AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem Profile picture
I'm Dusk Golem aka AestheticGamer. Make games under @YaiGameworks, Horror Enthusiast, Humanist, living for love, focusing on Game Dev, long tweet walls.
2 subscribers
Jan 10 7 tweets 2 min read
(1/6) So here's some educated speculation, but it IS speculation, on how I personally believe Resident Evil stuff is going to go down in the next couple years.

So Screen Gems/Constantin Films have a contract that to retain the rights to the Resident Evil brand for film making, (2/6) they need to release a new Resident Evil film every 5 years (fiscal). So the new Resident Evil film directed by Zach Cregger that starts filming pretty soon basically needs to release before fiscal year 2026 is up, since Welcome to Raccoon City released in 2021.

It's been
Nov 3, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
(1/9) So I'm going to talk a bit more about this secret in the hidden photos, the Silent Hill 2 OG / Remake timeloop theory, & the use of metaness in Silent Hill, inspired by some replies to this:

First: The time loop theory/evidence is not new to SH2R. (2/9) I've actually talked about the time loop theory in-depth with a few other Silent Hill fans years before SH2R was ever announced. Outside stuff outright confirms it; Masahiro Ito has said before that "every ending in SH2 is canon", the official novelization of SH2 released
Sep 28, 2024 66 tweets 17 min read
(1/??) Here's a little thread for the Silent Hill 2 Special Stage they had at Tokyo Game Show. For interesting tidbits, thoughts I had, & the like.

I'll try to mark individual tweets w/bigger spoilers w/obvious warnings, but do assume this whole thread has some SH2R spoilers. Image (2/??) Before anything, I both am amused by & respect seeing Akira Yamaoka, Masahiro Ito, & Motoi Okamoto wearing t-shirts of Pyramid Head flashing booty.

Anyways... Image
Jul 1, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
(1/6) Okay, so just to be forward, here's what I've said about RE9 in the past. NONE of this is new, you can find tweets of me saying all of this over the years, I think I first started talking lightly about it back in 2020.

Resident Evil 9 was first conceived in 2018, at the (2/6) time RE7 had missed their sales goals at launch. There was an RE8 concept that was a direct sequel to RE7 in Village, but it got sidelined a bit after RE7's original lower than expected initial sales & a middling received vertical slice demo. A more ambitious RE8 that was
Jun 1, 2024 11 tweets 7 min read
Here's the 10 most interesting things I found analyzing all the new Silent Hill 2 Remake media released for the last State of Play, Silent Hill Transmission, etc.

#10 - James pulls out his map & writes on it with sharpie when making some notable additions to the player's map. #9 - Enemies (or at least the Nurses) can cancel and counter your attacks if you spam the same attack against them multiple times, seen below with the Nurse grabbing James' pipe when he tries to spam the normal attack.
May 31, 2024 129 tweets 63 min read
(1/???) Alright, here comes a mammoth of a Twitter Thread. I'm going to do an analysis of the new Silent Hill 2 Remake trailer, 13 minute gameplay video & other materials released in the last 24 hours. I'm sure there's stuff I'll miss, but I have a lot of observations to share. Image (2/??) We'll start with the Release Date trailer released during the State of Play.

We open up with the inner entrance to Toluca Graveyard. In the original SH2 there's a bit of a longer path before you get to the graves, in the remake the graves are right next to the entrance,
May 27, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
(1/4) Fuck it, I'm choosing to be the one to burst the bubble in a bigger way of what's going on with Resident Evil stuff.

First, I would wipe the expectations of RE9 being announced this summer period. The initial murmers I heard I now do believe are right, & RE9's announcement (2/4) is further away than this upcoming summer. Sorry for the back-and-forth on that, that's my fault.

RE:1 Remake rumors are bullshit, as far as I know RE:1 is not in any form of development at all right now.

RE:5 is not actively in dev now either. It's been funny seeing this
May 3, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
I have good news/rumors to deliver on Resident Evil 9. The possible delay I had heard murmurs about can be pushed aside. RE9 should be revealed pretty soon & release next year. If what I heard previously holds true, should be in January. It'll have had about 7 years in dev. January 2025 I hadn't heard now, just been a date I'd heard previously they probably are still aiming for, but never know in game dev.

I won't leak/rumor any other details of the game, just let Capcom do their thing & let them surprise people.
May 2, 2024 17 tweets 10 min read
(1/17) Had a little convo about the rise of indie Dino Crisis inspired games in the 2020s, & decided to post it all here. Here's 15 upcoming & released indie games directly inspired by Dino Crisis.

Going to try to do one game per tweet, starting with one I'm REALLY excited for.

(2/17) Compound Fracture I think has nailed the bleak dark corridor but overgrown look of Dino Crisis, I fucking love the atmosphere of this thing, and its the Dino Crisis inpired project I'm more excited for. Not out yet, but keep an eye out for it:…
Apr 26, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
(1/17) Ranty little thread incoming, realize its long, & mostly me babbling on personal stuff.

Capcom is doing great & putting out great games, but they do end up with leaky ships, sometimes with me either legitimately contributing to that or unintentionally spreading (2/17) misinformation. My track record with RE insider stuff has serious mistakes on my part, & in recent times I've mostly avoided being anything more than a tease with small tidbits since I've come to somewhat dislike being that. But I'm also hypocritical in many ways, a part
May 30, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
(1/6) One last Silent Hill: Ascension tweet thread for now, but its about the angle of Ascension tackling guilt, if you want my fuller thoughts.

