Bureau chief Mexico, Central America & Caribbean @NYTimes. Formerly based in India, Mideast & Afghanistan. Gimme gimme hot news tips: maria.abihabib@nytimes.com
Aug 29, 2022 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
When Mexico’s president unveiled the Maya Train project, he promised it would boost the economy, link the south’s main cities & that “not a single tree” would be cut in the 2nd largest jungle in the Americas
But those promises haven’t been upheld. Thread: trib.al/VLLIhsY
Although the government says it conducted studies that show Train Maya will boost the economy and preserve southern Mexico’s ecology — home to endangered jaguars & a rainforest — the route and business model have changed so many times, those studies are no longer relevant. /2
Dec 13, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
1/ HILO:
El presidente de Haití tenía un expediente de narcotraficantes. Sus asesinos lo estaban buscando
nytimes.com/es/2021/12/13/…2/ Cuando los sicarios irrumpieron en la casa de Moïse, registraron su oficina en busca de un archivo. Averiguamos lo que buscaban: Moïse redactaba un expediente que delineaba las redes de contrabando de armas y drogas y los haitianos poderosos implicados. Iba a dárselo a EE. UU.
Aug 21, 2021 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
Investigators are focusing on whether the assassination of Haiti president Jovenel Moïse is related to the drug trade
Partly bc of who he surrounded himself with.
Scoop: Dimitri Herard, Moise's security chief, is a suspect in a DEA probe. Thread 1/ nytimes.com/2021/08/21/wor…
Haiti is believed to be the biggest destination for narcotics flowing from South America to the United States. Haitian police allegedly help narco-traffickers ferry those drugs across their borders, working with powerful Haitian business and political elites, NYT learned.