Anne WOMEN LIFE FREEDOM Profile picture
Wumman O' Independent mind. #CND #FOE. #ProtectNHS# Lefty feminist & pacifist who hates injustice #Interested in Social Justice. Retweets not all endorsements
GOATFACE Profile picture 1 subscribed
Sep 8 11 tweets 2 min read
Reading about the woman in France raped by 90 men, the woman in Poland kept as a sex slave, the women in Afghanistan not allowed to speak in public, the constant, never ending harassment of women all over the world has infuriated me. 1/ My pinned post talked of how too many men see us as orifices for their penises, not as equal human beingsdeserving of respect. 2/
Aug 20 12 tweets 2 min read
..Following yesterday's thread.
I'm old enough to remember PIE. Paedophile Information Exchange.
A group formed on Britain in the 1970s. 1/ PIE (such a cosy sounding name) was '"set up to allow children to explore sex'...only it wasn't.
Cutting through the fancy words it was set up to allow men to have sex with children. 2/
Aug 19 17 tweets 2 min read
The Rochdale grooming gang, Jimmy Saville, Operation Yewtree, the White grooming gang, EDL paedophiles, all have 2 things in common. 1/ Firstly, they were men. Men who somehow thought of women and children as mere orifices to stick their penises in.
Men who didn't think of their victims as equal to them, or worthy of respect. 2/
Apr 13, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
Thread re a Disabled young Woman and Gender Identity Thugs.
1/ Gender Identity Thugs have forced a severely disabled young woman off twitter.
Here's what they did 1/ Henrietta is so severely disabled she relies on carers to do absolutely Everything for her, including intimate body care.
She is also non verbal.
Sep 4, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Just some of the illnesses that can develop when living in a cold house for a long period.
Info from NHS, NICE, Centre for Sustainable Energy, UK Government and others..1/ As well as developing
Increased blood pressure
Heart Attacks
Sleep deprivation
Mental illness
CIrculation problems,
Sep 4, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
I have been seeing many of my generation (1950s) uttering statements like "We had it hard and didn't complain,"
"We had freezing houses coats on the bed and survived"
"This generation are soft, lazy, want everything for free"
Yes we had it hard, yes we had frost on our windows, coats on our bed and went without.
However is *that what you want for our children and grandchildren?
Shouldn't they expect better in a so called wealthy society? 2/
Jun 7, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read
Do you believe the Police are Progressive?Do you believe GCHQ is Progressive?
Why do I ask?
Police are busy draping themselves in Trans flags, claiming to support "Diversity"
The same Police who have been found guilty of corruption, racism, homophobia, misogyny..The same Police who were found to have a large number of Domestic Violence abusers in their midst. 2/
Apr 8, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Thread about poverty

We recently took our grandsons to some lovely theme parks where they played happily all day, saw wee animals, had a nice lunch and had an absolute ball..
There was one big problem..The cost..1/ One ended up costing £80 for a family.of four..2 kids 2 adults...that is not counting the food. 2/