Alek Sigley Profile picture
Scholar/Writer 學者兼作家📚 | Stanford MTL PhD (2021-) | Kim Il Sung University College of Literature Postgrad. 김일성종합대학(金日成綜合大學) 문학대학 박사원 류학생 (2018-19) | 💬조/한 中 日🍙
Jan 14, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
I'm starting a thread on linguistic differences between the North (평양문화어) and South Korean versions of standard Korean. Just trying to keep a running list of the more interesting words that differ between the two (and ignore differences in grammar, spelling for now). May this be of use to the researchers, language hobbyists, fanfic authors (…), D&D DMs (, spies, and prospective writers of Juche realist prose and poetry out there.
Jul 9, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
I’m back on social media! I want to again thank everyone for their concern and well-wishes. Please rest assured that I am well both mentally and physically. Since I’ve been getting a lot of questions, I’d like to make a brief statement. (For reference, here is the statement that I made just after my release last week: .)