Aaron Orendorff Profile picture
VP Growth FERMÀT | Prev. Editor in Chief @ShopifyPlus, VP Marketing @CommnThreadCo + @Recartapp ... @MacCoyMerkley says I’m a “touch above so, so”
William Laurienti Profile picture nt Profile picture erdener Profile picture afs Profile picture dragondelis 🇺🇦 Profile picture 7 subscribed
Sep 25, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Want to see what …

- Long-form
- PR + SEO driving
- Ecommerce content

… looks like?

@KURUFootwear always brings the content x commerce heat. It’s latest on AI shoes (state-by-state) is so freaking good 🔥

But it’s far from a one-off, stand-alone drop … footnotes ⤵️

Jun 2, 2023 7 tweets 8 min read
Speaking of “gold” …

Nerve-wracking honor. Why? Because @finn_radford’s behind some of the biggest shows in ecommerce.

Also, I’m a straight-up fanboy.

Not lipservice. Top-five, must-listen, right-now @ecomgoldpodcast 🏆 5️⃣ @JasonPanzer, President of @hexclad

Can’t get enough “Panzerisms” from @9operators — which Finn produces. Me neither.

- apple.co/3qmmwsW
- spoti.fi/3MQwxpT Image
May 9, 2023 24 tweets 7 min read
If you have content worth discovering … please read this.

Keys to unlock organic growth:

1️⃣ Originality + accessibility
2️⃣ Capture (existing) demand
3️⃣ Technical SEO checklist

Skip to the third if you’re an ecommerce brand. Alternative hook 🤓

How I tricked @futurecommerce’s @philwinkle & @brianjlange into paying me $20k for appearing on a single podcast. Image
Jan 25, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
You’re spending too much on retention.

Edit 🤬 You’re spending too much time, energy & money on s***** retention strategies. Why? Because once you’ve nailed the fundamentals — meaning, email + SMS automation …

Most of us end up pushing harder and harder on smaller and smaller levers.
Jan 23, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
You’re marketing wrong if people call your marketing great. Why?

Because buying an emotional act not a logical one.

And so is every steps that leads it.
Nov 11, 2022 28 tweets 20 min read
5 Reasons I Decided to Join a Company I’d Never Heard Of

Or … the biggest bet of my marketing career 😬 ‘cause the headwinds are pounding + everybody’s bigger than us. First things first, I’m thrilled to finally announce my position as Head of Marketing at @Recartapp, an SMS platform for @Shopify businesses.

recart.com/shopify-sms-app Image
Nov 10, 2022 11 tweets 1 min read
I reviewed the financials of DTC’s 1,000 fastest-growing brands, analyzed proprietary data from the four major credit cards, interviewed 329 executives, and read 291,336 words worth of academic reports …

Here are 10 Black Friday trends guaranteed to 25.1X your 2022 YoY sales🧵 1/

Consumers are price sensitive and really want good deals.
Oct 18, 2022 8 tweets 11 min read
5 marketing lessons from 5 (disgustingly good) threads.

- @itsonlydolz
- @claudiaclaurie
- @ericasmyname
- @banikaur1997
- @TraceWall

Plus, I guarantee you haven’t seen Claudia’s … it’s f****** brilliant. @itsonlydolz @claudiaclaurie @ericasmyname @banikaur1997 @TraceWall But first: “Really, Aaron? A thread of threads? Why?”

Because it’s the only alternative I’ve got to throwing up with jealousy at how good they are.

Plus, every single one of ‘em will make you a better marketer and Twitter(er)!
Oct 7, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
Had the distinct pleasure of consulting on this 🔥 project.

Here’s 5 reasons it matters.

None of which will add a single thing to your Black Friday prep … 1/

SMS marketing won’t make or break your holiday sales. What it should do is add incremental value to every click, visitor, and customer your campaigns drive.

That means you don’t need an “Ultimate” 50-page PDF.

So, that’s not what we made.

