AVPAC is striving to Make America Healthy Again. We proudly supported RFK Jr's 2024 campaign and continue to back the MAHA movement in 2025 & beyond.
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Mar 5 • 10 tweets • 6 min read
🔥 Dr. Jay Bhattacharya held NOTHING back in his Senate confirmation hearing.
Covid vaccine-injured Americans will finally have a champion at NIH.
The truth about skyrocketing rates of autism will be EXPOSED.
Dissident scientists will finally be heard.
Dr. Bhattacharya pledged “five concrete goals” for NIH in his opening statement.
“Dissent is the very essence of science.”
1. “NIH research should focus on research that solves the American chronic disease crisis. American health is going backwards.”
“Life expectancy flatlined between 2012 and 2019, plummeted during the pandemic, and still has not bounced back.”
“The chronic disease crisis is severe, with hundreds of millions of Americans, children and adults, suffering from obesity, heart disease, cancer and more.”
2. “NIH-supported science should be replicable, reproducible, and generalizable. Unfortunately, much bought modern biomedical science fails this basic test.”
“The NIH itself just last year faced a research integrity scandal involving research on Alzheimer's disease that throws into question hundreds of research papers.”
“It is no stretch to think that the slow progress on Alzheimer's disease is linked to this problem. The NIH can and must solve the crisis of scientific data reliability.”
3. “If confirmed, I will establish a culture of respect for free speech in science and scientific dissent at the NIH.”
“Over the last few years, top NIH officials oversaw a culture of cover up, obfuscation, and a lack of tolerance for ideas that differ from theirs.”
4. “The NIH must recommit to its mission to fund the most innovative biomedical research agenda possible to improve American health.”
5. “The NIH must embrace, and vigorously regulate, risky research that has the possibility of causing a pandemic.”
“We must regulate risky research that has the possibility of causing a pandemic. It should embrace transparency in all its operations.”
“If confirmed, I'll carry out President Trump's agenda of making the public science institutions of this country worthy of trust and serve to Make America Healthy Again.”
Feb 24 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
RFK Jr. says we need to “stop the revolving door.”
Every FDA head since 2000 has gone to work for Big Pharma or Big Food.
Regulators shouldn’t cash in on the industries they once oversaw.
Thread 🧵
Jane E. Henney (1999–2001)
After her tenure, Henney joined the board of directors at AstraZeneca, a major pharmaceutical company.
Feb 19 • 18 tweets • 8 min read
Biden and Big Pharma set up a re-run of the Covid Playbook.
🚨They gave Moderna $590M days before Trump’s Inauguration.
Their Bird Flu/H5N1 plot already made egg prices skyrocket.
Now, President Trump is our ONLY bulwark against radical and reckless D.C. bureaucrats.
Under federal mandates imposed by the Biden Administration, 160M+ birds have been euthanized, with zero evidence that they were even sick.
Chickens are being tested using PCR tests, which create false positives at such a high rate that their results are effectively useless.
Even The New York Times admitted this in 2007.
Feb 18 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
RFK Jr. held NOTHING back in his first speech as Trump’s HHS Secretary.
🔥“Nothing is gonna be off limits.”
The vaccine schedule will be investigated. SSRIs will be investigated. Electromagnetic radiation will be investigated.
Here is everything RFK pledged for HHS:🧵
RFK Jr. told truths that no public health official has been willing to admit for decades.
For example, a key “reason why our agencies have lost public trust is that they have become too politicized.”
“There's no such thing as Democratic children or Republican children.”
“Science gets politicized when power and profit are involved, and power and profit are blind to compassion.”
“Reducing the influence of money, therefore, goes hand in hand with depoliticizing HHS.”
Feb 16 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
MAHA has too many wins to count since Inauguration Day.
RFK Jr. leads HHS. Nicole Shanahan will be an HHS Advisor. Covid-19 vaccine mandates in schools are ending. Incandescent lightbulbs are back.
And that’s only the beginning.
Here’s every MAHA win since January 20:🧵
There are too many reasons to count why MAHA became so deeply rooted in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans.
To sum it up in one sentence, “the science” is clear: America is the sickest country on Earth.
Gen Z is the sickest generation in our country’s history.🧵
Feb 8 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the most important cabinet nomination in modern American history.
MAHA is not a political slogan.
It is a cry from mothers, doctors, and activists to SAVE OUR CHILDREN.
This is the most pivotal moment for our country in decades.
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The chronic disease epidemic is an existential crisis for America.
