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A2B | Emerging Technologies | Web3 | Blockchain | AI | DeFi | Inventor | Event Producer | Process Optimization | Brand Strategy
May 1 5 tweets 1 min read
This is ABSOLUTELY the most beautiful and articulate TAKE DOWN of a corrupt POS I've ever read.

If @joerogan
@rustyrockets @shellenberger

And anyone with a following don't pursue this then… They too simply prove they are captured.

@PierreKory @BretWeinstein are you going to WTFU or stand by this utter criminal.

Sue me Bob! I want to have a case thrown out too! And counter sue you for damages.

Can we ease start exposing the criminal mouthpieces of "COVID !
Apr 29 25 tweets 8 min read
So @DowdEdward a former BlackRock executive who "detected fraud" on behalf of BlackRock and is a self-proclaimed #Oracle," has spent the last 3 years telling us just how many of us are dying, almost like he's keeping score publicly FOR BlackRock. As if 150 deaths isn't enough.

#IndoctrinatedAcademics have become #WeaponizedAssets through #ControlledOpposition strategies, evidenced by their refusal to join together (which #TheEnemy cannot allow at any cost) and organize a #ResistanceMovement and #DigitalRevolution. If I could speak with @DesmetMattias
Apr 24 9 tweets 2 min read
@DesmetMattias you just identified who you and all of the other #GoodDoctors are. Behaving uniformly in an abnormal world while maintaining the facade of individualism.

Why did Huxley ONLY write a book and remain individual? I say it is because like you he was afraid to come together with his fellow man in a uniform resistance while pointing his finger at everyone else as if somehow he was normal.

He was not and neither are you!

I will sign a NDA and speak with you privately to point out where you are missing the mark. i don't NEED to be right I
Apr 24 6 tweets 2 min read
Oh the irony.

#AmericaIsBurning BECAUSE it was burning under the #RedParty, so "we" voted for the #BlueParty and #TheDumpsterFire just got worse. Vote for the #RedParty in November and the #RedParty will throw THEIR fuel on the fire. #VoteBlue and the fires will rage on. Image #VoteForKennedy @Team_Kennedy24 and you'll watch as BOTH #RedAndBlue blame US, #Independents for whoever loses as ONE OF THEM WINS! And we get screwed again.

If Bobby can't get @Kennedy24NJ and @kennedy24calif and @Kennedy24TX and @KennedyAll50States to #UniteAsOne we're done!
Apr 24 6 tweets 2 min read
Interesting to witness the #UntilItHappensToMe crowd react to things the rest of us deal w/ b/c of them.

I supported these "heroes" 3 years ago and it's cost me ever since.

Try and talk to them about organizing and speaking with one voice so we can actually win and you get 🦗🦗
Image @stkirsch @PierreKory @RWMaloneMD @P_McCulloughMD @DowdEdward your gonna get what you deserve for pissin' on the rest of us and making this about you. It'ss why we will lose our country. YOU can't or won't organize a movement when it's blatantly obvious WE could @RobertKennedyJr!
Apr 23 5 tweets 1 min read
🚨 BREAKING NEWS! Dr. Bailey does what I have been asking the #HairOnFire #NoVirus crowd to provide for a year now.

#NoVirusExists he explains logically why people have symptoms and it aligns with the actual science, not made up science over a century.… @SoRandom67 Watch this video☝️starting at 24 minutes and listen to what Dr. Mark Bailey has to say about why viruses don't actually exist.

Once we understand what happened more than 100 years ago and how it just continued to be perpetrated for profit, you can't UNKNOW it - one
Apr 23 6 tweets 2 min read
Anyone who still thinks viruses even exists needs to see this video starting at 24 minutes. The doctor explained what @PierreKory @P_McCulloughMD @stkirsch and so many others refuse to learn. These men don't want to DO THEIR SWORN OATH and #FirstDoNoHarm they want to make 💰💰 while seeking recognition for being "#GoodDoctors," but Pete, Pierre, Steve a good doctor would KNOW what I know - and I'm not a doctor.

@GVDBossche anyone in your poistion that refuses to validate or debunk these claims is liable and an accomplice to the #CrimesAgainstHumanity
Apr 22 5 tweets 2 min read
Now imagine if @RobertKennedyJr took the top 30-50 #KitchenTableIssues and gave us a single meme for each one.

I'll release #ClassifiedDocumentsFor911 and #TheKennedyAssasinations.

I'll #ArrestAndProsecute Fauci, Collins and Offit.

This is why he will lose! @KarenLorre
Image He is doing what every losing candidate before him did. We are literally in the throes of a former president saying the election was stolen. #Her stole the primaries from Bernie #HangingChadGore? #RossPerot WON but lost!

We're doomed to repeat it b/c we refuse to learn from it!
Apr 4 14 tweets 4 min read
This is from @P_McCulloughMD and it is a prime example of the reason doctors are failing us so miserably. They don't know what they don't know. Millions have known what Peter is JUST NOW finding out about in horror - now he is going to focus on a way to seek money and recognition Image He's likely a good man, although I wouldn't know after he blocked me for speaking truth to him. He had no idea about vaccines and NEVER had a single social media account until Covid hit - I have the receipts. I told him if he pursued his desired path he WOULD BE SUED. He was sued Image
Mar 27 11 tweets 3 min read

I'm more "plugged-in" to the "news" than 90% of Americans and this is the first I've ever heard of Nicole.

@RobertKennedyJr you've got less than 6 months to build name-recognition, establish trust, and get 85M people to force the two of you into the WH and you just proved you don't want to win the election, you either just want to gain recognition and rattle some cages or you've been captured and they made you choose a no-name.

