Andrew Weissmann (weissmann11 on Threads/Insta)🌻 Profile picture
Co-host of @MSNBC podcast "Prosecuting Donald Trump;” author of 2 NYT bestsellers "The Trump Indictments" and "Where Law Ends: Inside the Mueller Investigation”
43 subscribers
May 28, 2024 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
Steinglass points out that Trump summation embrace of Pecker is odd: as his testimony sinks Trump on the election conspiracy. And "his testimony is utterly devastating." Steinglass that Pecker joins others who have no motive to hurt Trump: Hicks, Graff, Westerhaut... Steinglass talks about the smeering of Stormy Daniels, demonizing her. Her testimony was cringeworthy, but those details ring true. The defendant knew what happened and that reinforced his motive to suppress it. "Stormy Daniels is the motive." "Trump would not pay $260,000 to suppress a photo of someone on a golf course."
May 28, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Notes from 100 Centre St: Blanche says Trump is innocent, and you should want more than Cohen and Daniels and Davidson. Nothing said about Pecker or Hicks, notably. Blanche says this is a paper case, which is a very odd tack to take, as that is what the state will argue given the paper trail.
Nov 18, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Worth noting about the leading Republican candidate: The Colorado judge found that Trump engaged in insurrection & intended the J6 violence, and his defense witness, Kash Patel, was not credible when he claimed Trump called up 10,000 National Guard. The court noted specific examples of Trump's lengthy history of promoting violence by his supporters: e.g. violence is "very, very appropriate" and "we need a little bit more" of it.
Sep 25, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
It is a felony for Trump to "receive" a firearm that has travelled in interstate commerce (the latter requirement is almost always satisfied as it just means the gun at some point after manufacture went from one state to another prior to the receipt). 18 USC 922(n). So this photo is proof of the crime: he is in receipt.…
Aug 8, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
To understand Judge Cannon latest legal issues, here are some Venue/Grand Jury basics.
Grand Jury:
-you cannot use a grand jury to obtain evidence for a trial; it must be used to investigate new crimes or new people.
-in a widespread scheme, that is easy to satisfy, cont.
-Not all people and crimes are typically indicted at once, so the grand jury can continue to investigate. This is common practice.
-a grand jury can investigate crimes over which it may have jurisdiction.
-a grand jury does not always know in advance:
Apr 6, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
How do you get a false business filing to be a felony and not a misdemeanor? If it is intended to further or cover up another crime.
- need the other crime be a felony? NO
- need the state charge and prove the other crime? NO

1/many - need the state only prove the defendant intended the other crime? YES
- need the other crime be a NY state crime? UNCLEAR- to be litigated
- Are there many possible other crimes that seem to fit? YES
-Other crime possibility #1:
Mar 30, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
This may suggest Weisselberg may be charged by DA and he fired counsel for not anticipating this in his guilty plea in October 2022. See…
Feb 16, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The Fulton grand jury redacted report:… The grand jury finds that at there was "no widespread" election fraud in the State of Georgia. Not a good omen for Trump & co; the next shoe to drop will be Willis's.
Nov 22, 2022 • 19 tweets • 2 min read
So far: softball questions to the govt lawyer (who is excellent) mostly about the proper way for the court to rule in govt's favor. And now Jim Trusty is up for Trump.
Oct 7, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
The problem with the DOJ staffing on the MAL case (at least what is visible) is the lead attorney is trained to think of DOJ’s role as negotiating compliance with the law after the person is discovered to be in violation vs indicting the person to promote compliance with the law. The same group did no criminal investigation into Manafort’s FARA violations for 8 months, but negotiated with his counsel for 8 months to have him file FARA disclosure forms after years of violating that law.
Oct 6, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
@charlie_savage tweeted that Trump "filed" in Palm Beach, but the support he cites is a form that only says that is where the case arose. The docket reflects that the case was filed physically in Ft Pierce, where Cannon is the only judge.⬇️
Could the 4th estate PLEASE get to the bottom of this. Qs: Where was case filed? Why was it filed physically and not electronically? What did Ft Pierce clerk do with the physical filing? Did the random "wheel" include just one judge from that district- Canon? etc...
Sep 3, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
⬇️ The below tweet is right. Presidential Records Act says presidential records do not include docs from agencies like CIA, DOD (NSA is component, and DOJ (FBI is component). Missing an end parenthesis ) after the first use of “component”
Sep 3, 2022 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Breaking: Opening statement at FLA hearing by Trump counsel abandons defense that docs were all planted, admitting that case is largely about govt papers in Trump’s possession. Trump counsel: what was found is what you would expect if you packed "in a hurry."
Was Trump in a hurry for 18 months thereafter? And in a hurry when he lied and said he returned everything?
Sep 1, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Holy cow: new DC obstruction charges against lawyer in a "non-speaking" indictment, so hard to tell what she specifically did. But Bobb and Corcoran are surely taking note!

