A.I.Warper Profile picture
Sharing my creative AI experiments • Business Inquiries (consulting ONLY - no commission at this time): aiwarperinc@gmail.com
Apr 8 9 tweets 3 min read
Viggle AI Experiment 💙

This is an incredible tool for style transfer.

Details and link to Discord below 👇

As always, if you enjoy this content please kindly like and share! Firstly, I rotoscoped the subject using After effects. This isn’t necessary but I needed a mask for a later step anyways so - why not right?
Feb 23 19 tweets 8 min read
🧵Small Thread on Anime LipSync🧵

My hope in sharing some of these results is that it sparks an idea for someone to figure this out in a more efficient workflow

Tools used:
Adobe Animate 2024
Davinci Resolve

1/17 Disclaimer: This is more of a traditional animator pipeline. It involves pre-rendering the mouth shapes and then manually placing them in post (Will talk on this later).

This works best for fixed perspective shots which are present in the majority of anime.
