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Mar 11 • 12 tweets • 10 min read
This woman found something in 'Dying Human Brain' that makes no sense. Her breakthrough research reveals that a dying brain generates 'Gamma Waves,' suggesting it may remain active in a meaningful way even during death.
For several years, Neuroscientist Jimo Borjigin had been surprised to realize how little we know about what happens to the brain when we die, even though dying is a natural part of life.
About ten years ago, she accidentally discovered this while conducting experiments on rats. She and her team were monitoring brain chemicals after surgery when two rats unexpectedly died, allowing her to observe the brain's activity during death.
She wondered if one of the rats had hallucinations because its brain released a large amount of serotonin—a chemical linked to mood and hallucinations. This made her curious, so she started researching the topic, only to find that very little was known about how the brain behaves when dying.
Since then, as a professor at the University of Michigan, she has dedicated herself to studying this process. What she discovered challenged common beliefs.
For a long time, doctors have declared people "clinically dead" when their heart stops beating. The focus has always been on the heart, not the brain. Since the brain needs oxygen to function, it was assumed that when the heart stops pumping blood, the brain simply shuts down.
However, Dr. Borjigin's research showed something different.
In a 2013 study, her team found that after a rat’s heart stopped, brain chemicals spiked dramatically:
-Serotonin increased 60 times;
-Dopamine (the "feel-good" chemical) rose 40–60 times;
-Norepinephrine (which makes a person alert) increased 100 times.
These levels were much higher than when the animal was alive.
In 2015, they studied more dying rats and found that in every case, the brain became highly active instead of shutting down.
Feb 27 • 11 tweets • 10 min read
This Man, who served in the U.S. Air Force, has one of the most convincing UFO encounter stories. He had a terrifying experience at Devil’s Den State Park, claiming to have been repeatedly abducted by aliens, fitted with a tracking device, and experimented on.
Terry Lovelace found something strange in his leg during a doctor's visit in 2012. He had felt a sharp pain, lost his balance, and fallen. When the doctor took an X-ray, he discovered a small square object deep inside Terry’s leg. The doctor was confused because Terry had never had surgery or an accident that could explain it. Then, Terry remembered something he had tried to forget for 40 years—a terrifying experience at Devil’s Den State Park. The object in his leg was not man-made.
In 1973, Mr. Lovelace joined the U.S. Air Force immediately after graduating from high school. He received training as a medic/EMT and was stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, which was previously called Sedalia Air Force Base. The base served as a B-2 bomber base and missile base and was home to the 351st Strategic Missile Wing, with many Minuteman II nuclear-armed ICBM silos scattered across the rural area.
Lovelace worked as a medic at an Air Force base and drove an ambulance at night with his partner, Toby. One night in June 1977, while taking a break, they looked at the stars. Toby, who loved astronomy, pointed out planets and constellations. Their night shifts were usually quiet, but this night changed their lives forever.
Later, Lovelace and Toby went camping at Devil’s Den State Park in Arkansas. As they sat by the fire, the sounds of crickets and frogs suddenly stopped, making everything eerily silent. Then, they saw three bright lights moving toward them. As the lights got closer, they realized they were coming from a huge, black, triangular-shaped UFO.
A blue laser beam quickly scanned over them, and the next thing they knew, they had lost consciousness. When Lovelace woke up, Toby was staring outside the tent. Lovelace looked too and saw the UFO floating above a group of about twelve children standing in a field. Confused, he asked, “Why are those kids out here at this time of night?”
Toby responded, “They aren’t kids. Don’t you remember? They took us and hurt us.”
Hearing this triggered Lovelace’s memory. Over the years, he used hypnosis to recover more details about what happened that night. He remembered being taken inside the UFO, where strange-looking beings performed medical experiments on him.
These beings looked somewhat human but were also very different. They didn’t speak but communicated using thoughts (telepathy). Lovelace recalled lying on an examination table, trying to scream, but no sound came out. Through telepathy, he could hear the beings telling him not to be afraid and that they would return him safely.
The Chinese government doesn’t want you anywhere near this mountain.
Mount Kailash, one of the most sacred places on Earth, is surrounded by strange phenomena and scientific mysteries.
Nestled within the Himalayas of Tibet, Mount Kailash is approximately 6,666 kilometers (km) from England’s famed megalithic mystery site, Stonehenge.
The distance from Kailash to the Great Pyramid of Giza is also approximately 6,666 km.
Mount Kailash to the North Pole? Also 6,666 km.
