Venture capitalist at BVP partnering with founders from the earliest stages. I write on tech, Israel and comparative history . Proud liberal Zionist. 🇮🇱
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Mar 2 • 19 tweets • 8 min read
🧵1/ Haaretz has a serious problem. Online antisemitic influencers are smitten with the Haaretz English Edition that produces a steady stream of pithy headlines and radical opinion pieces that confirm their seething hatred of Jews and Israel.2/ Unlike its news-focused Hebrew version, Haaretz English is used to elevate opinions & editorials that make generous use of terms like “apartheid,” “ethnic cleansing,” “genocide” & “fascism.”
And unlike Al Jazeera, Haaretz carries the imprimatur of a serious news source.
Oct 27, 2024 • 18 tweets • 7 min read
That TikTok protestor wasn't wrong. Greece🇬🇷 and Israel🇮🇱 have much more in common than their blue-and-white flags. Both were born of a European intellectual awakening, strong diaspora, bloody territorial battles, and mass displacement. But no one questions Greece’s legitimacy.🧵
Over the centuries, Greeks & Jews migrated extensively, maintaining a connection with their ancient homeland through religion, tradition, education & language. The success of the Greek Revolution in 1830 inspired Zionists to believe their nation could also be resurrected.
Oct 14, 2024 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Refugees are a result of both war & treaties, but only in one case have refugee descendants embraced violence to reclaim their great-grandparents’ homes.
Below are 10 forgotten instances of catastrophic mass depopulation, where refugees chose a peaceful path despite the pain.1. Until 1912, Turks made up 35% of the population of Selanik (Thessaloniki, Greece), having arrived in 1456. Following Greece’s annexation, 50,000 Turks, including Atatürk’s mother, fled. No Turks remain in Thessaloniki today.
Jun 21, 2024 • 16 tweets • 6 min read
Harmful truths sting in ways lies cannot. Israel knows how its detractors use this tactic, and now its Ireland’s turn to hear the truth told with deliberate, foul intent. This mean-spirited thread should upset everyone from self-righteous progressives to puritanical priests.1. Ethno-state. For most of its existence, Ireland was a homogenous, Catholic regime. It criminalized abortion, blasphemy, divorce & homosexuality, made Gaelic compulsory, and limited immigration to those of Irish descent, closing its doors to refugees fleeing the Nazis.
May 26, 2024 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
I am going to treat Spain like Israel is treated and deliver a version of the truth with deliberate, foul intent. It’s an example of how news media and influencers choose to focus on a country’s worst attributes, while ignoring unique historical and cultural circumstances. 1) Spain has colonial possessions in North Africa. That’s right. Ceuta and Melilla are two Spanish cities in what should be Morocco. They took them after the Reconquista, when Spain pushed out the Muslims and Jews from Hispania. They should be given back to Morocco immediately.
Mar 22, 2024 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
10 Common Misconceptions on Israel/Palestine
“Palestine” is what Zionists called Israel before 1948. All references to Palestine before 1948 refer to the proto-Jewish State and Zionism, not a pre-existing or proposed Palestinian Arab state.
Jewish migration is not "colonialism." Colonialism is settlement on behalf of a home country, which Jews never had. Jews migrated as they sought refuge from persecution and massacres in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. The Jews kicked out the British Empire.
Nov 17, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
The history of the conflict in 5 tweets.
The Jews said "yes" to every state they were ever offered. The Palestinians said "no" to every state they were offered because the Jews still would still have a state.
The result is that Israel exists, and Palestine does not.
Israel gave citizenship to every Jewish refugee from the Islamic, African and communist worlds. Arab states (ex Jordan) didn't give Palestinians citizenship.
The result is that great-grandchildren of Palestinian refugees are still "refugees", but not those of Jewish refugees.