A.J. Delgado Profile picture
MAGA original but now proudly anti-Trump 💋; @harvard_law; made w/ Cuban parts; proud mami of rescue dogs & 1 human boy, Wills (my 💙) 3:16
4 subscribers
Mar 1 4 tweets 1 min read
Upon review, Vance's stunt is even worse than imagined. It was a product of ineptitude:
Z went into a detailed recap of Russia reneging on agreements (to underscore the need for guarantees-b4-ceasefire). Vance (a DEI admit at Yale Law) is overwhelmed and /1 knows he has no answer. (This is the problem with relying on talking points, versus actually understanding the topic. He's scanning his mind going, "I don't have a rehearsed talking point on this!!! What do I say when he he's done talking?!") 2/ So, instead...
Nov 16, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
I realize you just became a Catholic, like, a minute ago but the "Deus Vult" is NOT a "Christian motto." It is a throwback to the rally call in 1096 and Urban II's speech that led to the First Crusade (I'm a medieval history nerd, you are not). It's never been widely used... 1/ since then... Someone serving in the Middle East might get it, as an ode to the Crusades, which Hegsdeth did, OK. Does that make him a white supremacist? No. Do white supremacists often use that slogan? Yes. So, while a stretch, it's not out of nowhere. 2/
Oct 30, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
TWEEPS: "family values" #Trump advisor Jason Miller appeared by ZOOM at a court hearing today, refusing to pay the cost of William's special education school fee. He even quibbled over things like $6 markers from Amazon for school supplies. 1/ I will be setting up a GoFundMe (as I'd mentioned a few weeks ago, but held out SOME hope that adulterous pervert Miller wasn't THIS evil -- alas, he is) in the hopes of raising the costs for William's school tuition, as this school has really helped him. 2/
Jul 30, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Let me explain to you CouchBoy's mindset (it's not that hard):

Vance has always had a chip on his shoulder about his family background and his mom; 1/ then he goes to the "Marines" -- yet works in "public affairs" and doesn't see a day of fighting... so more 'chip on his shoulder'/insecurity.... 2/
Mar 30, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
🧵For those of you with an IQ higher than 50 (this excludes much of MAGA), or ethics higher than a con-artist (this excludes much of MAGA), let me explain to you their latest bullshit re #Easter: You'll see a lot of liars or low-IQ influencers shrieking that Biden has declared Easter as "transgender visibility day," linking to a White House statement acknowledging March 31st as Transgender Visibility Day. 1
Feb 24, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
🧵You're going to see a lot of #MAGA folks on here, who are claiming that #Biden has "blood on his hands" due to the suspect in the Atlanta-nursing-student's murder being an illegal immigrant from Venezuela who reportedly arrived in 2022. Except... #whoops:
1/ Image It seems *TRUMP* is the one to blame, if anyone is other than, you know, the murderer.
You see, on his way out the door in January 2021, one of the last things Trump did was carve out a special category for Venezuelas, same as Cubans. 2/
Jan 10, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
For the stupid, let me recap:
The House R's shrieked that Hunter needed to testify. Hunter was like, "Sure, no problem."
Then they issued a subpoena saying, "This is your formal request to show up - and btw, it's going to be in. private/behind closed doors." 1/ We already know WHY they want that bc they've pulled this trick before -- they selectively release excerpts to the media, out of context, from the deposition.
Hunter was like, "No, I'm happy to testify but it has to be in the open, fully transparent." 2/
Jan 8, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
Wills & I had an Uber yesterday w/ a really nice Cuban guy who came through the #border a few years ago. Of course, I'm THAT rider who chats the whole time and ends up learning your life story. He was gracious enough to share w/ us what his experience was like... #thread 1/ The coyotes charge for person approximately $5,000. That includes the coyote escorting you for most of the journey, daily meals, and lodging when available. 2/
Aug 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Perfect! In 2016, when my married supervisor at work got me pregnant, I informed the employer and asked for help, yet the supervisor was nevertheless promoted whereas I was frozen out. I took to Twitter to protest what was happening.
The employer retaliated against me for this… https://t.co/QY29M6TaQMtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Here you go, @ElonMusk. Because it's hard to believe the Trump Campaign would sue a woman, especially one who had just given birth, for $1.5 million over Twitter posts, claiming her pregnancy was confidential, but here it is. Image
Jul 12, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
So #Trump's appearance at #ufc289 continues to be a hilarious DISASTER.
a) As I previously mentioned, almost no celebrity in attendance bothered to go up to him/say hello/ask for a photo.
But it gets worse... 1/ The Trump Campaign folks (being morons) and the MAGA folks on here (same) tweeted the hell out of a clip of a fighter jumping over the Octagon to breathlessly shake Trump's hand. I'm sure you saw that.... Except.... 2/
Nov 13, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I saw someone (forget who, a NeverTrump'er bluecheck) say that it's unlikely voters will move on from Trump bc they didn't after Jan 6. Sigh. Mega sigh. Let me explain why that's clueless. 1/ First, comparing "Jan 6" to midterms'-horrific-results-for-GOP is total 'apples and oranges.' One has NOTHING to do w the other. How one views or interprets Jan 6 is mostly based on whether one is R or D. ('Was it an "insurrection" or just a riot', etc) 2/
Sep 26, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
So... the pro-life/pro-choice debate is not my thing but the arrest of Mark Houck is a little weird, folks. (Sorry, Dems - I gotta side with the Right on this particular incident.) (thread) 1/ 2/ First, I'm sorry but it's really freaking creepy to have 20 FBI agents at someone house's bc of shoving (physical altercation) outside an abortion clinic. If it happened, that's battery and a local crime -- NOT a crime for the FBI to be involved in.
Sep 4, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Oh wait, I hadn't told you guys what Miller pulled with William's health insurance... Oh hang on.... So... people don't understand the harm this demon has caused a child. (This case isn't about 'child support' as Miller likes to claim.) William is on Medicaid and receives medical services for an issue he has. In December, the center told me they could no longer see William bc 1/
Aug 6, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Huh. Just learned #Elvis Presley's manager was a man who immigrated illegally at age 20 from the Netherlands and changed his name to Tom Parker. Never would've thought that the guy who discovered Elvis was a Dutch immigrant who spoke with a heavy accent and (one assumes?) knew little about the American music scene.
Jul 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This is so sad to see. Chappelle is one of the most inspirational black men in America and the cancellation of him won't let up. Apparently, none of those outraged even watched Chappelle's latest on Netflix (at Duke Ellington school). Chappelle told an amazing story about the LGBT community with a personal anecdote about a gay student at his performing arts high school...