Thread....Because I am so angry this behaviour is ongoing.
Gilo, a self-appointed Survivor Advocate, is lying. He is making a false safeguarding allegation against staff at @ChChCathedralOx
This is extremely serious.
Gilo claims "Cathedral safeguarding was tweeting male porn"
2/ Gilo is lying and he knows this is untrue. How do I know this? Because he made this allegation against a professor at Christ Church (the College) in 2022.
You can read about this allegation here:…
Jun 26, 2022 • 8 tweets • 19 min read
@DrKLMcKeogh@clarehayns@TurbPriestOxon@Telegraph Katie, your questions suggest to me that you've never worked as a foreign national in another country. Yes, more bullying went on, but in itself, this targeted attack on my legitimacy in the country is certainly sufficient to warrant the label of "bullying"
@DrKLMcKeogh@clarehayns@TurbPriestOxon@Telegraph Here is @Adrian_Hilton aka @His_Grace publishing untrue details that claim I lost a job for misleading Magdalen College about my Right to Work (also getting the timing wrong as well - I left Magdalen after @MartynPercy assaulted me)
Jun 24, 2022 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
This is incredibly childish and I can't believe I'm needing to clarify this.... @SewellMartin is lying. Again. Mr Sewell has referenced me and my case constantly in the last few weeks - after he blocked me. He's now trying to claim I blocked him - I haven't. Screenshot proof here
I am not harassing anyone and I have never persecuted @MartynPercy. Mr Sewell is trying to characterise my justified critique of his petition as 'Oxford folk' 'pressuring' those who sign. This is not true. @SewellMartin please stop.