Ace ⛺️ Book Profile picture
Co-Founder & CIO at @fourmoonsllc Trade on IntentX:
Dec 23, 2022 41 tweets 13 min read
2023 Blockchain Themes and Bold Predictions.

A megathread and substack.

Happy New Year!… Bitcoin is a difficult asset to hold in 2023:

1. Correlation to Nasdaq

2. Mt Gox distributions. That’s 150,000 $BTC supply distributed to those impacted by the hack ($2,500,000,000)

3. Digital Currency Group
Dec 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
"Out Like a Lamb"

I will be releasing my 2023 Predictions and Themes for Blockchain next week, but no Last 168 Hours in DeFi. Happy holidays and New Year to all of my readers.

The Last 168 Hours in DeFi, by @Ace_da_Book…
May 27, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
Velodrome has the potential to be an absolute monster.

If you're reading this, congratulations you're a true crypto/DeFi believer because it's peak bear season - where new builders become powerhouses.

@VelodromeFi docs review, in screen shot form, with some commentary attached. What is Velodrome?

It's Solidly, but with a top tier, defi native, experienced team, and without the bolt-on extractive protocols like Solidex. Oh and no Fantom drama. Image
Apr 11, 2022 14 tweets 9 min read
The CEX Stack is Recession Proof

Convex, Ethereum, and gm(X) produce steady cash flows

@ConvexFinance @gmx_io…

Thread too, but click the link and skip if this is annoying. Currently 70% ETH, 17.5% CVX, 12.5% GMX.

Why? Recession risk.

If I'm venturing out further on the risk curve, I need to generate yield, find assets with a moat, and have growth catalysts (narrative).
Dec 26, 2021 22 tweets 7 min read
2022 Blockchain Bold Predictions

A thread - or skip and read on @EthropyFinance Substack:… DEFI:
DeFi TVL will surpass $1t
On-chain reputation will replace the ridiculous ‘whitelisting’ process for new protocols
Argent and Dharma will both launch a token, but announce it in advance, to promote mainstream mobile DeFi adoption
Aug 25, 2021 11 tweets 6 min read
Finding new DeFi investment opportunities on Ethereum is difficult with the dominance of Blue Chip projects and farming explosion on EVM compatible Layer 1s. @warpfinance, an evolving money market, provides an exceptional risk/reward opportunity.

1/10 Let's start with the problem. Warp Finance has been slow to market with its V2 because they were waiting on a security audit from @trailofbits, and made the decision to shift from purely focusing on Uni V3 NFT compatability to incorporating @element_fi LP tokens as collateral.

May 29, 2021 13 tweets 6 min read
I believe @ConvexFinance has had the best fair launch since @iearnfinance.

Pre-launch Convex were whitelisted with Curve to ensure emissions would seamlessly flow through to depositors. Extra CVX were airdropped to veCRV holders to voted to whitelist. Unanimous. Image Airdropped $CVX to @CurveFinance believers - those who have discovered the magic of Curve and locked up CRV for veCRV. veCRV holders benefit from the total deposits and swaps on Curve, so clearly they are rooting for the success of Convex bringing more liquidity.