Akashaslair Profile picture
Mar 12 7 tweets 2 min read
I know this hurts. The weight of being there for people who only see you as a lifeline—but never a priority—is heavy. You keep telling yourself that maybe one day, they’ll see you. Maybe one day, they’ll love you the way you love them. But how many ‘one days’ have passed? You’re not crazy for wanting to be loved without conditions. You’re not wrong for hoping your family would cherish you, not just need you. But love that only shows up when it’s convenient for them isn’t love
Mar 13, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
Air 🌴 Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Rising ( FIRST ) Sun, moon, mars, merc, Venus + nodes

💌Soul Reading 💌

Peter 5:6-7 - Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that they may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on them because they care for you. Image You’ve heard this before but sometimes god has to reel it in harder into you! For you to see you were clearly struggling with putting yourself first for so long. That it’s almost just “normal” to not “feel” much & “see” in a way because I was never “important” anyways ( not true)
Dec 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Did a session with a young woman & she asked “ who’s sending her the evil eye “

I looked her in the eye “ you are”

She was confused & I said you have deep wounds of inadequacy & because you don’t feel good at stuff you curse yourself - heal & you will change

But -> I had to tell her that many people have this problem. They curse themselves & because they don’t want to work on themselves inwards. Their actions compensate for the lack of inner awareness & change

They sabotage, hurt people, become bitter , & so on
Jul 2, 2022 81 tweets 18 min read
Air signs; Gemini, Libra, Aquarius ♒️
Sun, moon ( tropical & sidereal )

🐛 SEANCE & THERAPY SESS ( READ DISCLAIMERS/ thread first! Not zee book to trigger your ego🌱


💕 Hola Mis amores - Welcome back tribe chickens to another session. These are PERFORMED! If you new just watch the YouTube video or ask the tribe how this works! That’s all Imma say! Idk what the other stuff is
Jul 1, 2022 60 tweets 14 min read
Earth signs: Taurus. Virgo, Capricorn
Sun , moon, rising, ETC ( TROPICAL & sidereal )

Seance book + therapy session

“ THE SLOW DOWN, THE REVELATIONS, & NEED FOR ACCOUNTABILITY! Life is changing” Hello July 1st! 🌱 it’s early in the day - and y’all think your slick ! Nay!

Seance book is in here just like fire. But 🤷🏽‍♀️ let’s see if you catch it now - I don’t post it because way too many people are disconnected from self. Like triggers, wounds, inflated egos,
Jul 1, 2022 70 tweets 14 min read
Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Sun, moon, ETC ( tropical + Sidereal)


🔥FINDING STRENGTH IN VULNERABILITY & SAFETY IN LIFE! LEARN COMPASSION 🔥 Image So y’all think ya slick - and there’s way too many people who are disconnected from self - it’s like emotionaless which has been scarying me! Some just numb! So Imma do the readings like thisssss
Jun 30, 2022 69 tweets 16 min read
Water signs : cancer, Scorpio, pisces
Sun, moon, ETC ( tropical + sidereal)

📰 Seance + therapy session ( eclipse year)



🌊 ImageImageImage So i decided to add some confirmation for the overall! Y’all know I hate cards but wanted to “spice it up “

Seances are performed. Idk what that other stuff is! Alsooo yes! I say not to read the book only because one people with wounded egos trigger a lot or pick & choose
Mar 22, 2022 50 tweets 10 min read
Fire signs : Aries , Leo , Sagittarius
Sun, moon, rising & Venus ( north node ) tropical & sidereal

Seance book - March 21st 2022

“ Things will be flowing again”

So, this was a little unexpected because right in the middle of filming today for you guys it was just an Abrupt pool & I’m sad because you guys were actually able to see the spirits in the video!

If you’re new! Welcome! I’m Akasha! This is my familia. My tribe chickens! & this is performed by meee c: welcome! The seance book is not something to pick & choose but it’s from
Mar 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Just a thought c: How all of us tribe chickens have been with each other in all the chapters!

You guys were with me when I was homeless, doing readings in hotels , cars

I saw many of you get out of toxic relationships , jobs, build yourself!

We manifested my place together - I saw a lot of you, move to different states!

Some of you there when things went down never switched up! ( I pay attention )

1 year! Wow! We did that! I’m so proud of us! Proud of what we all do this year! Can’t wait to meet more of you!
Mar 19, 2022 71 tweets 14 min read
Earth signs : Taurus, Virgo , Capricorn
Sun, moon, rising & Venus ( north node) tropical + sidereal

Seance book performed March 2022

“ Working through the Changes…. I think?”

