Adam Green Profile picture
Co-founder, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, (@BoldProgressive). "The root of all pettiness is narrow lanes of authority."
Nov 27, 2019 7 tweets 16 min read
THREAD: I've seen tons of ridiculous conclusions about @QuinnipiacPoll poll on @MedicareForAll. Like impeachment a few months ago, numbers are being artificially depressed by scared DEMOCRAT electability voters who support the policy but are fed fears about the politics. More... @QuinnipiacPoll @medicareforall But first, let's acknowledge what a stupidly slanted question @QuinnipiacPoll asked. "removing the current health care system" - really? Is someone proposing to kill all doctors & burn all hospitals? If not, the only thing that changes is who pays the bills. @KHNews = more cred:
Nov 15, 2019 10 tweets 7 min read
THREAD: Today, @ewarren released her first-term plan to fight for & achieve Medicare For All. Here’s my take on why it covers the most people, fastest, most generously, and gets Medicare For All to all....and FASTER than any other proposal.… @ewarren Faster: Immediately, through executive action, @ewarren will revolutionize prescription drugs. Not band aid solutions like importing drugs from Canada, but using executive action to break up patent monopolies that keep prices high. #Bold #SystemicChange #FightPharma
Oct 3, 2019 6 tweets 5 min read
THREAD: I would add: How should presidential reporters deal with campaign sources who use “debate preview” stories to plant dirt that’s never focused on by their candidates in the actual debate? Some examples below in thread. In this article, Biden sources told WSJ's @KThomasDC that Biden would say other candidates were attacking Obama in debate 3. That was not true -- which may be why Biden didn't say it. Accountability?…
May 18, 2019 12 tweets 4 min read
THREAD. In Philly, @JoeBiden talked about "consensus" w/ congressional Republicans and said: "Some say Democrats don’t want to hear about unity. That they are angry...Well, I don’t believe it...If the American people want a president to add to our division...they don’t need me." This comes one day after Trump called Elizabeth Warren "an angry person.”…
Feb 25, 2019 13 tweets 7 min read
This @Politico @Dlippman piece about @BernieSander’s flights is a concerning #BadMediaPrecedent: Someone can float a story, the facts get investigated, the campaign’s side is plausible and UNCONTESTED, & the hit piece publishes anyway. More in thread ... First, let me put my biases out on the table. I support @ewarren. And I respect writer @Dlippman professionally. I know there are tough calls journalistically sometimes. My concern here is less this one piece than the #BadMediaPrecedent for #2020Election coverage going forward.