I get the hesitance to the guilt angle since the second era of Silent Hill focused a lot on that angle. In SH1 - SH4, only SH2 had a (2/6) focus of guilt (of the main character at least, one could argue Lisa's story was guilt related as well, & in SH3 Douglas is pushed by guilt for example). Meanwhile in the second era of SH, Homecoming & Downpour were both about guilt, SM & Origins dabbled in it.

However, I
May 30, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
(1/8) Just a little tweet thread of me doing my best to explain what Silent Hill: Ascension is, & why I'm personally optimistic on it.
Silent Hill: Ascension is a character-driven interactive CG web series that will be livestreamed & outcomes determined by audience participation, Image (2/8) set in the Silent Hill universe. There is a game component, though it plays a bit more like a puzzle-focused point'n'click styled game, but playing this game & watching & participating in streams gives you points (earned through playing & watching, not money) to contribute
May 30, 2023 26 tweets 12 min read
(1/25) So a new trailer for Silent Hill: Ascension was just released. I'm going to both provide some insight onto what Ascension even is, & do a trailer analysis. You can watch the trailer here:
Simply put, it's an interactive CG series that'll be streamed (2/25) live (w/streams happening daily), following multiple characters w/multiple possible fates, character relationships, & how events go down being determined by the audience participating. The details of how participation works is yet to be announced, but looking at Genvid's Image
May 28, 2023 10 tweets 9 min read
(1/10) Here comes a few dozen screenshots I took while playing Gmod maps (mostly horror maps) with friends over the last few years. I take screens then never upload them, so decided to post them to Twitter for my own amusement. ImageImageImageImage (2/10) Gmod can have very fun spaces, & been playing a lot. I often forget to take screenshots of places I like while playing, but still have taken some over time. ImageImageImageImage
May 25, 2023 36 tweets 16 min read
(1/26) Here's a big analysis of Alan Wake 2 from a mega-fan who's a little too excited for this sequel. There's spoilers for the original Alan Wake & American Nightmare, alongside some light Quantum Break & Control spoilers, but I want to do a serious trailer breakdown & analysis Image (2/26) There's a lot of ground to cover before I start my trailer breakdown properly. Firstly, AW2 has two protagonist, Alan Wake obviously, & a "new" character named Saga Anderson.

Except, she's not new.

In Quantum Break, there was this AW Easter Egg:
May 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
(1/3) The reason I'm vocal against religion is because of how it preys on ignorance to mold people. The banning of books over moral panic is always to conceal ways to learn more, as they desire people who are a blank slate to fill in. There's a fear of intellectual understanding (2/3) beyond their own biases & ability. With lack of knowledge, you can fill in the blanks that the world is only a few thousand years old & dinosaur bones were left behind by the devil, or that global warming is God preparing for Rapture. Demonize anything outside the Bible
Feb 23, 2023 50 tweets 30 min read
(1/??) Alright, here's a breakdown for Resident Evil 4 Remake's 3rd trailer. This trailer includes a lot of shots of stuff from the Castle & Island, stuff Capcom's been hiding up to this point, so probably some spoilers in this tweet thread. Given all of it is from the trailer. (2/??) We start off w/the cave scene that these Resident Evil 4 Remake trailers seem to love opening up on. This chamber is new so have no full context of where it is in the game, but the Zealots are here, along with Saddler & Ashley on a sacrifical slab, so probably the Castle.
Feb 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
(1/4) Just to go over all the Resident Evil Cliffhangers still lingering I can recall off the top;
-If Nikolai survived RE3 or not.
-What happened to Jill after RE5/Rev 2's note (we may get an answer on this soon from the Death Island film).
-The Jessica & Raymond after-credits (2/4) scene in Revelations 1.
-Alex Wesker in Natalia from Revelations 2 (though that was picking up from a cliffhanger in RE5 DLC).
-The weird hints of someone like Albert Wesker being behind the the scenes currently (most directly explored in Umbrella Corps, but also sprinkled
Feb 15, 2023 32 tweets 16 min read
(1/30) I'm going to talk a bit about Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, both because I'm a rather big fan of it but also I feel like it along with Origins is hardly ever talked about by Silent Hill fans despite being a mainline title.

I actually think Shattered Memories happened Image (2/30) to be one of the first "Walking Simulator" adjacent titles (I say lovingly as I personally enjoy these type of games when well done & I wish there was a better genre label to express their exploration-narrative focus), which predates Dear Esther by a couple of years. It Image
Feb 15, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
(1/6) Alright, so keep in mind this is SPECULATION from public pieces of info, not insider knowledge or a leak. I also hope I don't both anything that may or may not being going on behind the scenes as its all fresh, this is just me being observant & an eager enthusiast fan. (2/6) So with that said, Sam Barlow was the writer behind Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, who more recently did fantastic FMV games such as Her Story & last years Immortality (I recommend both if up for that type of game). He said this a year & a half ago…
Feb 14, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
(1/4) I'll clarify; I don't care for Harry Potter, but I don't personally care too much what people play. That said, I wanted to see what would happen if I commented in a tame, passive-aggressive way towards it, because like it or not, that is the bottom line of being in support (2/4) of the game. JK Rowling has openly stated she uses her royalties for hate organizations she believes in. But many will, & that's fine, but its you in a take way supporting an openly bigoted creator who openly supports taking rights away from people in need of support.