Further, Mount Kailash sits exactly 13,332 km from the South Pole, exactly double that 6,666 km range.
These precise measurements only scratch the surface of Kailash’s curiosities, having intrigued researchers, spiritual practitioners, and mountaineers for thousands of years.
Considered the center of the global energy grid for its high levels of electromagnetic activity, visitors to Kailash often report unusual experiences, including accelerated hair and nail growth, suggesting an acute time dilation effect in the region.
Some climbers of Kailash claim to experience two weeks' worth of hair and nail growth occurring in just a few hours, prompting them to turn back and descale their expeditions.
Could Mount Kailash’s effects on hair and nail growth indicate some type of time distortion as a result of its high levels of electromagnetic energy? (Source: en.icr.su/work/conferenc…)
We spoke with Mike Masters regarding the connection between time dilation and UAP sightings, wherein contactees report rapid shifts or lapses in time that may point to a holistic understanding of energy portals, megalithic structures, and the bending of space time:
Feb 17 • 10 tweets • 10 min read
This doctor believes that Death is not the Annihilation of the human mind. He says of consciousness: 'That entity continues, and it persists even when the brain does not appear to be functioning.' He also suggests that 'consciousness may be a separate entity from the brain.'
Sam Parnia, an associate professor of medicine at NYU Langone, is a leading researcher in resuscitation science and consciousness studies. He is the author of Lucid Dying: The New Science Revolutionizing How We Understand Life and Death.
His research explores near-death experiences, the continuation of consciousness after clinical death, and advanced techniques to revive the brain. By leveraging AI and cutting-edge medical technologies, Parnia is reshaping our understanding of life, death, and the possibilities of bringing patients back even after they've been declared dead.
Dr. Parnia’s research reveals that death is not an instantaneous event, but rather a process that unfolds over time. After a person’s heart stops, the cells in their body, including the brain, begin their own gradual death process.
Brain cells do not die as quickly as people once thought when they don’t get oxygen. Instead of dying within minutes, they can survive for hours or even days before the damage becomes permanent. This means there may be more time to help someone who has lost oxygen, such as in drowning or a stroke.
What happens when you die?
Dr. Parnia’s research focuses on near-death experiences. He studies people who were brought back to life after their hearts stopped. Many of these patients say they had clear and detailed experiences, even when their brains were not working properly or had stopped working completely. This is surprising because scientists expect the brain to stop producing thoughts and memories when it has no activity.
One in five people who survive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) after cardiac arrest may describe lucid experiences of death that occurred while they were seemingly unconscious and on the brink of death, a new study shows.
Led by researchers at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and elsewhere, the study involved 567 men and women whose hearts stopped beating while hospitalized and who received CPR between May 2017 and March 2020 in the United States and United Kingdom. Despite immediate treatment, fewer than 10 percent recovered sufficiently to be discharged from the hospital.
Survivors reported having unique lucid experiences, including a perception of separation from the body, observing events without pain or distress, and a meaningful evaluation of life, including of their actions, intentions, and thoughts toward others. The researchers found these experiences of death to be different from hallucinations, delusions, illusions, dreams, or CPR-induced consciousness.
Yes, humans have achieved 'teleportation' with a quantum supercomputer, but it's not your Sci-Fi teleportation. Scientists want to teleport an entire human—can they do it? Let's find out with this new Earth-Shattering discovery!
Scientists at Oxford found a way to connect two separate quantum computers so they can work together as one. They did this using something called quantum teleportation.
But this isn’t the kind of teleportation you see in sci-fi movies—nothing physically moves. Instead, information is transferred instantly from one place to another without actually traveling through space.
Quantum computers are super powerful, but they need millions of qubits to solve big problems. The problem is, cramming millions of qubits into one machine is nearly impossible. Instead of making one giant quantum computer, the researchers figured out how to link multiple smaller quantum computers together—like connecting tiny puzzle pieces to make a bigger, more powerful system.
Scientists have teleported quantum information before, but this is the first time they have teleported logical gates—the basic building blocks of a computer program. This means the linked quantum computers can now work together to run complex programs, just like a single, bigger quantum machine.
In short: They found a way to link quantum computers together using teleportation, making them work as one big system. This could help quantum computers become more powerful and practical in the real world.
Researchers at the University of Oxford connected two separate quantum processors using a special "photonic network interface," making them work together as one fully connected quantum computer.
This breakthrough could help solve complex problems that regular computers cannot handle. To be truly useful, quantum computers need to process millions of qubits (the basic unit of quantum information). However, fitting so many processors into one machine would make it extremely large.
