Andrew Fleischman Profile picture
I work on behalf of the wrongfully or unfairly convicted. I also try cases. Partner at Sessions & Fleischman.
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Aug 22 4 tweets 1 min read
There are not a lot of people who can just wander into a diner or a donut shop and instantly connect with the people there. Retail politics is hard! If I were going to offer some advice, try asking questions that have more open-ended answers. Not "how long have you worked here" but "what's the best donut here?"
Jul 10 7 tweets 3 min read
Cities can be sued for the civil rights violations of their police officers when those violations are the result of a policy. Either official (mass arrest orders) or unofficial (looking the other way when bad stuff happens).

Image In the 5th Circuit, several George Floyd protesters sued because they were beaten and shot with pepperball rounds. /2
Jun 27 4 tweets 1 min read
A doctor and a lawyer are chatting at a party. But every few minutes, someone comes up and pesters the doctor about some ailment and asks for advice. After a couple of hours, the doctor, exasperated, asks the lawyer how it is that no one bothers asking HIM for advice? The lawyer takes a sip of his whiskey and a drag on his cigar before responding that that used to be a problem for him, but now he just bills people who ask him for advice at his hourly rate. Once that happened a couple of times, nobody bothered him again.
Jun 20 8 tweets 2 min read
Ok so let's talk about mistrials and double jeopardy, since everyone is talking about it in the context of the YSL trial.

If a mistrial occurs, and the defense just DOES NOT OBJECT, the defendant can be retried. If it's defense requested, same deal.

/1 Image The only time that the defense can request a mistrial AND bar retrial is when they can get a judge to find that the State deliberately provoked the mistrial.

This is hard as hell because no prosecutor is going to admit that and the judge has to work with them every day.

/2 Image
Jun 19 23 tweets 7 min read
So let's talk for a minute about recusal motions in Georgia, how they work, and what the remedies are.

A valid recusal motion in Georgia must be:

1. Swift
2. Sworn
3. Sufficient

/1 Image The motion must be swift:

You have to file it within 5 days of learning whatever reason you have for wanting the judge recused.

Jun 13 5 tweets 2 min read
It appears that Georgia Rule of Professional Responsibility 3.4 (f) actually has a pretty major typo that changes its meaning.

They changed an "and" to an "or" that eviscerates the rule.

Left: Georgia Right: ABA

Under Georgia's rule, you can almost always request secrecy.
It makes total sense to say that you can tell employees not to tell people about things, so long as it's not adverse to their interests.

It makes no sense at all to say you can tell anyone to remain silent, so long as it's not adverse to their interests.
Jun 12 6 tweets 1 min read
Let's take a breath and summarize.

Kenneth Copeland did not want to testify. His lawyer left town.

The State and a Judge took this opportunity to threaten to hold Copeland in jail for years if he refused to testify, and threatened to charge him with perjury if he deviated. This may surprise you, but it is relevant whether a witness has been threatened with criminal charges unless he testifies as the State insists he does. That is part of his feelings towards the parties. It is Brady evidence.
Jun 10 15 tweets 6 min read
Let's go through some relevant law. First off, judges are not supposed to talk to parties without opposing counsel present except in a few, limited circumstances. Here's Uniform Superior Court Rule 4.1. Image I am not aware of any rule that permits a judge to meet ex parte with a witness.

See e.g. Arnau v. Arnau, 207 Ga. App. 696, 697 (Ga. Ct. App. 1993) (judge who met with expert presumptively prejudiced losing party even if testimony was cumulative).
May 31 6 tweets 2 min read
People keep saying these charges never would have been brought against anyone else.

That's dumb.

If you become a national news story over something that is arguably criminal, there is a very good chance you will be charged. No matter who you are. Like, remember that subnormal dude who slapped his kid at a restaurant last week?

Very good odds that he ends up catching a charge or a child services investigation. Not because of his politics but because he is in the public eye.
May 14 17 tweets 3 min read
People often mess up hearsay but the rule is easy.

1. Out of court statement

That means any statement made by someone who is not in the witness chair

It also means statements by the witness that were made before they got to court. 2. For the truth of the matter asserted.

