Ábris Babicz | 𝙈𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡 𝙂𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨 💯 Profile picture
Performance coach for Entrepreneurs, I help you 2X your natural energy levels, lose 30+ lbs fat and gain 8+ lbs muscle 3 pl8 bencher Watermelon enjoyer 🍉 🍊🐍
Jan 15 14 tweets 5 min read

Big Pharma's latest scam...

Here are the horrors of Ozempic they hid from you (and what to do instead):

1. Thyroid cancer Image What is Ozempic, really?

It is NOT some magical fat-burning pill.

It makes you less hungry and slows your digestion.

You naturally want to eat less. That’s it.

No miracles.
Jan 6 20 tweets 7 min read
Calorie counting sucks

Yes, it works.
But it’s time-consuming and unsustainable.

Here’s the exact gameplan I’d use to drop 50 lbs of stubborn fat (WITHOUT counting calories):

1. Sleep QUALITY >>> Sleep quantity Image 1. Poor sleep quality destroys your hormones

It affects your

-Cortisol: Increases belly fat
-Leptin: Drops, so you never feel full
-Ghrelin: Skyrockets, making you hungrier
-Testosterone/Growth Hormone: Both tanks when you don’t get enough Deep sleep
Dec 20, 2024 20 tweets 8 min read
75% of people gain weight during the holiday season, but it doesn’t have to be you.

Here are 13 simple strategies to enjoy the holidays without gaining fat—and without skipping the foods you love 🧵

1. Drink alcohol...the right way ⬇️ Image
1. Drink Alcohol….the right way

Drinks like eggnog and sugary cocktails add 100s of empty calories.


-> Opt for dry, red wine, spirits with soda water, or even sparkling water

-> Alternate between alcohol and water to stay hydrated and in control.

Enjoy, not destroy.
Dec 11, 2024 16 tweets 6 min read
Back pain made a murderer out of this guy

KILL your back pain - instead of insurance firm CEOs - with these 5 exercises (save this & read the story below) ⤵️ Image Luigi Mangione - A Lumbar Gunman

Luigi was a 26-year-old tech worker based in Hawaii.

Athletic, intelligent, passionate about surfing and hiking.

But his back injury changed everything.

The pain became an unbearable, constant companion.

It destroyed his hobbies, his sleep, and his hope.

But it wasn’t just pain. It was the system’s failure to help him…Image
Dec 5, 2024 23 tweets 10 min read
ADHD is not a disease

It’s a gift & superpower

IF you can use it to your advantage

Here’s how to get the best out of your cognitive difference: 🧵 Image Let’s start with what ADHD is ⤵️

It’s a condition where dopamine dysregulation and an overstimulated nervous system make it hard to focus, regulate emotions, and stay consistent.

The most common symptoms are:

-Emotional highs and lows
-Impulsive decision-making
-Difficulty maintaining attention
-Restlessness or an inability to stay stillImage
Dec 2, 2024 28 tweets 16 min read
When your doctor tells you it’s “chronic”

He means “I don’t know how to heal you”

My clients thought their health issues were incurable and “genetic”

Here are the most common diseases we reversed 🧵 Image Reversing health issues is not complicated

1) Find the root cause
2) Understand how it works and why
3) Assemble the solution to eliminate the root cause

I used to be allergic, covered in red rashes with an underperforming metabolism

Now my skin is clear, I no longer bloat and I’ve lost 50 lbs

With the exact same system I’ve been able to heal:Image
Nov 29, 2024 25 tweets 10 min read
I’ve trained for over 9+ years

Tried every exercise out there

Here are 19 of my favourites that helped me get this physique

(Bookmark to add these to your next workouts) 1. Dumbbell Hammer Curls

Target muscles: Biceps, Brachioridalis, Forearms

Form: Curl the dumbbells separately with a neutral grip (palms facing each other) until the upper plate of the dumbbell reaches the height of your font delts. Slowly lower the weight into the starting position.
Nov 22, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
You can lose 25 lbs of fat in 10 weeks

-With no starving
-Without restrictive diets
-And without being a gym rat

20-25 lbs of fat loss means a HUGE difference in physique & energy levels

Here's how to get started today:

1 - Stop drinking beerImage “I use it to de-stress”
“It's gonna be awkward”
“It's part of my business events”

These are ALL excuses.

Beer is the worst type of alcohol as it´s estrogenic, makes you feel bloated and impairs your gut health.

What's more your HEALTH is at stake.

You'd be better off having 1-2 glasses of dry red wine / week.

Or even better - go completely dry until you´re lean enough (<15% body fat) to have a little.
Nov 15, 2024 25 tweets 8 min read
Low muscle mass makes your life shorter

To prevent losing 28% of your muscle by ge 62 read this: Image Sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss) happens at a yearly rate of 1-2% after age 30.

Resistance training is the best way to reverse the effects, yet 71% of people don't even exercise.

