Sean Williams Profile picture
Avid fantasy football nut (Go Lions) and seller of garbage meme stock OTM calls. Keep your NFTs and conspiracies to yourself. Views are my own. Threads @amcscam
Mar 12, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
.@kb244life1 wants attention, so let's give him some

He thinks $GTII is going to explode because of "naked shorts" and a "squeeze." This'll be the easiest debunk of the year (just 3 tweets)

Side note, @Keubiko, this should be the next group of mouth-breathers you "educate."
You can't have a naked short without an FTD, and there has never been a meaningful amount of FTDs for a stock averaging 1.48M shares traded per day $GTII
Mar 11, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Anyone claiming the "market is rigged" or blames "naked shorts," "synthetics" or "counterfeit shares" genuinely has no clue what they're talking about.

At no time in history has the stock market ever been freer and fairer to retail investors.
1/13 Thanks to competition & PFOF, virtually all online brokerages have done away with commission fees (sans options contracts) and minimum deposit requirements. Anyone has the opportunity to put any amount of money to work on Wall Street.
Mar 10, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Folks, this what a classic clueless investor looks like. Blames Wall St for nonexistent “manipulation” because they didn’t do their homework. $BBBY
1/n I hardly know where to begin because every last thing he says is clown-level “analysis”

Annual “revenue” is meaningless whether its $5 or $5 billion if the company is losing money, burning cash, and structurally insolvent. Learn how to read a 10Q $BBBY
Dec 9, 2022 20 tweets 7 min read
Day 3 of calling out FinTwit Fraud Jim Savoldi @BAMinvestor to defend his take that $AMC won't go Ch. 11.

I'll even lay out my case so that a child (or someone like Jim who knows nothing about analysis) can understand why he's wrong.
Let's start with the basics... $AMC is operating in a declining industry. Domestic box office gross is down 31.6%-38.3% from pre-pandemic levels...
Dec 7, 2022 55 tweets 19 min read

Hi, everyone. I want to introduce you to one of Fintwit's biggest frauds, Jim (JG) Savoldi @BAMinvestor

Hop aboard & I'll show you how this hedge fund wannabe uses his platform to push conspiracies, duck challenges, & bilk his poor subscribers
As you can probably guess, Jim is a big fan of $AMC & $APE - that lovable meme duo spiraling to Chapter 11. But Jim doesn't see it that way.

That's because Jim believes in the conspiracies anyone who can read a balance sheet or income statement can debunk.