Adam Paul Laxalt Profile picture
Husband, Father of 4, 4th Gen Nevadan & Navy & Iraq Vet. Fmr. Attorney General of NV, Georgetown U and Law, Partner at Cooper & Kirk
4 subscribers
Oct 18, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: Ron DeSantis' Stance on Israel and Hamas

@RonDeSantis has been a staunch supporter of Israel throughout the recent conflict with Hamas.

His actions & statements reflect a commitment to the security & well-being of Israel, its citizens, & American citizens. ⬇️
(1/9) (2/9)
DeSantis has taken a clear stand against accepting Gaza refugees, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing the safety and security of American citizens.

Feb 10, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Let’s be clear…the science hasn’t changed.

The political science has.

Let’s dig into that “science” that Democrats are suddenly abandoning… Transmission levels haven't changed.

Every county in Nevada is still at a high transmission level based on the “science” the Democrats wanted us to follow for months.

Today, that “science” is apparently null and void Image
Nov 27, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
(1/6) My latest op-ed gives a full, detailed accounting of how NV Dems dismantled election security & bear responsibility for the mess we’re now in. They cannot be allowed to rewrite history! Click below for the real record of the disaster they created.… (2/6) Dems are trying to pin blame for this on those who tried to prevent it, but as I point out, “Democrats put us here. They could have allowed for a system with both absentee ballots upon request and in-person voting, along with safeguards to ensure election integrity.”
Nov 13, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
PROOF! Someone tested the signature verification system in Clark County and it had a 89% failure rate for catching poor signature matches. We have raised concerns about the signature verification system for months. 100s of thousands of mail ballots here.… “Discarded mail ballots cannot just be picked up and voted by anyone,” a fact sheet from the secretary of state’s office says.“ This is false. Bad signatures are slipping through.
Nov 13, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
(1/7) Must-read piece spotlighting the concerns that George Washington Law Professor Jonathan Turley, a liberal, has about what’s going on with this election. Turley says flatly: "I think it's clear at this point that voting fraud occurred."… (2/7) He says lack of transparency prevents us knowing the problem’s scope: "It’s like not just being asked to guess the number of jellybeans in a jar, but you have to do it without actually seeing the jar. So in order to find systemic problems, you need access to the system.”
Nov 12, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
(1/5) I joined @TuckerCarlson to give an update on voter fraud and irregularities in Clark County, NV. It has been confirmed that a number of dead voters are on the voter rolls who in fact cast ballots in this election. (2/5) Now, critics of mine like AG Aaron Ford are moving the goal posts – no longer accusing me of producing zero fraud, but of not producing ENOUGH fraud. We all know there’s fraud; we just don’t know how much.
Nov 10, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
(1/5) I joined @ShannonBream to discuss major voter irregularities in Clark County, NV. The Registrar unilaterally lowered the signature-matching accuracy standard on the machine used to count ballots to 40 percent — below the recommended setting. (2/5) AI and computer-vision experts have said that once the factory setting on the machine is removed, it takes months of effort from a massive team with the appropriate expertise to get it back to a reliable standard.
Nov 2, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
The underlying facts about this election system remain the same. The Democrats gave us mail-in ballots, we have unclean rolls, and we have no way to observe or challenge mail-in ballot signature matches. From the AP story and hearing see thread:… “Judge Wilson acknowledged the Legislature, which is majority Democratic, reshaped state election law last summer to offer mail balloting to every active registered voter due to the coronavirus pandemic. The law allows challenges of in-person votes, but not of mailed-in ballots.”
Nov 2, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
In Las Vegas we have countless examples of loose ballots and bad rolls. We have an avalanche of misdelivered ballots, ballots in the trash, on top of mailboxes, loose in apartment buildings, on the ground. Remember Clark County wont allow observation or challenging of signatures. Ballot in trash near mailbox on Lake Mead Blvd
Oct 23, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
(1/4)Today we filed a lawsuit challenging Clark County for its vote by mail signature verification process. The machine and system they use are counting just over 1% of signatures. Other voters in the state are being rejected at a higher rate.… We are also challenging the fact that we have no meaningful observation of the signature verification process. We also can’t challenge any verified signature. Once the signature is verified, the ballot is forever separated from the voter envelope. Therefore we can never challenge
Oct 4, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
(1/8) Nevada’s largest paper, @reviewjournal, is right: @realDonaldTrump has proved to NV & America he deserves 4 more years! “Donald J. Trump stands in forceful contrast to the relentless progressive attacks on this nation … He deserves a second term.”… (2/8) “Mr. Trump entered the Oval Office in 2017 promising to be a disrupting force, to upend Beltway norms. Mission accomplished. … [H]is domestic policy record has been quite traditional — and successful. Voters interested in accomplishments should take notice.”
