Amos Schonfield Profile picture
Founder & CEO @OSHyouth // Dep Director @hiasjcore // Chair @ScreenShareUK // Trustee @YachadUK // Unsubtly bearded // Unfathomably Jewish // he/him
Jul 10, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Stop calling Jews an indigenous people. The truth is much more interesting.

There is a trend among certain ‘pro-Israel’ activists to take the Jewish people’s long history in Eretz Yisrael/Historic Palestine to mean that they must be indigenous. This reductive and incendiary argument erases both Jewish and Arab history in that territory. 2/
Sep 4, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Being a Jewish member of @UKLabour was once a source of pride for me, but as with many in my position it is now a badge of shame. The election of Peter Willsman to the NEC, with 70000+ votes, is the end for me. A word on me: I didn't oppose Corbyn in 2015 (placed him 2nd on my ballot), and I work actively for justice for Palestinians and for security and civility for all in I-P at huge personal expense.