In other words, do you give a shit if the dude is lying?

If I said I am the world's greatest lawyer, you can't bring that in to argue that it's true.

But you can bring it in to show I'm delusional.
May 10 7 tweets 2 min read
Thrilled to report that my client, Meagan Dwyer, prevailed in her anti-SLAPP motion today against Stephanie Britt, a Savannah cheerleading fixture who claimed that Dwyer had gotten her kicked out of a cheerleading association (the USASF) by reporting misconduct around children. Image There were many problems with Britt's lawsuit, starting with the fact that it did not specify what Dwyer had said, explain how it was untrue, or establish that it led to Britt being kicked out of the USASF.

Apr 29 7 tweets 2 min read
If you are ever arrested, the two biggest things you can do to help yourself:

1. Be polite and reasonable with the officer. If he responds by acting like a jerk, that just helps you more when a jury looks at the video.

2. Politely decline to answer questions. I have seen so many cases where a cop has a borderline arrest, and a judge takes his demeanor into account. A super nice officer who chit chats with the defendant while he waits for backup wins suppression motions.

A guy who enjoys being a jerk often doesn't.
Apr 5 5 tweets 2 min read
District Attorney Fani Willis has opened up a website to sell merch, particularly on "Fani Friday." You too can have your very own Fani T. Willis fan club t-shirt.…

The perfect shirt for people with a bench warrant Image
Mar 27 6 tweets 2 min read
Georgia has passed a law forbidding bail funds from contributing to people's bonds.

It is worth noting that when MLK was bailed out of Birminghan jail, he didn't fund his own bond. The United Auto Workers, and others, pooled tens of thousands of dollars to liberate him. This law is squarely aimed at punishing people accused of relatively minor crimes of civil disobedience, like blocking a street, or trespassing at a department store lunch counter.

Punishing people before trial is an effective way to avoid having to give them a trial.
Mar 15 6 tweets 3 min read
Summary: Willis may have had a net financial benefit from hiring Wade, but it was small. Her repeated efforts to bring the case to trial quickly suggest no improper motive to delay. Thus, despite a "tremendous lapse in judgment" and "unprofessional" demeanor, no actual conflict.
Image But, there is an appearance of impropriety, because there is evidence of financial benefit and romantic relationship with a subordinate. Image
Feb 16 10 tweets 2 min read
I think a jury could find beyond a reasonable doubt that Fani Willis and Nathan Wade committed perjury at this hearing.

I think it is more likely than not that the judge finds there is an appearance of impropriety here without making explicit credibility findings. You want to prosecute the former President of the United States. There are credit card statements showing you financially benefitted from your romantic relationship. Your only defense is completely untraceable cash reimbursements.
Aug 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Georgia used to have a child abuse registry. You got notice that you had been placed on it, then you got a hearing in front of an ALJ. It was probably unconstitutional. The Georgia General Assembly passed a law to eliminate it.

DFCS is STILL putting people on the registry. /1 Except now, you no longer get to appear in front of a judge, or have counsel. You are required to speak, by yourself, to the DFCS worker, and explain why you think you should not be on the registry. /2
Jun 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I am prepared to say that there's nothing wrong with celebrating the end of slavery in fact.

Slavery was in the Constitution. It was a core part of the lives of millions of people. And we amended the Constitution to eliminate it.

That's progress. I don't see how we could discuss the end of slavery without talking about the "agony of the civil war" or how we "struggled to achieve our national creed."… Image
Jun 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Jun 17, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
People who support racial profiling always claim to be hardened realists addressing racial disparities in crime.

But they never get around to showing that racial profiling actually makes places safer.

And they tend to dismiss rights as academic. If, on a daily or weekly basis, police officers stopped you, put you up against a wall, patted down your pockets, maybe said something casually cruel, do you suppose you'd want to help them do their job?
May 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Georgia lawmakers: if you are frustrated that Daniel Penny has been charged with manslaughter in New York, please consider that in Georgia, the charge would be felony murder and the minimum penalty would be life in prison without parole for 30 years. We don't have meaningful degrees of murder for imperfect self-defense, and the result is that we have thousands of people serving life sentences who are not, in any conventional sense, murderers.