Sep 26, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
(1/5) Great piece from @NoahRFeldman, who disagrees with @realDonaldTrump Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett’s judicial philosophy but recognizes her legal brilliance is indisputable. “Barrett is highly qualified to serve on the Supreme Court.”… (2/5) "I know her to be a brilliant and conscientious lawyer who will analyze and decide cases in good faith, applying the jurisprudential principles to which she is committed. Those are the basic criteria for being a good justice. Barrett meets and exceeds them."
Aug 31, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
(1/7) Gov Sisolak & NV Dems, who want voters lulled into a sense of complacency, are downplaying legitimate concerns about ballot harvesting, but ballot harvesting and voter fraud ARE REAL and IMPACT OUR ELECTIONS!… (2/7) “A top Democratic operative says voter fraud, especially with mail-in ballots, is no myth. And he knows this because he’s been doing it, on a grand scale, for decades.”
Aug 23, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
(1/4) Gov. Sisolak & Dems’ universal mail-in voting scheme lacks necessary safeguards for a secure election. The new law dramatically erodes the “signature verification requirements” by only flagging signatures that differ in “multiple, significant and obvious respects.” (2/4) “The signature verification safeguards are further eroded by the law’s allowance for multiple ballots to be submitted in a single envelope, with just a single signature required on the envelope — and no signature requirement for the enclosed individual ballots…”
Aug 14, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
(1/9) Biden “had the op­por­tu­nity to name a com­pe­tent fe­male run­ning mate, one who would ex­cite his base and re­as­sure un­de­cided vot­ers. He in­stead chose Cal­i­for­nia Sen. Kamala Har­ris, the de­f­i­n­i­tion of po­lit­i­cal medi­oc­rity.”… (2/9) Now the media is praising her effusively after “rightly skew­ered in 2019 for run­ning one of the most bun­gled and dis­or­ga­nized pres­i­den­tial cam­paigns this cy­cle.”
Aug 5, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
(1/6) “Bills that genuinely promote the common good typically don’t get rushed to passage under the cover of night on strict party-line votes.” Yet that’s what NV Dems have done with their “election reforms” that invite tremendous fraud into NV elections.… (2/6) Gov. Sisolak and his allies claim this is a necessary precaution for COVID-19, yet “the same bill also provides for a huge expansion of in-person voting sites” and NV’s Sec. State has said Nevada can hold in-person elections safely.
Jul 11, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
(1/4) In his Mt. Rushmore speech, @realDonaldTrump extolled the virtues of our great nation — the principles embraced by Washington, Jefferson & Lincoln. As I argue in my new Op-Ed, these ideals should be celebrated by all Americans, regardless of party:… (2/4) From my Op-Ed: “Only a few decades ago, appreciation for America’s unique role in the world as a beacon of hope, liberty and opportunity was both national and bipartisan. Recent events, however, demonstrate that this consensus is eroding.”
Jul 8, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
(1/7) Remember when there was bipartisan consensus that mail-in voting raises the risk of fraud? As @marcthiessen reminds us, even the NY Times acknowledged the “bipartisan consensus that voting by mail ... is more easily abused than other forms.”… (2/7) Evidence continues to mount that concerns over mail-in voting are justified. An MIT study found that in the '08 presidential election, over 21 percent of mail-in ballots requested weren't counted because they didn't reach voters or were rejected for irregularities.
May 28, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
(1/6) Press Sec. @kayleighmcenany highlights a voter-fraud scheme in Clark Co, NV. Commission cut a dirty deal w/Dems to mail ballots to inactive voters who don’t live at address on file. Partisan pundits attack her but are conflating 2 voting styles.

(2/6) Absentee ballots require a registered active voter to request a ballot to be mailed to them, which is different from a vote-by-mail election. We’re concerned with vote-by-mail since the chances of fraud are higher.
May 22, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
“If the Post Office tells the Election Department that a voter has moved, the registrar sends a forwardable postcard asking for an updated address. If the voter provides his new address, the registration remains active. If not, the voter is considered “inactive”... ...[this voter] remains eligible to vote.
Inactive doesn’t refer to how often someone has voted. Understand that, and it’s easy to see the folly in mailing ballots to inactive voters. You’re sending a ballot to an address where the voter no longer lives.
Sep 11, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
I was blessed to have T. Boone Pickens in my life for the last 41 years. He was always willing to give me advice including here in this photo - where he may have missed the mark a bit. Image I remember at Georgetown Law School how surprised I was when he came up in my Corporations Class. And then not only was he a mention, we devoted almost 3 classes (out of 15) to what he did to shake up all the blue bloods in Wall Street - the hostile takeover!