RFK Jr: “If you’re a well person, you have the American Dream at your feet. You have 1,000 different dreams.”
“But if you’re sick, you only have one dream—and that’s to get better.”
“When my uncle was President, 2% of Americans had chronic disease.”
“Today, 60% of our children have Chronic disease.”
Feb 4 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
RFK Jr.’s nomination for HHS was just ADVANCED by the Senate Finance Committee!
But this is not over yet.
Here’s what you need to know to get RFK Jr. officially CONFIRMED by the Senate: 🧵
Now, it’s up to the Senate to confirm RFK Jr. once and for all.
Reminder to all Republican Senators: President Trump is personally calling on you to confirm RFK Jr.
Feb 4 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
🚨RFK Jr.’s first Senate Committee vote is tomorrow.
The media will spin the result in a desperate attempt to sink Kennedy’s nomination.
So here’s the TRUTH—Here’s EVERYTHING you need to know before tomorrow’s vote.
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If you missed RFK Jr.’s confirmation hearings last week, here are several KEY highlights:🧵
RFK Jr. says American kids are being POISONED by toxic ingredients in our food that Europeans banned years ago.
We put it to the test.
He’s right. Big Food sells real food to Europeans…
… and processed poison to Americans.
Let’s compare US food (left) to UK food (right).
Notably, many foods allowed in the US don’t even make it onto UK shelves due to banned dyes and harmful ingredients.
For example, the US cereal aisles are four times larger, packed with options loaded with harmful additives targeting kids, unlike in the UK.
Jan 8 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
Democrats just took the lawfare against RFK Jr. to a whole new level.
A Democrat-aligned group now accuses Kennedy of “felony election fraud.”
This is undemocratic and unAmerican.
For 2 YEARS now, the DNC has waged lawfare trying to take down RFK and MAHA.
RFK Jr. warned the DNC in July that they made a “strategic mistake” shutting him out of the party primary.
Before MAHA or RFK’s Independent campaign, the DNC shut down their primary process to lock him out of challenging Biden.
“They changed the primary rules while we were running the primary.”
“They changed 60 different rules to make it impossible for anybody to challenge Joe Biden.”
“I’d been campaigning in New Hampshire, so they adopted a rule that said that any Democratic candidate who steps foot into the state of New Hampshire, all of their votes would go to the President, all of their delegates would go to the President.”
“They shut down the Florida primary, they shut down a bunch of primaries.”
“I haven’t been allowed on any of the Democratic networks. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN.”
Jan 2 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
Senator John Fetterman has a message for RFK Jr:
Some Democrats are “EAGER” to work with him to Make America Healthy Again.
THREE other Senate Democrats have publicly said they want to work with RFK and MAHA.
Here’s what they said:🧵
First—It’s not just Senate Democrats showing public support for MAHA.
Colorado Governor Jared Polis and NYC Mayor Eric Adams, both Democrats, expressed optimism about MAHA since Trump named RFK Jr. to lead HHS.
But it is the Senators who must vote to confirm RFK Jr. and enable him to implement the MAHA agenda.
51 Senators must vote YES for Kennedy to be confirmed.
Thus far, 4 Senate Democrats have expressed public support for MAHA and interest in voting YES to confirm RFK Jr.
Dec 28, 2024 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
CNN just revealed the truth about RFK Jr. and MAHA on live TV.
They interviewed a mom who SAVED her kids from autoimmune issues and allergies by growing her own food.
Then they asked if she felt like a ‘conspiracy theorist’—so she EXPOSED the real conspiracy for them.
CNN Correspondent Meena Duerson visited Zen Honeycutt on her family farm.
Honeycutt: “My kids can now eat eggs from our chickens and milk from our goats—even though they used to have those allergies.”
“That just goes to show you that it’s not the food, it’s what’s been done to the food.”
Dec 26, 2024 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
🚨 Nicole Shanahan is sounding the alarm about a PSYOP to create a new pandemic and crush raw milk.
“Bill Gates funded research into the bird flu jumping from animals to humans.”
“Moderna already pre-purchased $176 million worth of human vaccines.”
Here’s the full story:🧵
Nicole Shanahan invited Raw Farm CEO Mark McAfee to discuss the media’s hysteria about H5N1 and raw milk and Gavin Newsom’s “ridiculous” state of emergency order.
Shanahan: “You volunteered to recall some of your product. The media then lied and said that it was recalled, but it was a voluntary one.”
Dec 16, 2024 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
Trump just dismantled the lies about RFK Jr. and vaccines on live TV.
No—RFK is not going to take away your vaccines.
Yes—RFK is going to find out the truth of the chronic disease crisis.
Watch this incredible exchange:🧵
REPORTER: “Do you believe there's a connection between vaccines and autism?”
TRUMP: “Look, right now, you have some very brilliant people looking at it.
I had dinner the other night with the head of Pfizer, the head of Eli Lilly, and, RFK, as you know, and Oz … If you look at autism 30 years ago, I've heard numbers of like 1 in 200,000, 1 in 100,000. Now, I'm hearing numbers of 1 in 100.
So something's wrong. There's something wrong, and we're gonna find out about it.”
Dec 15, 2024 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
Instagram just CENSORED our post with @calleymeans as “False Information.”
But their “fact check” is wrong. ❌
Thanks to 𝕏, we can EXPOSE this censorship and tell you the TRUTH that Instagram won’t let you see:🧵
Calley Means posted on 𝕏 that RFK Jr. is “saying one thing and one thing only about vaccines.”
“That they should be studied like any other pharmaceutical product.”
We shared his post to our Instagram on “See why fact checkers say this is false” provides you with a link to a Lead Stories article.
Dec 6, 2024 • 12 tweets • 9 min read
MAHA is breaking through.
Biden’s FDA chief was GRILLED in a Senate hearing today over artificial food dyes, the obesity and diabetes crises, and the corrupt food industry.
He had a SHOCKING moment of moral clarity about his own role in this crisis.
Here are 10 KEY MOMENTS:🧵
“An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.”
Sen. Bernie Sanders opened the hearing by laying out a full picture of the crisis we face: “We have a major obesity epidemic as well as an epidemic in diabetes.”
“They are both directly related and they are getting worse … and the cost of treating these illnesses is staggering.”
“According to the American Diabetes Association, the total cost of diabetes in the United States was nearly $413 billion, up 27% over the past six years.”
“That is an unbelievable and unsustainable amount of money.”
“Some 90% of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. These two epidemics go hand in hand. The time is long overdue for us to pose some very simple questions.”
Dec 5, 2024 • 20 tweets • 10 min read
The case for Democratic Senators to vote YES to confirm Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as HHS Secretary:🧵
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Send it to your Democratic Senators.
We have a ONCE-IN-A-GENERATION chance to save the health and soul of America. 🇺🇸
Leading Democrats are expressing optimism about key parts of RFK Jr.’s MAHA agenda.
Here’s why:🧵
Dec 3, 2024 • 19 tweets • 9 min read
RFK Jr. will not ban fast food.
RFK Jr. will not ban your favorite snacks.
Very few people truly grasp how deep the rot of corruption in our food system goes.
Here is what RFK Jr. will actually do to unravel corruption in our food system as President Trump’s HHS Secretary:🧵
President-elect Trump has asked Kennedy to lead a measurable reduction in chronic disease as his HHS Secretary within 2 years.
The Make America Healthy Again plan does not include taking away your access to fast food.
MAHA wants to root out corruption, perverse incentives, and conflicts of interest that have allowed countless toxic ingredients into our food supply.
European countries have cut these toxic ingredients out of their foods, and fast food still exists and thrives.
Dec 2, 2024 • 16 tweets • 8 min read
RFK Jr. is not anti-vaccine.
RFK Jr. does not want to ban vaccines.
We collected 12 videos that reveal Kennedy’s REAL position on vaccines.
Here is what RFK Jr. actually wants to do about vaccines as President Trump’s HHS Secretary:🧵
RFK Jr. explains his stance on vaccines as plainly as possible:
“If you want a vaccine, you ought to be able to get a vaccine.”
“But you ought to know the safety profile and the risk profile and the efficacy of that vaccine.”
“That’s it.”
Nov 30, 2024 • 17 tweets • 5 min read
Why MAHA is the most important movement in American politics today:🧵
The MAHA message reached Americans that Democrats and Republicans alike could not reach on their own.
This poll from a month before the election showed that MAHA was delivering Trump a CRITICAL boost in the swing states.
Kennedy’s presence in the swing states in the final weeks of the campaign plus multiple MAHA ground game initiatives delivered a clear and critical boost for Trump.
Nov 22, 2024 • 12 tweets • 5 min read
61 years ago today, JFK was assassinated.
Take a moment to remember his legacy with us:🧵
JFK: “This country cannot afford to be materially rich and spiritually poor.”