This thread will cover 2 Full Body workouts for beginners over 40 to start your training journey the safe way:
Nov 12, 2024 21 tweets 9 min read
The first thing to do when you make decent money:

Invest in your health.

Without it - your net worth is zero.

Here's the list of 18 absolute premium investments for elite health & longevity

1) DNA Health Testing You can´t optimize your health without the information from your DNA.

Testing it is essential.

We do 24Genetics DNA testing for our premium clients to know what to optimize for.

Once the results are in, we personalize their nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle accordingly.Image
Nov 4, 2024 14 tweets 6 min read
“Eating enough protein is too hard”


Here are 10 simple & delicious high protein meals that take LESS than 15 minutes to prep: 1. Power Smoothie

Blend 2 scoops of Whey protein, 2 eggs, 1 cup milk of choice, 50g mixed/blueberries and 25g chia seeds.

Approx 69g protein, 30g carbs, 25g fats, 600 calsImage
Nov 1, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
“Eating healthy is impossible while traveling”


Here are 8 high-protein macro-friendly meals you can have at fast-food places on the go:

1. McDonald´s Grilled Chicken SandwichImage 1. McDonald's Grilled Chicken Sandwich

37g protein, 44g carbs, 7g fat, approx. 380 caloriesImage
Oct 30, 2024 21 tweets 6 min read
Ever fitness tip I could come up with after 9+ years of training (save this):

1. Watermelon >>> pre workout supplements & Viagra Image 2. Dry, red wine >>>> beer. Stop drinking anything that makes you feminine and bloated.

3. Train fasted if you want to burn 15-20% more calories

4. Just 20-30 minutes of direct Sunlight daily can boost your Testosterone by 69%+ Image
Oct 16, 2024 16 tweets 6 min read
“I don't have time to eat healthy”


Here are 12 of my favourite healthy, high protein meals taking LESS than 15 minutes to make & will get you Lean & Energetic AF: Image LUNCH

1. Ranch Wraps

-10-12 oz 95/5 ground beef
-whole wheat or regular tortilla (3 wraps)
-onion & bell pepper (optional)
-100g low fat shredded Mozzarella

925 calories, 90g+ proteinImage
Oct 8, 2024 32 tweets 11 min read
My 9 years of fitness knowledge and 36,000+ tweets summed up in one thread:

1. Stop drinking beer. It makes you bloated, messes with your Testosterone, sleep, energy levels, cognition, mood and many more. Say NO Image 2. Watermelon>>> pre workout supplements. Amazing for blood flow, hydration & energy levels.
3. Sparkling water is better than still water for satiety
4. Higher Stress Hormone (Cortisol) -> More water retention -> “Bloated” look. Image
Sep 27, 2024 22 tweets 8 min read
After 9 years in fitness here's every health tip I could come up with:

1. Stop drinking beer Image 2. Watermelon pre workout >>> supplements. Much better digestion & higher blood flow without jitters & anxiety. Best pumps of your life come from Watermelon.
3. Fasted walks + post meal walks + resistance training = You´re a calorie burning machine.
4. If you work seated: Do bar hangs at the end of each workout to stretch your spineImage
Sep 13, 2024 19 tweets 8 min read
Creatine is NOT a drug

It won't make you bloated, damage your kidneys or cause baldness.

Here's what it's actually good for:Image Creatine has been tested and researched for over 70+ years.

It's been proven to enhance

-Brain function
-Muscle & bone health

In males & females alike.

Here are all the reasons you should take 5-10g/day ⤵️
Sep 9, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
If you have

-15 minutes
-ONE pair of dumbbells

Here's the best bicep & shoulder workout anyone can do at home:

(Videos included)Image 1. Standing curl & press

3 rounds

12 reps

Slow & controlled tempo
Jul 30, 2024 16 tweets 6 min read
If I woke up 50 lbs overweight with big belly

This would be the grocery list, meals, workouts and habits i`d use to get my body back in 6 months:Image GROCERY LIST

-Hot sauces
-Bell peppers
-Low fat Mozzarella
-Whole wheat tortillas
-Whey protein powder
-Dark chocolate (70%+)
-7 lbs 95/5 minced beef
-Pint of Halo Top Ice cream
-4 tubs of “Cheasy” Skyr yogurt
Jul 19, 2024 18 tweets 8 min read
After 9 years of training, here's every fitness tip I could come up with:

1. Watermelon >>> Candies & pre workoutImage
2. Limit alcohol intake to 3-4 glasses of dry red wine/week
3. You don't need to do cardio and lift weights fasted to lose fat.
4. Make at least 50% of each plate protein
5. Doing seated work? Stand up and hang from a bar every 60 minutes to stretch your spine
Jun 13, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
I´ve taken Watermelon as a pre workout for 1276 days in a row 🍉

Here are my experiences:

1. Superhuman blood flow and pump Thanks to Citrulline in Watermelon I feel like my veins are bursting each workout

My muscles, brain & organs are constantly nourished

I´ve never experienced such vitality before even though I was much younger and already healthy back then.Image