Aleksandr X Profile picture
I'm working to replace or restore Ukrainian works of art destroyed by Russia -
Sue Strong 🇺🇦 Profile picture Karen Salitis 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇺🇲 Profile picture Eyckelenburgher Profile picture ✙ Dymtrus WhatSpecialOperationDoing? ✙ Profile picture Iwanderer2023 Profile picture 9 subscribed
Aug 30 4 tweets 2 min read

US Fellas - call in, please. 👇
Do your best. No one can do more, and I don't ask that you do more. 🫡

(1/) (2/)Image
Aug 27 13 tweets 4 min read

Right. Payment.

There have been rumors spread by russian trolls that the mutant alien tree that grows kibble in Area 51 has stopped growing kibble. 🌳

This is NOT true!!!

The tree is growing kibble more than ever before.
Mountains of it.

You will all roll in kibble and grow fat until you burst.

Payment in NAFO is GUARANTEED, by order of that great big Fella in the sky!

So stay the course.

And when you encounter orc trolls, sic 'em good. 🐶

Take your shots first, though. 💉 😎👍

WARNING: When visiting the underground bunker in Area 51, DO NOT enter the elevator marked 'Direct Elevator to Zelenskyy's office'.

It has been placed there to trap russian agents, and goes straight down to the Earth's core. 🔥🔥🔥

And those who already know of this...
....stop toasting kibble in it !!!!Image Image
Aug 12 5 tweets 4 min read


While the eyes of the world are upon the Ukraine's Kursk offensive, russia is 'striking back' by targeting civilians in Kherson with drone strikes.

Of course, russia has targeted Kherson with artillery ever since it was liberated - there's nothing new about that aspect of their butchery.

However, the russians are now taking their atrocities against civilians in Kherson to another level.

You've ALL seen the battlefield drone videos, where drones decimate soldiers....


The drones come across the river and murder anyone they sight.

My own family have been targeted, and most of our family have left Kherson and are now in Kyiv as refugees! More on this later in this thread.

For now, look at the video below:
A civilian describes to an American journalist how a hunter-killer drone stalked him and tried to murder him. (2/)
Earlier this year, our family's home was one of the first to be targeted by this new 'strategy' that russia has come up with.

You can see in the photographs below how the drone dropped explosive munitions that released shrapnel. One explosive dropped in the yard, the other, near the fence.

Fortunately, there was no one at home at the time - they dropped the explosives right next to the house in the hope of killing someone - anyone !!!Image
Jun 14 4 tweets 2 min read
PLEASE, everyone, read this humble request 👇
#NAFO Fellas and good people of the world who stand for humanity, democracy and freedom...

✨ Below you see a man who has been fighting for freedom for TEN YEARS
✨ A man with a young daughter
✨ A man who was recently nearly killed by a russian drone

My cousin.

Shall we grant him life, instead of death?

Shall we change his future?
Choose a path of light, rather than darkness?

This man's future is in YOUR hands.

A drone jammer means life on the battlefields of Kharkiv.
The lack of one... means death.

We're collecting $4000 for a drone jammer.

Of this, we have collected $3381.

There is just $600 to go.
$600 to life, rather than death, for this good man.

What will it be ?


🫡 (2/)
In the name of HUMANITY, I ask for your help.Image
Jun 14 27 tweets 7 min read

So, these are my favorites from a VAST collection of memes (roughly the size of a galaxy). Use what you like!

Let's start with my 'Orcland will shatter on the anvil of Ukraine's Victory!' meme.
Well, the image says it all. 😄Image (2/)
Victory Approaches! (version 1)Image
Jun 13 4 tweets 2 min read
This fundraiser is going slow, but it's still progressing. We're on the home stretch now.

$3151 of $4000 collected. That's only $349 to $3500 - can we get this fundraiser to $3500 tonight?

Remember that these lads nearly died from the russian drone attack!

It's not often that a person gets second chances like this.


Please get them a jammer while they're still alive. 🙁

Look at that little child in the picture below - Vasya's daughter. She needs to continue to have her father.

When will the tragedies stop?

PLEASE help!


Monobank: (2/)
Fellas, you know that I only ask for help when it's a life-or-death situation. These lads MUST have this drone jammer to LIVE.

Please help them to live, and not die.

