We want an Austin that works for everyone, with abundant homes for all income levels in all parts of our city, reliable public transit, & safe streets for all.
"Large minimum lot sizes are steeped in classism and racism and first gained widespread adoption during the Jim Crow era. Austin’s current minimum lot size restrictions were established in 1948.
"This existing standard is a barrier to homeownership and exacerbates our affordability crisis.
Both the Strategic Housing Blueprint and the UT Gentrification “Uprooted” study call for allowing smaller lot sizes.
May 12, 2018 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
.@richdepalma up now on why he's running:
"I wanna make sure [my kids] can live in Austin. Right now, I don't see that happening. But not just them, all the kids in Austin."
.@richdepalma saying: "we've gotten to the point where we're so segmented. we need to be bringing people together"
"the vision I have is to embrace Imagine Austin."
May 12, 2018 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
.@BobbyLevinski now talking about why he's running for D8:
Saying that he's a renter and lives in a duplex. He hates sitting in traffic and was car-less for 2 years. Fighting against a sprawl development in Dripping Springs.
.@BobbyLevinski saying that he's worked with many people in this room on issues that policy priorities align. Like the ADU density bonus proposal.
May 12, 2018 • 32 tweets • 11 min read
Our Annual General Membership meeting is happening now. Updates on #codenext and transit from our working group chairs.
Up next, Candidate Forum. #AnAustinForEveryone
Up first for candidate forum is Natasha Harper-Madison. Talking about her background & why she's running:
"we have to do better reconciling segregation (income and racially)...we need a city we can be proud of"
"every kid should have access to integrated high-quality education"