Natural Philosopher Profile picture
Father, husband and natural philosopher, currently solving twelve intractable problems of Life, the Universe and Consciousness. Aiming to publish early 2020.
Sep 14, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
For those concerned about the growth of dangerous ideologies and crazy new theories, remember the following:

Inside every bad idea lie the seeds of its own destruction. Truth will always win out in the end; the only question is how long it takes. It's easy to tell bad ideas from good ideas. Good ideas, like liberalism or science, explicitly invite criticism, welcoming the improvement that this brings. Bad ideas, like fascism or certain religions, forbid criticism, fearing the impact it may have on their followers' belief.
Jul 26, 2020 35 tweets 7 min read
It's hard to believe that it's 30 years and a few months since that fateful evening, driving through the wind and rain towards Lytham St Anne’s, when I suddenly saw how this material world of ours was put together... 1/n I worked for an IT consultancy, and had been preparing a talk for a few weeks, which had taken a lot of my energy. I was trying to explain systems architecture, comparing developments in technology to the political upheavals we were seeing in the world.
Feb 13, 2020 34 tweets 7 min read
Just realised this morning, it’s 30 years - almost to the day - since that evening, driving through the wind and rain towards Lytham St Anne’s, that I suddenly saw how this material world of ours was put together... I worked for a company called Andersen Consulting and had been preparing a talk for the previous few weeks. I was trying to explain systems architecture, comparing developments in technology to the political upheavals we were seeing in the world.
Aug 20, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
This is my Short Solution to the Hard Problem of Consciousness, which I presented to the Oxford Philosophical Society in August 2019. It is very concise, and glosses over some important aspects, but nevertheless appears to work.

Unless you think otherwise... ImageImage Thank you to everyone that has read, liked, retweeted or commented on this Short Solution over the past two weeks. It's been great fun defending my argument and its conclusion against the various objections raised, some of which were really quite inventive.