You can help by reposting the post above 👆
I ask EVERY Fella to repost the post above.Image
Jun 10 4 tweets 2 min read

A Ukrainian strike has obliterated a crucial Command Post of the russian army that has been directing the Kharkiv offensive near Volchansk.

Eight top russian army officers are 'missing' at the 'scene of their crimes'.

These are the SAME officers who have been ruthlessly forcing their troopers into suicidal assaults on Ukrainian lines.

They won't be issuing such orders EVER again.

The strike occurred in Shebekino, in the Belgorod region.Image (2/)
The West untying Ukraine's hands by allowing strikes into russia has changed the course of the war.

#NAFO Fellas - you've done a magnificent job getting your governments to do that. Don't let up on the pressure - let Ukraine strike ANYWHERE in russia!Image
Jun 7 5 tweets 2 min read

#NAFO Fellas, we equipped Vasya and unit VERY efficiently, getting them TWO vans for just $5000, with money LEFT OVER to fine tune the engines and paint the vans!

Now, Ukrainians have funded a drone jammer that protects ONE of these vans.

Can NAFO get them a jammer to protect the OTHER one?

Our cousin Anya is handling this fundraiser.



Target: $4000

The cost is low for a drone jammer - and it can block a wide range of enemy drone-control frequencies.

These lads were nearly killed by a drone once.

Let's band together to stop it happening (2/)
This is the drone jammer that we're getting them:
It can block a wide range of frequencies, and take out multiple drones at once.Image
Jun 2 5 tweets 3 min read
#NAFO Fellas, come and...

Yes, russian social media channels are awash with whining and groaning about the utter destruction of their 'great offensive'.

I'm posting some juicy details here - orc social media channels have much, MUCH more...

😭 'Our offensive has been stopped.'

😭 'The Ukrainians are conducting an offensive instead of us (!)'

😭 'HIMARS are 'working' on us all the time.'

😭 'Russian troops are absolutely unable to complete assigned missions.'

😭 'Their drones prevent our infantry from moving.'Image
And yet...
Russia has seized 233,640 feet of land in Ukraine in a month! 🤪

Here's how...
38,940 russian soldiers have been killed in the last month.
They each occupy six feet of land.

38,940 x 6 = 233,640 🙄
May 10 6 tweets 3 min read
The population of Kyiv is about three million.
The population of Kharkiv - about half that.

The orcs think they're going to take on 1.5 million Ukrainians with 50,000 men? Haven't they tried this before, at the beginning of the war?

Those 50,000 orcs are doomed.

It's high time orcland topped everything else by doing something REALLY stυpid, like attacking one of Ukraine's largest cities.

And I've been missing those long, romantic lines of destroyed russian armor so much.

Now I see they're going to be back in my life soon enough.

Or perhaps they're going to attack without armor, since they can't have much to spare!

That should be even more interesting.
It'll be wonderful seeing 50,000 idi@ts simulate a WWI 'over and at 'em' charge.

The attack on Kharkiv is going to suck dry ALL of orcland's reserve manpower...
...and change it into wooden boxes being shipped home by cargo train. (2/)
Want to see what Kharkiv's people are like under fire?

Here's my friend Inna walking through the streets of Kharkiv with missiles flying overhead

Orcland wants 50,000 of its 'I-must-fight-or-the-tzar-will-eat-me' troops to take on 1.5 million of such people?

Let 'em try!
May 6 13 tweets 8 min read

There are heartless people on twitter - I don't know if they're 'real people' or russian trolls - who are pushing the narrative that 'Ukraine has no chance'.

This is nonsense.

Ukraine has EVERY chance of winning this conflict.

Because such conflicts HAVE BEEN WON BEFORE.

As a matter of fact, a member of my family in the past LED A NATION TO VICTORY IN JUST SUCH A FIGHT FOR FREEDOM.

I am one quarter Scottish, and a descendant of ROBERT the BRUCE, King of the Scots, arguably one of Scotland's greatest freedom fighters.

Let me tell you his story, the story of a man who fought ALL HIS LIFE for freedom, and WON THAT FIGHT, and saw his nation free.

And in that victory is the promise of victory for Ukraine today.

Can Ukraine win against russia?

Here is the answer of history itself!
Read on, and see how a smaller nation, if it has grit and courage, and the sheer tenacity to hold on no matter the odds, can and WILL win against an invader who seems to hold every advantage - population, wealth, and a numerically larger army...Image (2/)

My ancestor Robert the Bruce led a freedom struggle against a vastly superior enemy.