Saved the best for last! Lmaooo now now! Let’s not - before the other tribe pollitos want to Image Catch a case. After performing this seance I got a bad headache for a minute! I even titled “ weird session”

If you’re new hola! All that can readddddd are welcomed 😭😭😂 my stuff is long but 🤷‍♂️ Image
May 31, 2021 68 tweets 16 min read
Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
🧿sun, moon, rising & Venus

5•30•21 - Hola mis amores! Akasha is back & idk what took over me to post today but it was like GREEN LIGHT! I figured this would be a long one so sit tight & we are in mercury retrograde season until June 22nd- So be very mindful, pay attention to detail & all! You guys have two pages worth of mediumship channeling & so many messages! Now before I get into this! DISCLAIMER & Big announcements for my Tribe chickens! Please don’t skip or you’re gonna be so lost! Okay? Good ? Got it let’s-
May 28, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
It’s so interesting. To see how many people have never come across someone ( people ) that actual does the work. Meaning with mediums/readings in general. I don’t pull a card call it a day! Literally kid you not someone booked in April & I delivered their reading yesterday & - When I say DIVINE TIMING! The Eclipse just happened & everything I told the person started happening! Furthermore! There’s no accidents! Get this, when people try to book with me I know your intentions & some of you it’s not nice. So I sit & I wait. Being a medium I have to watch
May 9, 2021 55 tweets 12 min read
👋Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
💚sun, moon, rising & Venus

5/9/21 - yeah, this was hard to get into ... I paused for like 10 mins trying to hold back tears. I resisted doing it because how big the energy is but bare with me as I go through this. It’s all over - The place. I woke up at 3am & it’s going on 6am here in California! They wouldn’t let me sleep & so many thoughts. I’m like what is it now 😭 so before I get into this! I always give a disclaimer beforehand now. I am Akasha, Medium & creator! Mother of my tribe chickens here-
May 8, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
💫 Tribe Chickens

I always will put disclaimers & warnings not because as all of this stuff “trends” I’m finding that people don’t want to face reality. A promise I kept to myself is honesty. I work with dead people & spirits. It’s nothing but honesty. I know I can’t make - People work on there stuff. See it in a different way for progression. That’s for YOU to do. You can find plenty of tarot readers, or whatever on this app & so on. Look at “union” love posts. As the days , months go by, your still a square one. That’s where I’m looking like -
May 8, 2021 35 tweets 8 min read
📼 Fire signs: Aries,Leo, Sagittarius
🤷🏽‍♀️sun, moon, rising & Venus

5/7/21 - now that things have calmed down! Hello 👋 I’m actually feel this energy right here but of course the spirit realm has a lot to say about a certain things when it comes to the changes that are ahead- Now before I get started I have to always tell anyone that is new this! I’m Akasha ,momma of my tribe chickens here ( that’s what we are called ) go with it. I’m a medium, & creator! This is how I do my readings & on IG! Now I work with spirits so anything that’s comes out is-
May 6, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Makes sense we can tell you guys beautiful ending. I don’t unless I’m being told to! Like I said I know your intentions & I made promise to them I would never steer someone to believe or do something wrong. I mean I can’t , that’s not in my nature or what mediums are suppose to- But some do. Even tarot readers I see & I get clients that haven’t gotten tons of readings. I already knew because I can tell how frantic a lot of you are & I’m like okay. So why are you hear again? You’ve been gave the answers. My goal is to not make people addicted to readings-
May 6, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Via last tweet - this is just a big highlight message from them on the other side. If you could see what I see 😳 I’m like where am I & why is everyone standing like the military of angels! Yet they look like they have had it! Angels have personality if you didn’t know but even- Your passed on loved one! I would go live so I could speak it but I have personals to do! This is around love! Wow! Way too many of you have romanticized the twinflame , sacred soul connections for FAR TOO LONG! Archangel Michael, Haniel, & Gabriel are huge! Omg, what they are-
Apr 21, 2021 32 tweets 7 min read
🧿Earth Signs: Taurus,Virgos, Capricorn
💫sun, moon, rising & Venus

( Trigger warning ) The follow post might cause people to take things personal, feel attacked, & things being written might make you feel some type of way since I am very straightforward medium so do at - You’re own risk to further reading & coming into our tribe.- now that that’s over & done. I know the OG tribe babes that read that might be like damn but I have to. We know the deal. So let’s get further into the reading shall we 💫-
Apr 20, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
💫 That brings me to what I talked about. I will never change my dark aspects. I’m blunt, I can be detached, a little chaotic, looking like a chicken with its head cut off 😂 very impatient at times, and can be impulsive. The thing is I EMBRACE so when it comes out it’s like - Oh okay 💚 if you find me “rude” unfollow, honestly no! Block me so you never have to see my posts again. That would be AWESOME ACTUALLY 💫😂😂😂 I will not change for anyone. Yeah I can temper them but change? For your liking? Because it’s fits YOUR NEEDS,- that brings me to-
Apr 20, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
🧿 This is what I have to wake up to & constantly reminded thats what happens. I’m going to be me regardless, yes I’m pretty blunt... you don’t have to support me at all, you probably weren’t meant to I’m fine with that. Reading msgs like this makes me think why people go out - There way & oddly this is a deja vu moment 😂 I’m not going to change for anyone. Makes sense why I was getting a lot of weird vibes lately & I prayed & did a lil something to my angels & they reveal all eventually 💚 sweetheart I pray you have a blessed journey, sorry you feel-
Apr 19, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
🐥 Tribe Babes - Chickens
💫 All of you - whoever decides to read

So, as I sat here talking to them. They said no to elements. The energy is intense & shifted. They said testing testing! I couldn’t do nothing but laugh because it makes sense so I’m going to spit fire what - They are showing me right now. Again I’m a medium - I don’t need tools but I do them for you guys. Right now they just want me to spit fire because some people. Again some people are just needing to know. So let’s go -