AJ_Indiana Profile picture
BrookeClagett🐝🕶🍦 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Feb 8, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
.@Rob_Flaherty, @JoeBiden, and to everyone talking about a certain ad and are making jokes about the size of South Bend and what has been accomplished here, seriously, take a moment to reflect on what you’re doing here. (1/6) Do you really want to say voices from cities like South Bend and people from cities ours all across this country don’t matter?!? (2/6)
Jul 17, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
I read this piece about Mayor Pete's work in South Bend today, and as someone who calls South Bend home, I wanted to share some things that I know to be true based on his work with the police department and with the community. The steps Mayor Pete has taken to address policing issues have taken place throughout his time as mayor, they didn't just start in 2019. We have a level of transparency in police activity that we never had before since Pete took office.
May 7, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
I feel like black people in my city of South Bend are being used. And not for the good of South Bend or this country. I hope it doesn't set us back or harm us after our usefulness has waned. We have a primary election here today to see who the next dem. mayoral candidate will be. Our airways are not filled with anti-Pete commercials. Instead, candidates speak about expanding on what Pete and others have done for the city.