England in Bruce's time attacked Scotland, and England had many times the population, and outmatched Scotland in terms of both wealth and numerically superior armies.

England invaded with a large and dedicated army, willing to commit any level of atrocities upon the Scottish people.

Any follower of Bruce who fell into their hands was immediately executed without mercy...
....including Robert's younger brother.

Captured women were held under the harshest possible conditions.

You see the similarities with the present conflict.

The Scottish people suffered many reverses, and the English army won many victories.

Robert the Bruce was himself forced to go into hiding after his brother was executed and the womenfolk of his family were captured by the enemy.

The situation seemed hopeless.Image
May 2 8 tweets 3 min read
My family live in Kherson.
Kherson will not be taken, will not belong to russia... and does not belong to russia now.


What russia wants - or anyone wants for russia - doesn't matter.

What matters is what the people of Kherson want for THEMSELVES.

The rest of this thread will show - graphically - what the people of Kherson want for themselves.Image (2/)
Kherson under occupation - the people of Kherson protest the russian occupation of Kherson.

My village in Kherson - and Kherson City itself is now free. The people of Kherson will NOT be enslaved.
Apr 22 4 tweets 2 min read
Alright, so this is just a little bit funny.

Donald Trump thinks there's an 'ocean' between America and Russia.

Doesn't he realize America and Russia are next door neighbors, with only a small stretch of water between them?

In fact, if Russia hadn't sold Alaska, it would be right there sharing the North American continent WITH the United States. As it is, it is still far too close for comfort.

It's a serious mistake for an American to think of Russia as a nation 'far away across an ocean'.

It isn't.Image Russia is the aggressor in this conflict - so, to protect the United States, any natural barrier must stand between the United States and the aggressor.

Here, if anything, the United States is closer to the territory of the aggressor than some European nations!Image
Apr 20 5 tweets 2 min read

Ukrainian drones have launched a wide sweep of attacks on russia, targeting military installations and infrastructure in Bryansk, Belgorod, Smolensk, Kaluga and Voronezh. (2/)
In the video above, the Chergovy Refinery is ablaze after one such attack, in the Smolensk region of the Russian Federation.

Ukrainian commanders assure both their allies and the enemy that the pace of these attacks will only accelerate.

Russia, destruction comes!
Apr 10 4 tweets 3 min read
I'd just like to say something about Fellas attacking American Fellas.

And this is also a personal message from myself to all American Fellas 🫂

#NAFO is a wonderful organization of ethical people from around the globe.

The members of NAFO - Fellas - are here because they personally, as individual human beings, could not bear to stand aside while russia committed genocide.

Each Fella is here because they are ethical, just, intelligent and even good human beings.

That is a wonderful bond - a bond that reaches across the globe. In a very real way, Fellas are bound together by their common humanity....
We are all FAMILY!

We KNOW that America's governing House is at the moment running a sort of 'russian circus' that ensures that no aid gets to Ukraine.

But this is not the fault of the American people.

Fellas from around the world, don't attack or abuse American Fellas because of the actions of Republicans in their house, or the actions of Speaker Johnson.

Why should good and ethical people attack other good and ethical people?

American Fellas - like Fellas from every other nation - do their utmost in the cause of humanity, supporting Ukraine, dealing with russian trolls, donating to fundraisers.

Ukraine recognizes their efforts - the FACT that they STAND WITH US - and Ukraine loves them for this fact.

Ukraine stands with the people of America, as the people of America stand with us.

And we ask that all Fellas unite - UNITE - in the cause of freedom, humanity, ethics and peace.

We are most effective when we fight as ONE!!!!!Image (2/)
In fact, I think we should ALL - Americans and non Americans alike - unite to contact these political clowns and give them the talking to that they obviously deserve.

Forget about just voters contacting their reps, and so on. The reps obviously don't care one bit about their voters.

But if the whole world calls in, perhaps they'll be deafened into compliance.
Apr 9 6 tweets 3 min read
Here are some (free) booklets about russian crimes and propaganda that I wrote earlier in the invasion...

The first is 'A Hundred Years of Pain', which tells of russia's regular genocides in more than twenty nations over the last century...

The book also includes pictures of Holodomor by an actual Holodomor witness - I've put in these pictures with the written permission of his grand-daughter, who is his (2/)
The second free booklet is 'The Master Book of Smashed Russian Propaganda', which breaks apart most russian propaganda narratives.

