical figures, U should probably exit the room now. If U stay, be forewarned that me & comedian Katt Williams are cut from the same cloth. We bring smoke. Let the fire began.
Jan 4, 2024 38 tweets 10 min read

Saddle up. Bumpy ride ahead. When Jamaican American HarvardProf. Lani Guinier unmasked how the Ivy League was replacing black Americans w/black immigrants, she was predicting a race cloaking future to come. With Claudine Gay, the gig is up.

Walk w/me. A thread w/bars. Image To be clear, when I say "black immigrants" I'm not just talking 1st generation. I'm also talking about their offspring. When I say "black Americans," I am specifically referring to descendants of American slavery. And before any1 protests my definitions, my only retort would be:
Dec 21, 2023 24 tweets 6 min read

Capitalism can never be a cure to black ills b/c capitalism started w/slavery. Exhibit A was Monique. Exhibit B is Taraji P. The only thing worse than exploitation is when its at the hands of another black person.

Walk w/me. A thread w/bars.

Listen to Taraji's voice in the vid above. Look at her body language. This is the defeated sound of black brokenness. As usual many people will cape for Oprah Winfrey & give her a pass as powerless & unable to force a different outcome for another black woman. BULLSHIT.
Dec 11, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read

W/all this talk about firing college presidents over anti-Semitism, its free speech implications& how youve seen my previous threads against this, you'd think I'd be against Harvards president getting fired, right? WRONG.

Walk w/me. A thread w/bars. Image Or maybe U think I should automatically be on the black woman's side, I meant Haitian American woman's side, right? WRONG. Or maybe U think I should be moved by the fact the shes the 1st so-called Person of Color or child of black immigrants 2B President of Harvard, right? WRONG.
Dec 8, 2023 25 tweets 6 min read

Careful what U believe. American media isn't reporting on this. Guarantee U had X lost 10M users they'd be all over this. @elonmusk told advertisers 2 "go fuck yourself." Since that moment X has gained while Disney has lost subscribers.

Walk w/me. A thread w/bars. Image Here's a question for all advertisers.


If U are truly about only selling goods & services, then it doesn't make sense 2pull advertising from a platform that just gained 10M new subscribers.
Dec 7, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read

It takes alot of power 2get an Ivy League president fired- power many Jewish folks claim they dont have. If 1 president is fired 4putting AMERICAN values over ISRAELI values, they will unknowingly B proving antiSemites right.

Walk w/me. A thread w/bars Image To be clear, firing any college president b/c they refuse to put ISRAELI interests/values over AMERICAN interests/values is both anti-Semitic & unpatriotic. Anti-Semitic b/c it supports the trope that Jewish people claim is false, which is their power to control livelihoods.
Dec 5, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read

William Ernest Henley was wrong. We are not the masters of our own fate. We are not the captains of our own soul. We are robots strutting the Earth to & fro doing exactly what we were programmed 2do. The matrix is real.

Walk w/me. A thread w/bars. Go directly to 4:00 & here TuckerCarlson talk about how ADVERTISERS DEFINE NEWS COVERAGE. Hear me well. Advertisers are not just in business 2 sell products&services. They are in business to shape how Americans think, what they support & who they vote for.
Nov 21, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read

Americans must decide if they want 2live in a world controlled by advertisers who stifle speech&expression. Their attempt to get X's CEO 2resign b/c of Musk's remarks is called "tortious interference 2contract"& its flat out illegal.

Walk w/me. A thread w/bars. Image Since they want to play this game of pulling advertising dollars, @elonmusk should take them up on their offer & recoup any lost money plus interest through a multibillion dollar tortious interference to contract lawsuit against every advertiser that contacted his CEO to resign.
Nov 20, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Why when Cardi B endorsed Biden, she was on the cover of every major news website but when she gives a thrashing critique of Biden's leadership, she's nowhere to be found on mainstream sites. This shows just how bought& paid 4 many of our news outlets are.
Image Take note of her fear that "if something happens 2 me..." Even w/all her wealth & success, Mrs. Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar Cephus aka Cardi B came from the bottom & is fully aware of the real danger of her& other celebrities' millions of fans turning on Biden in an election year.
Nov 16, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read

They will try to paint @elonmusk as anti-Semite. He's not. Jews did not become "white" until they immigrated to America post World War 2. "Becoming white" was a survival tactic that united America & Israel.

Walk w/me. A thread w/bars.

Image I have light-bright-damn-near-white ancestors who fled the DeepSouth late 19th century 2move far west where they lived out their lives passing as white. We never saw or heard from them again. Likewise, most Ashkenazi Jews who fled WW2 Germany 2 America passed as white 2 blend in.
Nov 7, 2023 25 tweets 6 min read

You can tell BIG things about people from SMALL things that they do. Never dismiss the small shit. It's the small shit that reveals big shit about a person's character. If you watch people closely, they will tell you exactly who they are.

Walk w/me. A thread w/bars. I got trust issues. This is a horrible world w/deceit & deception around every corner. Most people will do U in 4 just the right price. Most people are for sale though must don't know it yet. Unless U want to get sold to the highest bidder, you must screen the hell out of people.
Nov 5, 2023 23 tweets 6 min read

Imagine cellphone, water, or power co's shutting off yo phone, water& lights b/c or your bank closing all your accounts arbitrarily b/c they dont like a position U hold on a particular issue? Now Imagine not being able to prove any of that.

Walk w/me. A thread w/bars. Image The dangerous thing about social media is U can create enemies U never even met, dont even know, & U can suffer simply from revealing a position on an issue that they dont like. Orwellian. This is especially dangerous b/c of all the things we depend on 4 survival in this country.