Sensei Abuamerican Profile picture
Proud Muslim American, religiously conservative, has a knack for living with multiple women in one house.
Jun 13, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
In polygyny there are two types of women:
The one that focuses on her relationship with you and the one that focuses on the other women.

The one that focuses on her relationship with you always has the stable relationship that the one who focuses on the other woman envies. Consequently; the focus on the relationship with the other woman makes her own relationship with you degrade. The more it degrades the more she desires the relationship you have with the other woman and things spiral downwards rapidly at her own hands.
Jun 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I absolutely love and hate post Elon Twitter.

Love it because people are really showing who they are without fear and this is how it should be.

Hate it because that truth makes you lose hope in humanity. All these racists and ethno nationalist got me tooled up and shopping for…… If you're a regular old dude and a minority, you go to work, raise your family and keep to yourself.. get guns, and a LOT of ammo... Your neighbour is that guy on Twitter who hates that minorities are part of the west.. be polite, be cordial, be kind and have a plan to kill……
Nov 5, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Understanding women is not complicated like a lot of guys like to claim. I'll make it easy for you.

Women, as we know, have a bifurcated reproductive strategy that we all know as hypergamy.

Hypergamy in basic is: alpha seed/beta need when it comes to men When you're dealing with a woman, you're dealing with one of these two strategies based on how she perceives you. If she's telling you that you're a great guy that will make se woman happy some day, you're beta in her eyes
Nov 3, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
I can tell you as a man with multiple wives, you are more alone than any other man, even the one without a woman.
Women aren't there for you, you're there for them. You're alone in your problems, both the ones you make and the ones they make for you and that's fine it's how it is Women want you to be close but their solipsism creates a distance because their desire for close is conditional. You provide something they value and thus remain close but when you need value yours of course retracts, thus she does also.