Aidan Comerford Profile picture
Writer of Cornflakes for Dinner. Former winner of So You Think You're Funny? Generally tweets about what transphobia looks like.He/him.
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Mar 16 8 tweets 2 min read
This Canadian nurse lost an employment tribunal for "expressing her gender critical beliefs" and wrote an article that said, "Standing up for women’s rights is not transphobic...It is not hateful."

This is an example of the sort of "not hateful" comment she is talking about. 1/ Image If you go to the mainstream media now you can read that this tribunal was a "witch trial" with lots of quotes from JK Rowling about women's rights, but the reality is that this has nothing to do with women's rights, it is simply hatred of trans people. 2/
Mar 12 15 tweets 4 min read
Today is the "gender critical" movement's #DetransAwarenessDay, and I think people should be aware that (the very few) GC detransitioners are generally people who fell down Right-Wing rabbitholes, and ended up tweeting, and retweeting, horrifically ableist and racist tweets. 1/ Image
Detransition is very, very rare, and generally not because people aren't trans, but because they find it difficult to exist as a trans person in a transphobic family or community. "General critical" detransition is rarer still, and is ideological.

Mar 9 10 tweets 4 min read
Stella O' Malley is a celebrity psychotherapist in Ireland, and also the founder of "Genspect."

In that role she platforms "detransitioners" who are invariably awful, hateful people who freely use ableist slurs. Think this is bad? 1/ Image
She also platformed another detransitioner, Keira Bell, 9 days ago, a few days after Keira, a Tommy Robinson fan, was retweeting horrifically racist tweets calling black people "monkeys", for example, without comment. But at least she's the only racist in Stella's gang, right? 2/ Image
Mar 8 7 tweets 2 min read
Whenever a trans woman does anything, a transphobic woman arrives to say that "women don't do that." The other day I saw a transphobe say that no woman has ever taken a picture of themselves trying on clothes in a dressing room.

That level of irrationality can't be "debated." Looking at the person's other tweets, they weren't a stupid person, they've just been taught to hate trans women for so long that they'll talk any sort of absolute bollocks in order to justify it. You can't "debate" people out of that, that is radicalisation.
Mar 6 9 tweets 2 min read
Hi @thepeacepoet99,

Could it be that you were rumbled as stealth trans in 2019, by a mother who started an anti-trans org that same year, you ran away to Israel, your friend got shot, you were scared, and you knew the price of coming home to "safety" was detransition? 1/ Image That's a far more plausible story that what you said in @nypost, and doesn't leave out any awkward details, like your second name, and who your mother is, because that rather ruins your "incredible" narrative of "forgetting my binder, running, while the air sirens blared." 2/
Mar 2 27 tweets 6 min read
Hi "gender critical" activists,

Graham Linehan asks you if it's likely that he - one of the most successful writers in his field - has been radicalised hours after he shared Robert F Kennedy propaganda on Ukraine that most of you (but not all) think is conspiratorial crap. 1/ Image
Graham has spoken before of having "dark nights of the soul," where one presumes he wonders if he's actually just a transphobe in a transphobic hate cult, someone who is given to believe any sort of crap almost anyone who hates trans people says about trans people. 2/
Feb 27 45 tweets 8 min read
Trans people are an innate human reality, much like gay people are. Homophobes will claim that being gay isn't natural, and transphobes will similarly claim that being trans isn't "a biological reality" but, on the evidence, being gay/trans is a natural part of humanity. 1/ Image In relatively recent human history, homosexuality was classed as a mental illness by medical professionals, even though, on the evidence, it clearly isn't a mental illness. This was because of prejudice, ignorance, anger and hatred, not sober-minded, unbiased calm reflection.
Feb 25 35 tweets 6 min read
Progressives are not bad at debate; the Right Wing is just good at propaganda. For example, it's nearly three years since there was a huge Right-Wing media splash that "1000 families" (sic) were going to sue a trans healthcare facility in the UK. To date, the number is zero. 1/ What was actually being reported was an ambulance-chasing legal firm saying they were looking for litigants, and were expecting to get 1000 families. Either they were high on their own transphobic supply, or they knew well this was utter nonsense. But...2/
Feb 24 15 tweets 3 min read
"The problem is that progressives are afraid of debate." You know, this year it'll be five years since JK Rowling revealed herself to be an anti-trans activist, and in all that time she has not once done a mainstream interview with any journalist who will challenge her. 1/ She did do a fawning 7-part podcast called "The Witch Trials of JK Rowling" with @meganphelps (who got out of one cult - The Westboro Baptist Church - only to fall straight into another one - The Gender Critical Movement.) But, she's never had to actually debate in a forum...2/
Feb 18 27 tweets 5 min read
I'll translate @benryanwriter's tweet for you:

@BriannaWu is my "trans friend who agrees with me." She is one of "The Good Ones," she deserves better than all the other ones.

The days of "the trans friend who agrees with me" are over.

Ben and Brianna haven't got the memo. 1/ Image The anti-trans or "gender critical" movement is a hate movement.