Something stinks and again, either way, you, just shot yourself in the foot, so there's one boot you won't have on
Oct 30, 2023 21 tweets 6 min read
Ask virtually any doctor what they know about cymatics, (the study of visible sound), about vibrations, frequencies and energy, as it relaes to health and you'll get a deer in the headlights stare.

So exactly what are they learning OR not learning in

our universities?

Not much apparently.

Not only is ancient and "old" knowledge being hidden from the masses but doctors are "taught" to sell drugs to mask ailments created by the very institutions where they are indoctrinated, and not much else. @PierreKory has done nothing
Oct 27, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
#SoundingTheAlarm is so 19th Century.

The 19th Century called and said they'd like their alarm back.

Hey @BretWeinstein Dr. Walter Hadwen's on the line and would like a word with you. He said something about bringing you up to speed, reading his book and a missing alarm?

#GoodDoctors have been #SoundingTheAlarm since the 1800's and beyond.

Fast forward to 2024 and tell me how that's working out @BretWeinstein @PierreKory @stkirsch @RobertKennedyJr @JesslovesMJK @joerogan @TulsiGabbard @P_McCulloughMD @RWMaloneMD @drcole12 @GeorgeFareed2
Oct 27, 2023 32 tweets 9 min read
@Charlie40074981 @NickHudsonCT True. Covid wasn't deadly enough, but in America it did fool 222M innocent and trusting souls to follow along with illegal lockdowns, masks and other coercive measures like hotdogs, beer and lotto tickets for injecting one's self.

Add to that the MSM false narrative and badaboom Image @Charlie40074981 @NickHudsonCT badabing, you've got yourself the fear-mongering tools to mandate, intimidate and otherwise force people to inject an experimental mRNA gene editing drugthat goes directly into the bloodstream, crosses the blood brain barrier and wreaks havoc like a ticking timebomb. And the
Oct 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
And yet you and others actually pretend to believe that somehow they, (the enemy) are going to allow you to win the popular vote as an Independent and then move into the White House.

No one can address that issue and for that reason it makes your campaign disingenuous. You MUST change the course of history by BEING our president now and leading TODAY.

You don't see that as a possibility and I'm here to tell you not only is it possible it is required.

If you are going to be a martyr do so historically, not just going through the motions of the
Oct 3, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
So these systems #TFH have failed in India, right? Are you saying their failed system of government is the model you prescribe we use here because the "universe" demands it? The engineering world won't work in government and the scientific methodology IS failing us miserably. Since everyone is the "Spawn of Satan and 535 members of Congress are no better, how will you and who will you replace Congress with if elected?

See the issue is no candidate is thinking big picture. Take yourself out of the equation and start with the desired result, which
Oct 3, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Sounds like Trump saying "I know the system is rigged against Americans, because I abuse it too."

@TulsiGabbard is just confirming what we already know. We are RULED not governed by a #UniParty system of government that just keeps lowering the bar.

Well, THEY did it! We either replace government in a wholesale fashion or we will never see Democracy return.

In fact, I haven't experienced Democracy in my 62 years. We are all born into a lie. And it takes 40 years to figure out - BY DESIGN. By then parents are saying let our youth fight the
Oct 3, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
You just lost 11M @JoeRogan followers as voters. They're gonna say I don't want "some priviledged Indian," who thinks because he started poor, created email, (like that wouldn't have happened w/o him) and has 4 useless degrees that he can insult the masses and win an election. Talk about a buffoon, your insulting people who were JUST LIKE YOU when you were barefoot and living in squalor in India, shittin' in the streets, give it a rest or get a bigger shovel and get it over with already. Your parroted messaging is old, tired and hateful AF! And I have
Oct 3, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
As a man who came from India can #TheShiv even be president.

First, he has accomplished nothing. Alienating virtually every voter that he might otherwise appeal to by insulting EVERYONE. He sounds like Trump, I ALONE can do this, "TRUST ME or FUCK OFF! LOSER."

va_shiva Just saying what we all know and want to hear isn't enough. You have to show humitlity to THE PEOPLE and you don't do that by insulting them for choosing between nothing but bad choices.

He is making himself out to be just one more bad choice. We want to love and we can fight
Oct 3, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
At least this way the world will have no question to prosecute if you can ever get the ball across the goal line to #Nuremberg2 I have my doubts that will ever happen if we can't move the word in unison and lockstep.

Arm and arm digitally in lockstep every day we must
Image AS THE MASSES wage a cultural war.

I called it a #Synchronized HumanMurmuration when i spoke to @P_McCullougMD in 2021. He didn't like the idea of leading from behind and not putting a targe on his back, so now he's being drained through 2 lawsuits and having his
Oct 1, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
So effectively, as a "brown" man, whether intended or not, you just alienated the masses who will read this as a racist statement, proving YOU see color, you left our yellow, red, and brown minorities out and tried to make this a B&W issue. You just prove 4 degrees means nothing! You lack #EmotionalIntelligence.

When you want to sell a home, you don't paint the walls red, blue, green etc., you paint them a neutral color so it appeals to the most people. Same goes for campaigning, you have to appeal to the widest audience. At that you FAIL miserably.
Sep 29, 2023 24 tweets 7 min read
@stkirsch And for the record Steve, I didn't say you WERE cashing in, I said you are trying to monetize a following and earn money instead of actually doing anything that would mount a counter offensive to the crimes being committed over decades. It's a losing strategy in this war, is all. @stkirsch "Who would pay $5 to watch me debate?"

There are better, more valuable ways to 1. FORCE honest candidates into government. And 2. mobilize millions of Americans to "our" cause on a daily basis. You're a smart guy with money, why not invest in Americans who see your blindspots?