Oath Keepers lawyer Kellye SoRelle charged in Jan. 6 conspiracy case… Odd that they did not also charge section 1519, newer and improved obstruction charge, post Enron.
Sep 1, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Govt mistake?
The May Grand Jury subpoena solely asked for docs with classification markings, not all govt docs. The later August SW rightly included both, but only at MAL. What about gov docs elsewhere, like Bedminster? And 641 crime makes clear Trump has no right to such docs. Gov shd issue another, broader grand jury subpoena now to cover all gov docs, wherever located, in Trump’s possession custody or control.
Aug 31, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Gov summation in Trump prosecution:
Of course Trump knew he had govt docs, that were classified at highest level, and lied about that to govt to hide it. Consider:
- the 18 month length of time he held these docs
-the volume - 26 boxes in total
-the location of the docs, ... including in his own office
-the docs were found among his own personal items, like his passports
-the types of docs; we are not talking about scraps of unimportant papers; these are docs about the govt's top secrets
- the evidence that shows consciousness of guilt, including...
Aug 26, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Catchy scandal name needed:

Box a lago
Docs a lago

????? there has to be something better. Cheeto-gate? (from a friend.)
Aug 20, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
“Your Honor: the FBI planted evidence at my hotel-residence during a search you authorized. (Just trust me on that). I’d like a Special Master appointed as they planted privileged communications between me and my shitty lawyers who didn’t think to make this motion for two weeks.” “And they said they were looking for top secret docs and, lo and behold, that’s what they say they “found.” But I outfoxed them: While president, I declassified all gov docs I thought they might plant, but didn’t tell anyone.”
Aug 19, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1/2 Trump SW-The debate on whether declassification shd matter is focusing on the wrong issue. There is no question the crim statutes don’t require material to be classified. But classification is a factor DOJ uses to decide whether to charge. But here that shd not be the case. 2/2 The nature of the TS SCI docs, and the risks of disclosure of TS SCI info, were identical the moment prior to Trump walking out with them as the moment after - even on the (incorrect) assumption his taking them rendered them declassified.
Aug 18, 2022 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
1/2 Whoa - the Weisselberg plea transcript, pp 27/8, shows that Weisselberg previously was immunized, presumably by the SDNY. The court references that in connection with giving up his right to challenge the state indictment based on any use of his immunized testimony. 2/2 Lots of qs. Did Weisselberg lie in his immunized testimony? Cd he now be charged with that federally? If state has the transcript, it will need to be given to Trump Org if the state calls Weisselberg at the Trump Org trial on 10/24.
Jul 27, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1/ Not to take anything away from AG Garland's strong statement yesterday about future intentions (which is truly important), but there is a lot left unanswered. True enough that investigations of this sort take time, but here are important questions: 2/ Leaving aside the people working on the 1/6 rioters case, how many people are assigned to Trump investigation? Is there an open case on Trump or just that his "actions" were asked about (as WashPo so carefully noted yesterday)?