Sep 2, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Real talk … to win in B2B, SaaS, or agency content — i.e., to drive traffic, leads & revenue — you only need 10–15 pages organized into three types:

1️⃣ Center(s) of marketing gravity

2️⃣ Industry + trend reports

3️⃣ How-to guides Center(s) of marketing gravity

A single page per service exhaustively detailing …

• What you do
• How you do it
• Who you do it for

Seed (sprinkle) results, customers, and miniature case studies throughout each page.
Aug 24, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Best brand accounts that crush at marketing sh*tposting? For example …

- @triplewhale
- @workweekinc

And, to a growing degree, @Shopify

^^ Those sort of accounts
Aug 23, 2022 38 tweets 23 min read
30 email newsletters to help you become a better …

- Writer
- DTC Operator
- Retailer
- Marketer
- Thinker

Plus, 5 bonuses 🎁 and one Gmail cheat to keep your inbox under control 📧 ——

Become a better … writer.

📧 ——
Aug 5, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
Five resources to help you overcome ecommerce’s beastly headwinds

🧵 from macro to micro

SPOILER: 4 + 5 are pure, full-f******-tilt tactical fire 1/

At the macro-macro level, we’ve compiled a running list of 37 ecommerce stocks in our DTC Data Newsletter:


From their pandemic highs, total portfolio value has dropped …

Median: -77%
Weighted AVG: -31%
Weighted AVG w/o AMZ: -60%
Jul 4, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
The future belongs to brands who can blend a single story — not theirs, the story their audience already inhabits — across multiple “rented” channels and drive customers to owned locations: closed communities, consistently returning visitors + the almighty email list. Unfortunately, “story” is a dangerous word in marketing.

Especially in ecommerce where the transactional nature of most purchases makes frontloading the brand’s story a double-edged sword.
May 28, 2022 26 tweets 13 min read
12 ugly charts + 25 tweets for 1 beautiful lesson.

What happens when you turn off bad ad spend that isn’t bad … and how can you make sure you don’t? 1/

To start, everything below comes from our weekly ecommerce data newsletter: bit.ly/3LrggFj

Next month, we’ll be 3Xing the number of metrics (so, if you find this helpful, sign up).

In preparation, we discovered something unexpected.
May 24, 2022 12 tweets 15 min read
The ecommerce growth encyclopedia:

1️⃣ Calendar
2️⃣ Forecasting
3️⃣ Facebook
4️⃣ Creative
5️⃣ Google
6️⃣ YouTube
7️⃣ TikTok
8️⃣ Email + SMS
🔟 Influencers

BONUS: Accounting

Let’s go... 1/ Calendaring

@TaylorHoliday breaks down the lost art of the marketing calendar and the how moments outside of Q4 fuel year-round breakthroughs.

“An Ecommerce Marketing Calendar for Sustainable Growth with the Four-Peaks Theory”

May 22, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
After fighting my way through untold dashboards and spreadsheets these last few weeks, I’ve come to a momentousness epiphany about what it takes to grow an ecommerce business … Before I reveal it, I want you to know the level of mental exertion and emotional energy this took.

Without hyperbole, the path that led here has nearly undone me.
Apr 26, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Retention is not the new acquisition. Yes, whoever can front the most CAC while remaining profitable in cash-flow constricted timeframes … win.

And absolutely, retention (60–90 day LTV) fuels that.
Feb 23, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
Want a +43% conversion rate on your landing page?

Here’s exactly what we did: Five lessons on seven organic shares over two weeks to get 373 new subscribers …

@CommnThreadCo’s Ecommerce Data Newsletter ⤵️

content.commonthreadco.com/ecommerce-data… Image 1/ Custom beats generic by a marketing mile

2/ But generic ain’t bad — as long as it’s clear

3/ Timely relevance + what you’re already doing

4/ The sum of your shares is bigger than the parts

5/ Keep the momentum moving (but not at the cost of honesty)
Feb 21, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read

If you had a $10B problem, how much effort would you put into fixing it? That’s the projected cost of iOS 14.5 to Facebook this year, straight from its CFO.

Below: Data from ~250 stores. Then: three (warm) takes.

Here ⤵️ weekly data drops content.commonthreadco.com/ecommerce-data… Disclaimer: This is not financial advice; all data is (a) subject to change as we standardized our sample set, (b) meant to be directional only, and (c) taken from Statlas.io ~30% CTC clients.
Feb 11, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Marketing isn’t about sales. It’s about salvation.

- What hell does it save from?
- What heaven does it deliver?

Rule two (of ten) for creating the best f****** things on the internet: Find the drama

Here’s how step-by-step … Hell 👿

Brings the problem to nightmarish life: fear, frustration, failure. Heap numerical, emotional, or social consequences upon your audience. Expose them to the nightmarish reality they truly face.