Aaron Sankin Profile picture
Reverse Imagineer w/ @themarkup. He/Him.
Oct 19, 2022 23 tweets 6 min read
New investigation from @LeonYin & me in @themarkup reveals 4 major ISPs were charging customers wildly different prices for the same speed internet plans. The worst deals disproportionately went to lower-income, less White and historically redlined areas themarkup.org/still-loading/… We entered over 800k addresses from 38 cities across the country into the websites of AT&T, CenturyLink, Verizon & EarthLink and logged the speeds and prices they offered at each address.
Apr 9, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
New from @leonyin & me: We discovered a secret block list inside of Google’s ad portal. It blocked advertisers from placing ads on videos about “Black Lives Matter” but permitted placing ads on videos about “All Lives Matter” and “White Lives Matter” themarkup.org/google-the-gia… The block list, which isn’t actively disclosed anywhere, as far as we could tell, also blocked “Black Power” but allowed “White power.” It blocked “Muslim parenting” but allowed “Christian parenting.”
Apr 8, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
Because he is the best, @LeonYin discovered a secret block list inside Google’s ad portal. I helped him investigate it and, in the words of Jay Sherman, “It stinks!” themarkup.org/google-the-gia… The block list is on a part of Google Ads that lets you find videos related to a search term and then you can pick which ones you want to advertise on. When we fed in terms related to the hate movement, it blocked some, but missed a lot of big, obvious ones.
Dec 3, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read
Genius literally caught Google redhanded stealing its content for the search engine's information boxes After Genius's REDHANDED plan was made public, Google said it fixed the issue. Genius secretly snuck another "watermark" into its lyrics and found that Google was still stealing it content.
Dec 11, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
Rep. Steve Cohen complaining to the CEO of Google during a House Judiciary Committee meeting that he searched his own name, but didn't like the articles that came up, and then demanding Google do something about it is an absolutely perfect 2018 moment. Rep. Jim Jordan followed up this insightful commentary by complaining that Google may have helped too many Latinos vote, making a strong, free-market conservative case for corporations not being allowed to directly intervene in politics.
Oct 27, 2018 9 tweets 7 min read
And now a collection of death threats from the accused bomber's account that @TwitterSafety allowed on the service until earlier today Hey @TwitterSafety are these death threats okay? Or is leaving them up a mistake?
Oct 26, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
Going through the suspected bomber's apparent Twitter account, there are just hundreds of explicit, direct threats directed at politicians and journalists. The world be very different if Twitter and the government took these types of threats at all seriously. Much of the account's content, like posting the same image attacking Parkland survivor David Hogg hundreds of times, can't help but raise questions about mental illness and the role social media played in exacerbating it.
Jul 7, 2018 31 tweets 7 min read
Jun 20, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
Corey Lewandowski, who said "womp womp" on national TV today regarding a 10-year old immigrant girl with Down Syndrome being taken from her mother, works for a PAC that gets donations from a company that owns private immigration detention facilities. docquery.fec.gov/pdf/060/201805… Also, whatever happened with this whole thing? chicagotribune.com/news/nationwor…