Hans G. Schantz Profile picture
Scientist, Inventor, and Author https://t.co/I6Ad8Nurn2 https://t.co/tcdNsWg92G https://t.co/tOAYL8Vq6W https://t.co/61dUw3MvWB… Opinions are my own.
Jan 7, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
@ScottAdamsSays What earlier data showing the shots were beneficial? There were red flags as early as 1/04/21:
blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/01/04… @ScottAdamsSays A month later in February, vaccine peddlers were already destroying their ability to see long term side effects.

“Key questions won't be easily answered, because many people who had been in the placebo group have now opted to take the vaccine.”