In the early days, you'd have heard names of "trans women who agree with us" like Debbie Hayton, Fionne Orlander and Kristina Harrison coming up again and again, being cited as their "friends." 2/
Feb 10 9 tweets 2 min read
Anyone who follows me knows that I am pretty level-headed, not given to abusive language, but I think you'll understand, when you read the quote tweet, why it is appropriate in this instance to say get utterly fucked with this shit, Peter. This tone-policing nonsense happened in 2018 during the Irish abortion rights campaign where male centrist allies would admonish women for the tone of their tweets, telling them they were going to lose the abortion referendum by being too abusive to religious zealots. 2/
Feb 10 8 tweets 2 min read
Hi again "gender critical" people, I see you are doing your usual campaign of holding a rally somewhere and then going to a local pub and trying to drum up a legal case.

Fundraiser incoming: more money from middle-class activists to harass working people just doing their jobs. Because that is what your movement is, at its heart. An entitled people's privileged harassment campaign. You say it's you versus the elites, but it's actually a group of relatively well-off people, travelling from city to city harassing local young workers when you get there.
Feb 4 13 tweets 3 min read
Hey again "gender critical" people, do you see the way your MAGA allies are trying to claim that vaccines are a medical scandal by saying that the rates of identification of autism in children have risen from 1 in 150 in 2000 to 1 in 36 now?

Remind you of anything? 1/ It should be: this is exactly the same rhetoric you use to try to discredit trans kids, and claim that it is caused by a medical cabal intent on "transing kids" for profit.
You know how you think MAGAs are barmy on autism and vaccines? That's how you sound on trans kids. 2/
Jan 29 9 tweets 2 min read
Every time you see a story in the media announcing that puberty blockers are banned, it's untrue. They've just been banned for trans kids. Cis kids who are in distress because of precocious puberty still get them. Trans kids who in distress, don't. But that's okay, because...1/ ...there are "gender critical" organisations out there like Genspect offering "therapy" to trans kids instead, except, they are completely failing in their supposed mission to the point that they also have to run parental alienation workshops. They are heaping pain upon pain. 2/
Oct 23, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
Graham Linehan has admitted to throwing the phone of a young trans protestor across the road (criminal damage), and is now relentlessly stalking her online.

If you still call him a friend, an ally, or even say "he's not a transphobe," you're essentially cheering on a bully. 1/ While most in the "gender critical" movement cheer Graham on, I am sure there are prominent people who view his actions with, at the very least, some queasiness, but I would suspect that they would be terrified to speak up. 2/
Oct 21, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
They never wanted "debate," they just wanted a world that was snide and cruel to trans people, that mocked trans people because they are trans people. I would recommend watching Season 3 of Heartstopper, filled with empathy and understanding and kindness as an antidote to this. Image Think about how mean you have to be as, as a literal billionaire, to find a tweet by a non-binary person celebrating being non-binary, which has NO EFFECT on your life whatsoever, and using your power and privilege to direct other people to pour scorn on all non-binary people?
Oct 6, 2024 18 tweets 3 min read
"Gender-critical views" is a nonsense term that transphobes came up with, so they could get the UK legal system to legally codify transphobia as "a protected belief." All you have to do is ask GC people to say how GCism is different from transphobia, in practice. Examples? 1/ Image Transphobes misgender trans people as a matter of course.

GC people misgender trans people as a matter of course.

Transphohes don't accept the validity of trans people.

GC people don't accept the validity of trans people.
Oct 3, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
There are 1000s of "gender critical" accounts with their "Shero" Magdalen Berns' image in their headers.

And yet, if you consistently criticise them for their adoration of a dead transphobe - who lived to abuse trans people online - they accuse you of being obsessed with her. They say ridiculous things like 'she's not alive to defend herself.' Imagine Tommy Robinson died tomorrow, and 1000s of people put his image in their headers, and when you criticised them for their adoration they said, 'he's not alive to defend himself.'
Sep 29, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
In 2020, @jk_rowling wrote an essay which ended with an appeal to stop abusing women online for "having concerns," and by 2024 she's tweeting "fuck off, Nadia" about a woman who has concerns about the dehumanisation of trans people, which is who she always was all along.
The "gender critical" movement and Rowling were never actually against online abuse. In the same essay, Rowling expressed huge admiration for a dead GC woman who regularly abused people in that way, whose beloved catchphrase was "fuck off, you wanker."
Aug 8, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Kellie Harrington is an excellent boxer who did Ireland proud. She also once retweeted an anti-immigrant tweet, and a transphobic tweet, and offered a half-apology for the former, but not the latter. Obviously, that tempers celebrating her success in the ring for many people. 1/
It is also going to make a lot of people upset to see other people celebrating her success, when her words have hurt them and their community, and her "apology" was the classic non-apology that doesn't actually address exactly what she did and why she did it. 2/
Aug 3, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
Last year, Posie Parker, a leader in @jk_rowling 's "gender critical" movement, knowingly did an interview with YouTuber Avi Yemini, a man convicted of assaulting his ex-wife, and weeks later Rowling referred to Parker as a genius, so please spare me this empty-worded guff. 1/ Image There are a few women in the "gender critical" movement, who still are still desperately clinging to their original feminist principles while trying to stay "GC," who objected to Parker allying with a convicted domestic abuser.

Rowling was not one of them.

Why not? 2/