Abhijeet Sinha Profile picture
Technocrat, Program Dir- Ease of Doing Business @EoDB_IN | Dir- @NHforEV | Previously: Banker, @VibrantGujarat, @IndianCAG, IMNCI, UIDAI & NPR Pilot projects
Jun 4, 2023 15 tweets 7 min read
Its People stooping in politics,
not KAVACH failing as Tech............. Thread 1/14

“I lost my father a week before and currently going through the feeling that any family member must be undergoing who lost their loved ones in the #BalasoreTrainAccident twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image "It hurts when overnight few ‘Modi Haters’ turned ‘Tech Experts’ stoop low in greed of opportunism & crush sympathy by airing various narratives that primarily suit their politics but fail to recognise action we need to take to stop such painful accidents forever in India.” 2/14 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…