Exploring the applications of ML/DL/RL for intelligent design of SynBio systems. BioE Grad Student at Baker lab @UWproteindesign 🧑🏻🔬🔬🏳️🌈
Jul 14, 2022 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
1/6 Can #AlphaFold learn from + & - labeled data to predict peptide binding better? w/ Phil Bradley @JustasDauparas@minkbaek@Mohamad_Abedi David Baker we present joint structure prediction-classification fine-tuning of #AF2 to classify pMHC binding.@UWproteindesign@fredhutch2/6 We developed a template-based method for accurately predicting pMHC structures & fed confidence scores to a simple classifier to fine-tune with structure+classification loss on a self-distillation set of + and - pMHC interactions & reach SOTA in Class I & II classification.