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Acuario Living Water systems create the healthiest water on Earth 🌎 Designed with care for your home and business. Learn more: robert@acuario.io
Oct 10, 2023 10 tweets 11 min read
I Present to you...


What is it?
How it negatively affects your biology
How to deplete it

Lets recap on my most recent post in far greater profundity:

What is Deuterium?

Deuterium represents a stable variation of hydrogen, diverging from regular hydrogen (referred to as protium) by the addition of an extra neutron, which effectively doubles its atomic mass. Consequently, deuterium is often termed "heavy hydrogen”. It is theorized that a plausible source for a significant portion of deuterium present in the universe could be from the Big Bang. Given its identity as a hydrogen isotope, deuterium can seamlessly participate in any chemical or physical reactions where a hydrogen atom is involved. This implies that deuterium is prevalent in various facets of life, including the environment your body, the foods you consume, and the water you drink.

When deuterium replaces protium in a water molecule (H2O), the result is the formation of deuterium oxide, often referred to as "heavy water". It's important to emphasize a central point we'll revisit several times: heavy water exhibits distinctive physical characteristics compared to regular water. This includes a higher melting point (3.82 °C), an elevated boiling point (101.4 °C) and a slower rate of evaporation when compared to "light" water (devoid of deuterium). As a result of these unique properties, deuterium levels vary contingent on geographical location. To comprehend this, we shall briefly delve into how the water cycle influences the dispersion of deuterium.

Upon Earth's surface, the ratio of deuterium atoms to hydrogen atoms in ocean water averages approximately 1 to 6420. Therefore the concentration of deuterium in the majority of our planet's water is about 150-160 parts per million (ppm) or 0.000156%. However, regions at higher elevations and farther from the equator experience a decrease in the concentration of heavy water due to the water cycle causing fluctuations in deuterium levels. In general deuterium levels tend to be lower in areas more distant from the ocean or those with colder climates. These distinctions are primarily attributable to the differing melting points and rates of evaporation between heavy water and conventional water. Hence, the deuterium content in the water and foods you consume can also vary based on their geographical origin.
Image Deuterium & Biology

As recently as 11,700 years ago, the Earth may have had deuterium levels that were more than 30% lower than what we observe today. This phenomenon can be attributed to the termination of the most recent ice age, which brought about colder temperatures and increased ice and snow accumulation. Ice core evidence indicates that deuterium is removed from water during ice ages, implying that water and food likely had significantly lower deuterium concentrations during extended periods of our ancestors evolution. Modern highly processed foods, including those with grains, sugar, corn, or refined seed oils tend to have elevated deuterium content. This increase in deuterium levels has been associated with higher rates of obesity, cancer, and cardiovascular disease, which aligns with the prevalence of these health issues in contemporary society. The "deuterium hypothesis" finds evidence suggesting that diets low in deuterium, such as the paleo and ketogenic diets, possess anti-inflammatory properties and may offer benefits to individuals dealing with cancer, epilepsy, and type 2 diabetes.

Deuterium can take the place of hydrogen in various molecules and reactions, participating in the synthesis of hormones, fats, enzymes, and cells. The distinct properties of heavy water and deuterium can introduce complications when deuterium is used instead of regular hydrogen. Heavy water exhibits higher boiling and melting points and has 25% greater viscosity compared to regular water. It also has a five-fold lower ionization constant, resulting in slower electron donation and acceptance than normal water. These factors contribute to the destabilization of phospholipids, crucial components of cell membranes, and may similarly disrupt the behavior of other deuterated hormones and lipids (fats). Elevated deuterium concentrations could potentially impede the normal functioning of biological molecules.

The most significant disparity between hydrogen and deuterium arises from the kinetic isotope effect. Simply, deuterium causes a deceleration of chemical reactions when it replaces hydrogen. Due to its double atomic mass compared to hydrogen, a reaction involving deuterium is typically seven to ten times slower than the same reaction with hydrogen. This kinetic isotope effect holds significance for numerous biological processes, including DNA replication, DNA repair, and cytochrome P450 enzymatic reactions. Essentially deuterium has the potential to disrupt the normal functioning of the body by slowing down these chemical reactions. Mathematical models suggest that the kinetic isotope effect can lead to systemic metabolic changes, meaning that slowing down one reaction can trigger a ripple effect throughout the body, resulting in significant disruptions. Studies indicate that deuterium can drastically slow down reaction speeds, ranging from 30 to 800-fold, by impeding a process known as quantum tunneling.