The new approach links smaller quantum devices together, allowing them to share the work. In theory, this method can connect as many processors as needed.
While quantum teleportation has been done before, this study is the first to teleport "logical gates," which are the basic building blocks of quantum algorithms, across a network. This could lead to a future "quantum internet," where distant quantum processors form a super-secure network for communication and computing.
Lead researcher Dougal Main explained that, unlike previous teleportation experiments, their method allows separate quantum systems to interact. By carefully designing these interactions, they created logical quantum gates between qubits in different quantum computers, effectively linking them together as one system.
To test their method, the team ran Grover’s search algorithm, which can find items in large, unorganized datasets much faster than a regular computer. The success of this experiment shows how linking multiple quantum devices can lead to powerful, scalable quantum computers—potentially solving complex problems in hours that would take today's supercomputers years to complete.
Scientist Robert Lanza explains why 'Death does not Exist'. According to him, Death is merely Transport into another Universe and can be understood with Quantum physics. He argues that if we incorporate life and consciousness into the equation, many scientific puzzles can be explained, including why the universe appears fine-tuned for life.
@RobertLanza is a scientist, author, and professor at Wake Forest University. He is known for his groundbreaking work in stem cell research and regenerative medicine. TIME magazine named him one of the “100 Most Influential People in the World,” and Prospect magazine listed him among the Top 50 “World Thinkers.”
Dr. Lanza has published hundreds of scientific papers and over 30 books on topics like stem cells, tissue engineering, and regeneration. He’s also the author of books like Biocentrism, Beyond Biocentrism, and The Grand Biocentric Design, exploring the role of consciousness in shaping reality.
We often think of the afterlife as something tied to religion or spirituality. But science might also explore it in some ways. Dr. Robert Lanza believes we’re looking at things the wrong way. He says life, especially consciousness, is more important than the universe itself. Through his theory called 'Biocentrism,' he claims that space and time only exist because our consciousness perceives them.
Biocentrism, meaning "life at the center," is a bold theory. If proven true, it could change how we understand physics, biology, the mind, and even artificial intelligence. For example, imagine a blade of grass. Your brain, through your eyes, tells you it’s green. But what if scientists could change how your brain processes that and make you see it as red or yellow? Dr. Lanza explains that reality is just how our brain interprets sensory information.
Our consciousness builds our experience of reality. While physics treats space and time as fixed, Lanza argues they are just tools of the mind. He even suggests that death isn’t real in any true sense.
Notice how, for instance, when you are a child, days and weeks seem to drag on, while when you get older, they fly by. Time itself hasn’t changed just our perception of it. Whether the universe actually works the way in which we perceive it isn’t readily known. One of the fundamental laws of Newtonian physics is that energy isn’t created or destroyed, it simply takes another form. The energy trapped in our brain must take another form then, even when a person dies. Meanwhile, our senses tell us that it’s their end. But where does this energy go? In a world with endless space and time, could death really exist? If not, is immortality a phenomenon that occurs within space-time or outside of it?
Dec 6, 2024 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
This scientist says, 'Nothing you see is real.' He explains that everything we experience—space, time, the sun, the moon, and physical objects—are just part of a mental 'visualization tool' we use to interact with the world."
Donald Hoffman, a cognitive scientist and professor at the University of California proposes that in reality, the true nature of the universe is very different from what we perceive.
Dr. Hoffman proposes that rather than being created by the brain, a universal consciousness creates brain activity and is responsible for all matter in the physical world.
He says that our brains are like this virtual reality system, rendering objects like neurons only when needed. We are not truly aware of the deeper reality outside of space and time, just like a video game player doesn't know how the game engine works under the surface. Our experiences, thoughts, and feelings are part of this "simulation."
Hoffman suggests that consciousness is exploring endless possibilities, but we're limited by our human perceptions, like only being able to imagine a few dimensions or colors. He believes that by trying to understand this "visualization tool" more deeply, we can expand our minds and get closer to understanding the true nature of consciousness and reality, which is far beyond what we can currently imagine.
Sep 11, 2023 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
@YesTheory and I had the privilege of speaking with UFO Whistleblower Dave Grusch for hours after his congressional testimony. Thread of key takeaways below (part 1):
Hints of reverse engineering programs are everywhere and often publicly available. Nathan Twining was head of Air Materiel Command for the Air Force. In the postscript of his famous 1947 memo on UFO’s, he literally discusses the possibility of American programs building them: