thehighcliffeguy Profile picture
Personal views on life, Britain, SEND, local politics, the Independent Republic of Highcliffe, and whatever else I get dragged into.
Mar 19 17 tweets 5 min read
March 20th is exactly 5 years since I picked my son up from school ahead of UK lockdown.
It would be his last day there for 6 months.
What happened next was a betrayal of all our children.
No, I'm not debating Covid, or protesting lockdown.
I'm talking about what came after.
🧵 Image To understand what I mean, you have to see that time through the eyes of a young child.
Imagine a Yr6 girl looking ahead nervously to secondary school.
Or a Yr1 boy like my son was, still near the start of primary.
Or a toddler, adapting to preschool.
And now...
Oct 13, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
There's only one Attendance Contract needed in England's schools right now.

@bphillipsonMP & @educationgovuk, you'd like to crack down on school absence.
But first, you need to crack down on the things schools do which stop kids from learning.

Let's take a tour...
🧵 Image Kids can't do class learning if they're not in the class.
So crack down on schools isolating or suspending them for their haircuts or socks, for speaking in the corridor or failing to SLANT.
If you want them in the class, stop schools needlessly removing them from the class. Image
Sep 30, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Followers of the BCP Council saga will recognise this: the first shoots of a Conservative media strategy to convince people they didn't actually trash the finances.
Long-suffering BCP residents have seen this at first hand from controversial ex council leader Phil Broadhead...
🧵 Broadhead's party lost power in BCP's 2023 election, in a crushing, humiliating defeat. This followed 3 years of financial chaos, poor governance, police investigation & criticism by their own Govt.
Yet almost from the start, Broadhead was in denial.
Sep 28, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Schools from the United Learning group are forcing parents & pupils to sign an Attendance contract with their local school.
The terms include the commitment that kids will attend school "even if you feel unwell".
Parents were informed just yesterday and are said to be furious.
The United letter expects all families to sign up to the "Attendance Pledge". In return, "we will ensure your child has access to quality first teaching".
The parents I've spoken to are angry, and many are refusing to sign.
A revolt could be brewing...
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Sep 23, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
Superb citizen journalism here from Alex, as always.
As he reports, a fiery Scrutiny session at BCP Council ended with the local Conservatives' leader Phil Broadhead having his ass publicly handed to him by councillors & officers alike.
But what's going on, and why..?
🧵 For those catching up with the BCP story: Broadhead was the last leader of a scandal-ridden Conservative administration, before losing the 2023 local election in a crushing, humiliating defeat.
But since then he seems to have vowed revenge...…
Aug 3, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
As rac!st thugs rampage the streets and dominate our screens, don't take your eyes off the conductors of these riots.

The likes of Reform & their spokespeople will never get their hands dirty, but they perform two key roles in tandem with the mob.

A short 🧵 Image The hard-right appears every week on Question Time, and assumes the guise of respectability within politics & media.
But its message is the fuel for the fires burning this week.
Without Farage & others, there'd probably be no riots this week... Image
Jul 8, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
It's curious to see some #EduTwitter accounts now urging more help for SEND services, after years banging the drum for high-control schools.
There's something they don't seem to grasp, which is painfully clear to many SEND families.
A lot of content here has been anti-SEND.
🧵 You see, the SEND crisis isn't just about money.
The reason many vulnerable kids lose access to education, suffer from poor mental health, experience diminished life opportunities, isn't just about funding.
It's also about the way children are treated & understood at school.
Jul 6, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Election aftermath: BCP Council.
One curious local story was the decision of Conservative group leader Phil Broadhead to abandon most of the home campaign & go on a tour of 16 vulnerable Tory seats.
Yet BCP Tories were in 4 tough battles here at the time.
So, how did he do?
🧵 Image The self-styled "Leader of Local Government" visited 16 Conservative constituencies, in his caravan.
He also returned to BCP briefly to leaflet for 4 home seats.

Total score:
Seats: 20
Lost: 18

11 went to Labour, and 7 to LDs.

The 4 home seats? All lost. Poole, by 18 votes.
Feb 4, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
The collapse of England's councils is bad enough. But there's not enough discussion about what happens next.
This isn't just about budgets, but service cuts, job losses, asset sales, and perhaps the demise of local businesses & economies.
And it will affect every region...
🧵 Image [Reminder: every year, councils have to produce a balanced budget for the year ahead.
If they can't do that, they enter insolvency.
It's an annual challenge, but after 14 years of under-funding, it's never been harder, and many are at breaking point.
Okay, let's move on.]
Jan 4, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
Schools & Safety Valve.
An intriguing meeting yesterday at BCP Council, on the Govt's controversial programme for SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities).
So, what just happened? Tonight's thread looks at the key highlights.
Brace yourselves: this is gonna hurt... 1. The DfE's Safety Valve project is alarming.
As shown last night, it demands savage cuts across a range of SEND services, especially EHCPs, and a major movement of SEND kids from special to mainstream schools.
The aim is reduction of costs.
The effect is reduction of services. Image
Nov 4, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
How Propaganda Works:
Suella Braverman's attack on homeless people today is possibly her most cruel, contemptuous, irresponsible & deceitful piece of Culture War propaganda yet.
To explain exactly what she's doing here, I've broken down the whole appalling thread.
Buckle in:

Tweet 1.
She sides with 'compassionate' Brits. As someone representing them, she implies she's one too.
So, anything she does is out of 'compassion' - for you, and for 'true' homeless people.
This sets the stage for what follows.
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Sep 7, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
BCP Council latest.
A closure of sorts for BCP, as an independent report is revealed at tonight's Audit & Governance Cmtee.
The audit covers the 2021-23 era of former Conservative leaders Drew Mellor & Phil Broadhead, and slams their chaotic time in government.
1/ Image The headlines:
Red flags were raised against BCP's financial management, governance, efficiency & effectiveness.
Auditors found "risks of significant weakness in the Council’s arrangements" in 5 areas.
Leadership & political decision-making during 2021-23 was panned.
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Jul 25, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
Dozens of UK councils face bankruptcy in 2026.
In response, Govt is forcing councils to slash their Special Educational Needs & Disabilities budgets.
The plan won’t work.
And thousands of SEND kids could be needlessly cast adrift as a result.
But there's a simple way out.
1/ Image How did this crisis arise?
Since 2010, councils have faced two huge pressures.
Core funding from UK Govt is about *half* pre-austerity levels. That noose was tightened by Covid & inflation.
And in 2014 the Children & Families Act set a new statutory duty of care on councils...
May 30, 2023 20 tweets 9 min read
Bournemouth is in trouble.
The centre is in decay, with big brands fleeing, violence hogging the headlines, and boarded-up windows a common sight.
But the legacy plan won’t work. Empty stores aren’t the problem. They’re the symptom.
So what's the answer?
Read on...
1/ Image The business-as-usual approach won't work. The so-called City Vision definitely won't.
Bournemouth needs surgery. The heart has stopped beating.
And that heart is here, in the area around the Square, Westover, Lower Gardens & beachfront.
Solve this, and you save the patient.
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May 29, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
This letter to the Bournemouth Echo struck me as curious.
Why would the writer be clamouring for the Conservatives & Poole Engage to be involved in the new coalition, when they're the ones that left BCP in so much trouble?
Then I did a little research....
1/ It turns out that the writer is a regular in the Echo letters pages.
Only last year she was complaining about the prospect of BCP supporting renewable energy projects...
May 18, 2023 20 tweets 8 min read
So, the #NationalConservative conference is over.
Is #NatC the far-right future? Or the death rattle of a party at war with itself?
Let's take a closer look at what the National Conservative movement says about itself.

WARNING: this thread could make you combust...
1/ Image First, whatever's gone wrong with the UK, it's not the Conservatives' fault.
No, it's Liberals.
The last 13 years of Conservatism? You imagined that.
18 years of Thatcherism? You imagined that too.
UK media dominated by Conservatives? Meh.
Everything is the fault of LIBERALS.
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May 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
There's been huge criticism of the BBC's ADHD programme, with complaints that it undermines neurodiverse people & their attempts to raise awareness of needs.
But this also comes at a time when Govt is actively *reducing* the number of kids able to access a ND diagnosis...
1/ The Govt has two programmes with local authorities, one voluntary & one compulsory, to reduce their spend on SEND services.
This targets the number of education plans (EHCPs) being approved.
The EHCP sets out the support structure needed by the child.
Mar 26, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
With BCP elections nearing, I’m being asked one question more & more.
So if you haven’t been watching the BCP soap opera, need a reminder of the highs & lows, or just want an info source to share, this is for you.
The first BCP headline:
The council is in trouble. 2 years of gambling with public finances has left BCP with the prospect of fighting off bankruptcy.
Whoever wins in May will grapple with this for a few years to come.
This thread explains more:
Mar 23, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
BCP election news...
I'm hearing that Conservative cabinet-plus member Nigel Brooks is quitting the party to run as an independent candidate in Highcliffe & Walkford.
If true, it would be Brooks' 3rd change of political allegiance in 3 years.
1/ Image Brooks first entered local govt in 2019 with @CIndependents, quit the party the next year, then joined BCP Conservatives with a paid role under Drew Mellor.
Brooks may be influenced by rumours that local Conservatives are struggling to field candidates at all in Highcliffe.
Mar 4, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
Are Local Authorities deliberately suppressing services for kids with special educational needs & disabilities (SEND)?

Is the Dept of Education leading them to do this?

A thread, which applies to any LA, but with an emphasis on my local BCP Council.
It begins here, with an article by @edreyesjourno.
The DoE runs a scheme called Safety Valve, which provides funds to councils struggling with education budget deficits.

There's a catch: the council has to find savings and carry out SEND service cuts.

Mar 4, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The BCP Conservative Scandals, episode #58,396.

Mark Anderson finally resigns from Cabinet, after being found guilty of 6 (six) Code of Conduct breaches.
He accepts the findings, and is now expected to make an apology to Council on 21st March.

1/… A cross-party Cmtee found that Conservative frontbencher Mark Anderson “acted in a politically-motivated way to try to gain political advantage ahead of an election”, as described here:
