Alex Dean Profile picture
Editing @theeconomist group. Formerly managing editor @prospect_uk. Views own
Aug 29, 2020 17 tweets 7 min read
Judicial review is a vital tool to challenge unlawful government decisions. But now the government has announced a “review of judicial review”

Is this just another way to empower the executive – and disempower everyone else?

Thread -… In research for this piece, I spoke to former Supreme Court justices, leading QCs and politicians
May 25, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
What does the Cummings saga mean for the rule of law - and public faith that it applies equally to all of us?

I have spoken to some of our top legal minds over the past day or two Helen Mountfield, one of our top QCs and a deputy high court judge, told me

"The law is the same for everyone. If it is not the same for everyone, respect for the rule of law ends."
Apr 22, 2020 10 tweets 8 min read
New: civil and diplomatic service grandees, including Ivan Rogers, Philip Rycroft and Gus O'Donnell, call for an extension of the Brexit transition in light of Covid-19

"It is simple common sense" says Rycroft, former head of the Brexit department… Rogers says “HMG is in reality forcing firms which are facing an existential crisis over Covid-19... to prepare simultaneously for a no-deal exit at year end.”
Feb 7, 2020 15 tweets 20 min read
We have until 30th June to request an extension to the transition period

What happens if we miss the deadline? If we reach December and need last-minute help?

I asked the experts

(in yet another nerdy Brexit investigation piece)… For @piris_jc , formerly the EU's chief lawyer, there is no wiggle room. “The 30th June 2020 is a firm deadline."

This is part of an international treaty "which has now been ratified by both Parties and is legally binding for them”
Jun 17, 2019 14 tweets 12 min read
Tory leadership candidates continue to insist they can renegotiate the Northern Ireland backstop. I've spoken to lots of experts and politicians about this over recent weeks. Will the EU budge? (Thread-- likely an article when I get round to it!) For John Kerr, the author of Article 50: "The answer is, of course, No Way."

We made a "joint commitment to keep the Irish border as open as it is today. To time-limit the backstop would put that commitment, and the 1998 Belfast Treaty, in doubt, and the EU won't do that"
Mar 27, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
In a new piece for Prospect, a VERY senior EU legal expert says

- Article 50 can be reversed, but not extended
- If Britain reverses A50 it can keep its current opt-outs
- It is impossible to extend the transition
- Talks will probably soon collapse!… CC @GuitarMoog @jonlis1 @EmporersNewC @anandMenon1 @davidallengreen