Abolitionists Rising 🌳🪓 Profile picture
Abolish Abortion to the Glory of God. Abolitionist, Not Pro-Life. #AbolitionistsRising
Feb 26 13 tweets 5 min read
1/ Too many Christians are filling their heads while neglecting their hands. Conferences are full. The streets are empty. America is drowning in blood, and we’re sitting in air-conditioned rooms taking notes. It’s time for missions, not just meetings. Image 2/ Abortion persists in America not just because of pro-aborts, but because of Christian apathy. Pastors won’t preach, churches won’t act, and pro-life leaders regulate what they should be abolishing. Image
Aug 9, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
How to poison a movement: compromise. 🧵

There is nothing more poisonous than compromise when it comes to achieving the goals of a movement. Here are 6 ways compromise works to destroy your efforts. 1. Compromise shows inconsistency.

Back when I (Sam) was in the pro-life movement, I watched a GOP legislator argue for a heartbeat bill against pro-abortion lobbyists. They blasted holes in every argument because there was nothing grounding them. He was arguing for an arbitrary
Aug 7, 2024 11 tweets 6 min read
The truth about Dobbs 🧵


Much ink (or pixels) has been spilled (typed) discussing and dissecting Dobbs. The vast majority of the discourse has been either glowing praise of Dobbs or pro-abortion condemnation. But was Dobbs objectively good? Image 2/

To answer that question, we need to define what role the supreme court plays.

Article III of the Constitution says, "The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution"

They cannot just make things up. Their decisions must be constitutional or in line with federal law. They do not make law, they interpret law.Image
Jul 30, 2024 19 tweets 7 min read
Prophets vs false prophets 🧵

In scripture, we have the example of prophets and false prophets. A prophet did not exclusively tell the future. Much of what they did was warn rebellious people about their sins, both those they tolerated and those they committed. Image For this, prophets were despised and killed and false prophets were their favored replacements because their news was good.

"They say to the seers, ‘See no more visions!’ and to the prophets, ‘Give us no more visions of what is right! Tell us pleasant things, prophesy illusions’"Image
Jan 18, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
🧵Abolitionist Senator @DustyDeevers has taken aim at the idols of Oklahoma and filed all 9 of his bills for the 2024 session. This thread will detail all 9.

His first bill was SB1729, the Abolition of Abortion Act.

Full thread on that bill:👇(1/12)
The second is SB1825, a bill that to establish that the penalty for a willful false accusation is whatever the penalty is for the crime you falsely accused someone of is. Right now, the penalty is a misdemeanor. (See Deu 19:16-19.)

Full bill:👇(2/12) webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/cf_pdf/2023-24…
Nov 15, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
🧵While NC and KY Baptists recently affirmed abolition resolutions, Louisiana Baptists rejected it. Get a load of these OUTRAGEOUS, anti-abolition testimonies against @BrianGunter1689's motion to bring the abolition resolution to the floor. First up, @fieldthigpen. (1/17) This pastor and Resolutions Committee member says "We would have no set of parameters in the legal system" to deal with co-conspirators. Where on earth do they get this stuff? Every state has laws dealing with co-conspirators to crimes. (2/17)
Oct 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵In yesterday's speech, Speaker Mike Johnson spoke about God's sovereignty. God is also sovereign over timing. In His timing, well-produced content that's been in the works for months will be released soon about what Johnson did to keep abortion legal in LA last year. (1/7) Image For those who've been following popular narratives around Johnson, this news may surprise you. You may have seen that he was a lawyer for Alliance Defending Freedom, a leading pro-life legal group, and that he has an A+ rating from Susan B Anthony List. (2/7) Image
Sep 25, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
🧵Yesterday, Live Action awarded Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt as the "Life Awardee" of the year for "outlawing abortion in the state of Oklahoma." Let's talk about what @GovStitt has done and then about what this says about @LiveAction. (1/12)

If mothers are immune from penalties, they are free to induce their own abortion. Stitt said it's "just preposterous" that a woman would be prosecuted for murdering her child. Stitt opposes our abolition bill and supports self-managed abortion. (2/12) koco.com/article/gov-ke…
Sep 1, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
🧵A few thoughts on this case. First, the defendants are being railroaded. DC Mayor and sociopath Muriel Bowser accused defendant Lauren Handy of "tampering with fetal remains" for taking murdered children out of a dumpster. The politicians involved are evil beyond measure. (1/8) That the five defendants are being prosecuted for "conspiracy against rights" is instance #715,483,094 of us being a society that calls evil good and good evil. The defendants have committed no evil, nor violated any actual law. (2/8)
Jun 15, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
🧵Why Abortion Remains Legal in Every State: An SBC Case Study

The first abolitionist resolution was at the 2021 #SBC annual meeting. The Resolutions Committee declined it, but the messengers voted overwhelmingly to bring it to the floor over Nathan Finn's objections. (1/16) Image I was in the room and would estimate that 85-90% of the messengers voted to override the committee. In years of observing SBC annual meetings, I have never seen the platform overruled by the messengers by such an overwhelming margin. (2/16)
Jun 14, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
🧵A fantastic case study of the stupidity of incrementalism.

Pressure is building on SBC Executive Committee to support the Mike Law amendment which would establish that the SBC doesn't allow female "pastors." But SBC leaders don't want the amendment. They want a big tent.(1/10) But pressure is building. They have to do something! So they remove a handful of the hundreds of egalitarian SBC churches to try to take the wind out of the sails of the conservative forces who are trying to pass the Mike Law amendment. (2/10)
Jun 13, 2023 20 tweets 14 min read
🧵The Abolitionist Movement is at the SBC Annual Meeting once again! This will be a running thread of Tuesday's events which relate to abolitionism. Image As background, our resolution was not submitted by the usual means this year because of an error on the SBC submission website. They said resolutions were due by May 30th when resolutions were actually due May 29th.
May 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
🧵The ERLC springs to action for a pro-life bill that will likely save 0 lives, and springs to action to oppose bills that would abolish abortion. (1/5) This is politics 101. Look like you're doing something (passing do-nothing pro-life laws) while working to make sure that nothing actually changes (opposing abolition). @bradleywpierce spoke on this at the 2021 Abolition Now Conference. (2/5)
Apr 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Separation of Church and State? Absolutely.

Separation of God and State? Impossible. (1/6) Image The Church and State are two separate spheres/jurisdictions. The Church preaches the Word, administers ordinances, practices church discipline, and proclaims the gospel to the nations. The State bears the sword of justice against criminals. (2/6)