Adam W. Greenway Profile picture
Native Floridian || City Council Member || Transitional Head of School || Nonprofit Executive || Ordained Baptist Minister || PhD, CFRE, RP || Proverbs 24:5
Feb 22, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Last year at #SBC22, I moved what the SBC Credentials Committee deemed a friendly amendment to forestall any action against @Saddleback until the Convention could more precisely determine/define how "closely identified" w/the BFM a cooperating church's faith/practice must be. 1/ While my amendment narrowly failed (in my view, b/c some messengers didn't understand what I was trying to do or mistakenly believed I was advocating for women pastors), it did not mean the question of what "closely identifies with" was either a settled issue or unimportant. 2/
Jul 29, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
A 🧵 on the SBC, the Baptist Faith and Message, and cooperation:

Over the past couple of months, Southern Baptists have engaged in various conversations about the nature of our confessionalism, the parameters of our cooperation, and the meaning/intent of certain BFM language. 1/ It is unfortunate that some have characterized these conversations as representing a leftward drift, downgrade, or going soft on ecclesiological, theological, or gender issues. Southern Baptists have been and remain a people committed to biblical authority and sufficiency. 2/
Sep 29, 2021 12 tweets 7 min read
I have followed the issues surrounding the @SBCExecComm w/great interest. Given my role as @SWBTS president, I have refrained from commenting publicly b/c I think those in @SBCCP roles like mine should be very careful to opine on matters not directly related to our entities. 1/ But after today’s special @SBCExecComm meeting, I am seeing increasing calls for @SBCCP defunding, and that both grieves and alarms me b/c of unintended consequences. I certainly understand the frustration of the #SBC21 messengers’ will being repeatedly delayed or disregarded. 2/
Jul 23, 2021 20 tweets 5 min read
A “brief” thread on complementarianism, since it seems to be an increased topic of conversation in Christian circles—both on and off of social media—these days:
The Danvers Statement (1987) is the foundational document that lays out what we now affirm as “complementarianism.” 1/ Perhaps the key affirmation found in Danvers is this line, “In the church, redemption in Christ gives men and women an equal share in the blessings of salvation; nevertheless, some governing and teaching roles within the church are restricted to men.” 2/