Little fish in a big XRPond 🏴‍☠️ Profile picture
XRP, ISO20022, Crypto investor, AWAKE, Always learning, RV ESP, Family girl 💙
Mar 16, 2022 16 tweets 10 min read
Looking into 13.2.2023 🧐
Raised as a possible 13/22
let's see where it goes...

13/22 23 : 322 ☠ 231 (123)

13/22 🤔
1322 mins = 2.2hrs (22)

13/2 🤔
132 mins = 9.2% of a day (911)
01:32 = 92 mins (911)
92nd prime = 479 (911)
132 prime = 743 : 347 is 69th prime ☯️ Image 13/2 Life card is 'Queen of Diamonds' 162 Eng Ord, 162 DOY 2023 is 11/6 (911)
Meaning - Financial Security at all costs

Julian Calendar 13 days behind
= 31/1
311 : 113, 30th prime (By 3 they come)
311 is 64th prime
64 atomic number of Gadolinium G-d (like God) Image