How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App The Municipality of Anchorage settled a lawsuit challenging the COVID-19 emergency orders in the weeks after Mayor Bronson took over. posting the MCC v. MOA briefs, it's worth noting that the legal arguments made by Rivera's supporters parallel those made by Dunleavy in Recall Dunleavy v. State. Both Rivera and Dunleavy argued that their recall petitions should have been denied by election officials. Fox's opening: "APOC is just trying to follow the law." the last 24 hours: wants the Courts to supervise the @ak_elections recounting (again) or alternatively a "new election." !! This is wild stuff. US Supreme Court rules for original jurisdiction cases, like Texas v. Pennsylvania, allow intervention by other parties according to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Rule 21 requires an intervenor to share a claim or have a common question of law with the main case. @RepVance doesn't even think she was validly reelected to represent HD 31. This is idiotic. defendants include 2 individual Anchorage Police officers, Luis Soto and Steven Chillers, with allegations that they gave seize orders that resulted in DeMott fleeing to a crawlspace and dying from hypothermia. Corey for AFOM Point: AFOM argues that the Open Meetings Act does not allow the Assembly to require video/teleconference participation for the public while allowing Muni employees and witnesses to testify in person, which happened in August Gandbhir called the hearing to address public participation in Friday's preliminary injunction Zoom hearing. Hearing will also be live streamed on Youtube!