Agnes Clackett Profile picture
West Ham 4ever! Lefty + Green + Woke Rejoin: UK🇬🇧🇪🇺EU. LGBTQ+🏳️‍🌈 ECHR HRA UNHCR HopeNotHate. XR JSO. Climate change is a reality.
Mar 23, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Britain First’s leader, Paul Golding (formerly of the British National Party), recognises that @hopenothate poses the biggest threat to his party’s future. For once, he is right about something. 1/ This year, same as last, Britain First are standing a range of candidates at the local elections. Amongst them, Paul Golding himself is standing in Dartford along with Britain First’s South East Organiser Nick Scanlon 2/
Mar 16, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Climate change. A scheme to cut pollution should cut pollution? No

Emissions Trading Scheme

Tory Govt handed £300m in pollution permits to airline co’s - for free

And that’s just part of £billions given to big polluters…… The Tory Climate Change Con

Government waives £10bn in green ‘tax’ for UK’s biggest polluters.

ExxonMobil among oil & gas firms handed ‘pollution permits’ under little-known Emissions Trading Scheme

Mar 3, 2023 6 tweets 8 min read
@HawkeyeKnows @Deadferrets @JamesDelingpole @AllisonPearson @JamesMelville There you go again.

Biased. The Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) sponsored by American Institute for Economic Research, a libertarian free-market think tank associated with climate change denial. Anti-lockdown. 1/ @HawkeyeKnows @Deadferrets @JamesDelingpole @AllisonPearson @JamesMelville Gupta’s study has not passed peer review. He has associated with those who oppose mask & vaccine mandates. 2/
Feb 20, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Good Law Project has written to the Metropolitan Police Service (the Met) asking it to confirm it will now open an investigation into apparent breaches of the coronavirus regulations by Matt Hancock and Gina Coladangelo.… On June 25, 2021, The Sun published an image of Hancock embracing his aide Ms Coladangelo, reporting that they were in a relationship.
On the date Mr Hancock has confirmed the photo was taken, England was subject to “Step 2” restrictions …
Feb 7, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
investigative work has revealed a hedge fund company, Theleme Partners, where PM Rishi Sunak, was a founding partner, has seen its profits more than double in a year. The company made a whopping £109m in the year up to 31 March 2022.… Theleme is heavily invested in Covid vaccine manufacturers Moderna – which  last month signed a 10-year partnership with the UK Government for an undisclosed sum.…
Dec 22, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
@oneadds @RishiSunak Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Research had shown the chances of developing GBS following vaccination are extremely small.

ANY vaccination - to claim it’s only the covid vaccine causing GBS is misinformation.… @oneadds @RishiSunak Infections that have been known to trigger Guillain-Barré syndrome

• Food poisoning - especially if caused by campylobacter bacteria

• Cytomegalovirus
• Flu
• Some tropical diseases (Dengue, Zika)

U are more likely to get GBS from an infection (flu) than the vaccine
Nov 6, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Good Law Project will be in the Court of Appeal on Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th November to challenge the High Court’s decision to allow the Government’s wide-scale use of private emails and messaging apps to conduct official business… This is in contravention of the Government's own policies, national security guidance and its legal obligation to retain documents on official systems for future scrutiny.
Oct 29, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Tufton Street

Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)

A registered charity with considerable influence over MPs & Government. Their goal is to reduce measures to tackle climate change

The Charity Commission concluded the promotion of its views doesn’t constitute ‘education’ Part of the Tufton Street group of organisations, GWPF has been criticised multiple times over the years for its reliance on anonymous donors, while recent reports revealed one of their donors has millions invested in oil.…
Sep 26, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
@Conservatives a Doomsday Cult.

Investors seem inclined to regard the UK Conservative Party as a doomsday cult, according to Paul Donovan, chief economist of UBS Global Wealth Management.

Confirmation, if we ever needed it! In his morning comment, Donovan gives an absolutely blistering verdict on the government’s plans:
The global signals from the UK’s mini-budget matter. Modern monetary theory has been taken into a corner by the bond markets and beaten up
Sep 25, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
A continuity of Tory carelessness. The dire state of NHS maternity services

Punctuation not pregnancy - whilst cigar chomping new health secretary @theresecoffey cares more about commas, mums & their babies are being put at risk due to a lack of safe staffing levels. The Continuity of Carer model - abandoned last Weds.

• to ensure safer care based on a relationship of mutual trust & respect between women and their midwives

• women receive dedicated support from the same midwifery team throughout their pregnancy…
Sep 21, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
21 Sept 2022. @GoodLawProject

On 28th August 2019, Jacob Rees-Mogg travelled to Balmoral to see Queen Elizabeth II to let her know that the Prime Minister planned to suspend or “prorogue” Parliament from a date in early September until 14 October. 1/2 Cabinet minutes 28 Aug, PM Johnson:

“It was important to emphasise that this decision to prorogue Parliament for a Queen’s Speech was not driven by Brexit considerations: it was about pursuing an exciting & dynamic legislative programme to take forward the Government’s agenda.”
Aug 18, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Good Law Project @GoodLawProject

Net Zero. What’s Really Going On Here?

18 August 2022

We won’t let the drive for Net Zero, one of the most important challenges facing the UK today, become another example of secretive closed-door procurement practices (1)➡️ That’s why we’ve filed judicial review proceedings against East of England Broadband Network (E2BN) for their decision to, we believe, unlawfully award a £70 billion ‘Everything Net Zero’ Framework Agreement to the Place Group, a company with scant emissions reduction expertise➡️
Aug 15, 2022 12 tweets 9 min read
@DragonInLondon @DrFrancesRyan Not quite the full picture

Overall LFB coped well with Johnson’s cuts - no doubt due to their professionalism

Boris had wanted deeper cuts

Mayer said no more cuts if LFB is to have sufficient resources to meet future challenges, keep Londoners safe… @DragonInLondon @DrFrancesRyan Furthermore:

Mayer Report:

In nearly all London boroughs, LFB still hits its target, 6 mins average for 1st appliance on scene of an incident

- individual wards now not meeting average attendance time targets has risen, in particular where a fire station has been closed.
Aug 12, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Donald Trump

The court document lays out that Trump is being investigated for violating a federal law known as the Espionage Act. 2: Trump. Mar-a-Lago. FBI Search.

The warrant says agents are authorised to seize evidence that uncovers efforts by Trump to unlawfully retain sensitive information that could aid US adversaries or destroy or conceal US government documents.
Jul 17, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
13 July 2022


MPs accuse DWP of creating ‘two classes of claimants.… 2: MPs have accused the DWP of creating ‘two classes of claimants’ because those who are forced to migrate to UC early will take a big cash hit compared to those who move later.

The problem will be caused by next April’s annual uprating.
Jun 29, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Food security should be national security - Now.

Chill winds blowing through agriculture - especially in Lincolnshire, Britain’s bread basket.

The main reason - soaring fertiliser prices.… Farmers are now growing less for food consumption, and growing more for animal feed

• 25% less pigs being farmed, pig meat shortage will hit quite quickly.

Factor in: No more EU cash. English farmers face losing half their EU-style subsidies by 2024
Jun 29, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
@GoodLawProject 29 June 2022

1: We are, today, issuing formal proceedings against the Met Police for their apparent continued failure to properly investigate Boris Johnson’s attendance at 3 lockdown gatherings, in Nov & Dec 2020 & Jan 2021 … … and their refusal to answer our legitimate questions about how they reached this decision.

The public have a right to know what really went on inside the Partygate investigation …
Jun 23, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
@fitalass @Telegraph Utter rubbish

1: Scotland elects using proportional representation - not the way of an elective dictatorship.

And this dead 🐈 story - shameful.

- the UK is sleepwalking into an electoral dictatorship courtesy of Johnson’s government … @fitalass @Telegraph 2: Trampling over our democracy

• proposed ripping up of the HRA
• taking control of the Electoral Commission
• severely restricting the right to protest
• removal of a person’s citizenship without notice
Jun 23, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
Johnson’s government once again are putting through legislation that undermines our security & the freedoms we depend on

No 10 has set out to scrap the Human Rights Act (HRA) & replace it with a new “Bill of Rights”, introduced to Parliament yesterday… 2: The HRA was set up to ensure that international human rights law (under the European Convention on Human Rights or ECHR) applies adequately across the UK
It ensures that all public bodies protect people’s fundamental rights, creating avenues for legal challenge when it doesn’t
Jun 16, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
A CONservative Cost of Living Crisis.

And the -

Couldn’t Care Less @Conservatives Hits the Most Vulnerable.

@theresecoffey DWP illegally forces claimants to repay entire Universal Credit award.… UC CLAIMANTS ILLEGALLY FORCED TO REPAY ENTIRE AWARD BY DWP.
@benefitsandwork 9 June 2022

1: Claimants are being illegally forced to repay their entire Universal Credit award even though they were fully entitled to it, the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) has revealed.
Jun 8, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
1: It’s crystal clear now what the CONservatives think about having a Prime Minister who’s made lies, incompetence & corruption the hallmarks of his administration

It’s also clear that the majority of Tory MPs care more for their own seats than the views & welfare of the people 2: Tory MPs have made it crystal clear that they’re ok with a man that allows
• water companies to pump raw sewage into our waters.

• pensioners having to ride the bus to keep warm, & eating only one meal a day.