Ase Deliri Profile picture
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Pradeep Gowda Profile picture Adjanma das Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jun 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
In the spirit of Sufi Buddhism, observe the room's energy when you enter/exit. Replace your snide remarks and ego-driven sarcasm with wit, born of keen observation and compassion. With this shift, you turn from a dissonant note to a harmonious chord in life's symphony. Sarcasm is but a desperate cry for external validation. It's an unrefined attempt to seize erudition, to assert superiority. It's the ego's poison, its deceitful words betraying intent. If there is genuine disapproval, let it be voiced with courage and clarity.
Mar 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
To learn about complex systems, think about how your body works. You can't gain or lose 10 pounds in a day because your body has rules and regulations. To lose fat, start with weight training for at least 40 minutes. Weight training uses the sugar in your body without oxygen, which is called anaerobic exercise. Then, move on to cardio but keep your heart rate low. You want your heart to flush your body with oxygen, which won't happen if your heart rate is too high. Aim for a heart rate between 50-70% of (220-your age) for 30-40 minutes.
Feb 20, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
What you should do instead of SMS #2factorauthetification is use something like an authy app. @1Password has one built in but there are others. Authy is a mobile and desktop application that provides two-factor authentication (2FA) services to help secure your online accounts. You download and install the Authy app on your device.
You set up two-factor authentication for your online accounts that support Authy. This involves scanning a QR code or entering a code into the Authy app.
Feb 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The whole #2factorauthetification thing and why SMS is a bad idea.
SMS messages can be intercepted or redirected by attackers, which could allow them to bypass the 2FA protection. SIM swap attacks can be used to steal a victim's phone number, which would allow an attacker to receive 2FA codes sent via SMS. SMS messages can be delayed or lost, which could prevent a user from receiving their 2FA code in a timely manner and potentially lock them out of their
Feb 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Why don’t people constantly using machines see results?
1) Machines have to be profitably mass produced and cater to everyone. Square holes. Round pegs.

2) Generally a pulley system divides the weight you use. Some machines use 3 pulleys further dividing the load. Image It’s how we build things when machines weren’t around. The trade off is you have to pull over a longer distance but the pay off is you don’t have to apply as much effort. If it’s a single pulley, it’s not divided. Anyway. To sell to people, give them the motion. Image
Feb 14, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Compare that India was forced and given British common law. The underlying structural values mapped onto Hindu scriptures and the Indians forked that which was originated in Greece. You can't force things on to people. People have to question the underlying values and accept/reject it. The Indians took the democracy kernel forked from Britain and wrapped with APIs from their religious scriptures and made a whole new thing that generates stability and value to their people and serves that nation.
Jan 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Noticing a trend:
The max vaxxer who got it wrong now are playing 2 games.
1) imagine things were worse. 🙄
2) we made best decision we could based on the facts of the time.

