A. Monster Lives in the Pines Profile picture
Professional Female Millennial || Cabinet Full of Participation Trophies || red hair don't care ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ || LGP || COYS
Nov 4, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read
@scottsantens @brikeilarcnn @EvanMcS Their kids are foster kids too. (It’s not clear if it’s 7 or 9 of them are) but they get $800 per kid at minimum per month(rate goes up to 2700 depending on need.) So that’s $5600-7200 per MONTH. @scottsantens @brikeilarcnn @EvanMcS FYI #fosterkids can attest to this- this is so damn common where people take in a large number of kids, they are getting thousands per month, and uh guess how much of it the kid ever sees? You also get free lunch/breakfast at school. I’m just sayin- numbers don’t add up here.