The license in the book allows you to copy and paste ANY text from the book to answer russian trolls.

Use it to the utmost. 🫡
Apr 6 5 tweets 1 min read
Ukrainian women being sold into sexual slavery - possibly in Turkey.

In the video, a sex trafficker 'disposes' of Ukrainian girls turned into sex slaves - he talks of how beautiful the girls are, and promises the two 'most beautiful' to a client.

Meanwhile, the girls kneel in the room facing the wall. (2/)
The pronunciation is bad - it is possibly a Syrian speaking Turkish.
Apr 5 4 tweets 3 min read
It will go down in Ukrainian history that the US, after initial support, did an about turn and helped russia to decimate Ukraine in every underhand way possible.

After helping russia to disarm us to start with.

The founding fathers aren't just turning in their graves, by now they're probably spinning around at roughly the speed of sound.

What's the MEANING of the horrifically idi@tic behavior in the article below?

What's this, the US trying to keep its 'leadership role' in the world after forgetting how to lead?… (2/)
At this point less and less of the world gives a d@mn what a President of the United States wants or needs. 👆

If it's not one traitor to humanity in office in America, it'll be another. Biden has slow-walked arms to Ukraine - Trump will cut the cable completely.

And the US wants to 'lead the world'!

What, we're expected to walk into our graves now to please the unholy politicians of the United States?

It's horrific that I - a lifelong ally and wholehearted supporter of the United States - am talking in this manner.

The US has betrayed us all.Image
Mar 27 11 tweets 5 min read

I saw a terrible thing a few days ago.

A group of Ukrainian children were playing along the banks of the Dnipro - and they were dressed it camouflage uniforms!

Why is this a terrible thing?

Because this area is subjected to regular russian shelling, and the russians might mistake the children - sighted at long range - for Ukrainian soldiers.

Even WORSE, the banks of the Dnipro were heavily mined, and while much has been cleared, there's ALWAYS the danger of a mine that has somehow been missed - and which it would be a great tragedy for one of these children to step upon.


For some time now, I've been trying to engage local children in ways that keep them in safe places and away from dangerous areas.

I usually do it by creating some large toy set or diorama that a group of children can spend hours playing with.

Actually, the toy sets I make are so successful that children spend days playing with them.

These sets are usually sited in safe zones and bunkers, and every hour that the children spend playing with them is another hour that the children are kept safe.

Two of the projects I've already completed are shown in the posts below. I'll add other things that I'm working on to this thread from time to time as well.

I now have a large number of requests from Ukrainian children for new toy sets.

They've requested a miniature city, a miniature landscape with steppes and trees and deserts, a Martian landscape, an 'underground tunnel exploration set' and much more.

Using modern technologies like 3D printing, I can make all this for them, and, which is more, make everything 'foldable' - essentially, each toy set can be folded into a large suitcase to be transported to different places to give joy to more children.

(Image below: Villages on the banks of the Dnipro have been subjected to relentless russian shelling since the liberation.

This photograph is from our village. The taped-out area in the image has been marked by sappers to show where an undetonated russian shell has fallen).Image I believe that $1000 would cover the cost of producing a LOT of toy sets for the children >>

Please help me to help these children.
Any donations towards this, however small, are appreciated.

Mar 25 4 tweets 3 min read

ISIS has announced that it will be intensifying attacks inside russia, including potential attacks against Putin himself.

A spokesman has stated that previous attacks inside russia were protests against russian atrocities against Muslims, including a response to the russian genocide in Syria.

However, ISIS spokesmen say that the attacks on russia will now become far more intensive as a reaction to the video recordings of intensive torture of members of their organization that russia has made and distributed widely.

The videos being distributed by russia include ones of russians using knives to slice off body parts of people under interrogation, and of russians applying electroshock torture to the genitals of suspects.

It seems that if russia thought that these videos would serve as a 'warning' to Islamic militants, it was very much mistaken.Image (2/)
Some related thoughts on the modus operandi used by the attackers in Moscow...

Mar 23 25 tweets 10 min read

Here are some personal images and videos of the war.

Let this thread begin with a tribute to my cousin Vasya, a captain in the Ukrainian Army - in combat and fighting for freedom since 2014 - a veteran of ten years of war...Image (2/)
Our lads go into combat in the first early days of Russia's full scale invasion...Image