Look fuck wit, you sound like a degenerate gambler who lost and now is claiming that others got lucky. We know you’re a soulless bunch of ghouls. How do we know this? Because you keep tweeting about your psychotic fantasies of imagining yourself being right. Ironically one of the clowns on that side made a living shorting big claims. Now he’s on the losing end.
Jan 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The prodigal son story. You heard of it? Gospel of Luke. So what’s the story about? Why does the father forgive the asshole son? Why does the good and obedient son get shafted when the father welcomes back the arrogant son back into the fold? The arrogant son is your youth. He wants to change the world. He just wants his fair share to help with the jump off. When he comes back, it’s your higher inner Self. You have to accept your youthful indiscretions. That’s the power of the story. It’s why it keeps surviving.
Dec 26, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Reality and facts. You can ignore facts. If they are lower case f facts. You can ignore reality if it’s lower case r reality. What you cannot ignore is capital R reality. Confused? Ok “beautiful at any weight.” See the lower case f and r? In sales we know this. We use different words based on the end goal. If we want to sell to you, we get you to ignore the small f facts and focus on the possibilities of big R realities. How you frame something is just the game that’s played. Amplify the facts you like
Oct 31, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Almost all people support political prisoners. Same people want opposing voices banned on twitter. Do you see the contradiction? This is the asymmetry that’s built deep into the human mind. You can exploit this easily. I can teach you. Not because I want you doing it. But because I want you aware of it so it doesn’t work on you. People will frame an issue to you with their biases built in. Tone and manner of how they say it. Words are but butterflies flapped. The tsunami of emotional reactions is what they are after.
Oct 29, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
You know what’s funny? All these years with the previous team in charge, they fake boosted certain accounts and their tweets. Why? If you can make something artificially appear popular on twitter, you can influence how the culture views said thing. This *helps* explain why movie studios and a particular political party decided to chase a specific narrative. The people cheering that artificial perspective got complacent because everything they tweeted was automatically amplified.
Jul 28, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
SVP Prabhakar Raghavan noted that core Google services were being impacted by a growing preference for social media and videos as the first stop on younger people’s path to discovery and that 40 percent of 18 to 24-year-old users go to TikTok or Instagram.. when they are looking for a place for lunch, rather than Google Maps or Search. What this tells us is that things should never be taken for granted. Habits formed by one generation don’t necessarily continue with the new generations.
Jul 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
When you brag instead of teaching others, you are infecting yourself with a compounding agent that will overtake your competitive advantage. You slowly replace your spiritual humility with braggadocious ego. Share lessons learned not spoils indulged. Eventuality your ego’s brags will exceed your actual contributions to your past successes. This will turn others off from wanting to participate in your future endeavours for new success. Self defeating and unnecessary. The Universe is alive and has feedback loops built in. 🤷‍♂️
Jul 11, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Those confused by this process. Allow me to extrapolate based on learnings from @mdvex22 and @PaulPortesi. Most people buy in linear time. They are price takers. They’ve never been a price setter. What’s the difference? 99.99999% of humanity walks up to a store and pays whatever the price for the goods they want is and walks out. When you’re a price setter you have different options. You want to compress time. You want to expand time. You want to inject volatility,
Jun 23, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Wanna know another secret?
I’ll teach ya how to trap the easiest prey. They are the hyper rational over educated ones. The we should switch to the metric system, and I follow the science types. They are so in love with their mental powers that all you have to do is offer them confirmation of their prior beliefs. Their mental security apparatus has an alarm system and trip wires that can be completely disarmed if you just repeat their beliefs back to them. These people’s weakness comes from their certitude.
Jun 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
While admirable, it has to be calculated. World wars break out. When they do and if it’s sparked by China v India, we should all remember this. The “west” is a set of ideals; democracy, rule of law, method for allocation of resources etc. His points are valid. And every country must always act in their own interest. The fact that India doesn’t have a permanent seat on the security council needs to be rectified. But make no mistake about it. It is the West v China going forward. India wants to be a 3rd pole.
Apr 8, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read

Ok a few rules of thumb.
1) Understand how to invert assumptions and map out 2nd order effects. Why?

Every negotiation is a person imposing their will on you. If you can read the implications fast, what happens remarkably different. Most people get into a conversation and it turns into game theory. Prisoners Dilemma ensues. But as I’ve learned from @mdvex22 that’s your moment to strike. You have to pull off a Kobayashi maru. You can sit in a room while the cop is reading you your terrible options
Feb 17, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Side project. There’s this really annoying kid in my building. He tries really hard to make friends. I see the other kids ditch and exclude him all the time. I kept an eye on their social circle. I’d run into the them in the elevator or parking lots for a while. One day I was taking out the trash and I saw him. He said hi. I ran an experiment. I said hello and I reached out my hand to shake his and introduced myself. He was taken aback. I guess this generation doesn’t know how men interact.
Jan 2, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
There's always a way to stir the deepest parts of us, I give you a world-class poem with a best-in-class voice reading it. "Invictus" is a very short Victorian poem written by William Ernest Henley. He was an English poet who lived within 1849 – 1903. He wrote the poem on a hospital bed while suffering from tuberculosis of the bone. He had the disease at a very young age.
Nov 18, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
False vs truth:
For every false idea that penetrates into your belief system, it takes an order of magnitude to extract that kernel of nonsense out of your system. Order of magnitude in effort. But it gets worse. As the belief system shapes your world view, it grows. In time it becomes 2 orders of magnitude to give that idea up. Sometimes you become absolutely blind to the original idea. I know this to be true. How? Here’s a test. Ask yourself to reflect on some issue, ie abortion, gun rights, immigration, etc.
Nov 7, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Beauty and nature go well together Image Image