Alex Epstein Profile picture
Philosopher and energy expert
44 subscribers
Mar 12 20 tweets 4 min read
Did the EPA really just take the "Biggest Deregulatory Action in U.S. History"?

Actually, yes.

Here are 18 important deregulatory actions EPA announced today, and why they will make life better for all of us.

🧵👇 1. "Reconsideration of regulations on power plants (Clean Power Plan 2.0)"

These Biden regs would effectively ban all coal plants and new natgas plants by demanding impossible 90% carbon capture.

Reconsidering them is essential to preserving the grid and unleashing electricity.
Mar 12 13 tweets 4 min read
Amazing news: @EPA is challenging the single most destructive regulatory action in US history: the "endangerment finding."

This bogus "finding" allowed Obama/Biden to ban gas cars, shut down power plants, slow US oil growth, and lock up our limitless natural gas.

Full story 👇 Ever wonder why the Biden EPA was able to become an economic dictator, prohibiting most Americans from buying a gas car after 2032 and effectively banning all coal plants and new natgas plants after 2039?

It started with the Obama EPA's bogus "endangerment finding."
Jan 15 28 tweets 5 min read
It may seem impossible, but 4 years from now America can have

1. Record oil and gas production

2. Cheap, plentiful, reliable electricity

3. High environmental quality

4. Low climate danger

5. A nuclear renaissance

Here are the 25 policy changes that will get us there.

👇 Image 1: Unleash responsible development on federal lands/waters

Anti-development policies prevent us from tapping enormous energy reserves on federal lands/waters.

Responsible development can unlock the full energy potential of ¼ of the US (!) while protecting environmental quality.
Nov 13, 2024 24 tweets 6 min read
COP 29 is immoral

COP 29 seeks net-zero—rapidly eliminating fossil fuels—in the name of protecting us from climate danger.

In reality, net-zero would radically increase climate danger and ruin billions of lives.

Good people should condemn COP and embrace energy freedom. 🧵👇 The COP 29 climate conference has a consistent theme: previous COPs have done an okay job of restricting fossil fuels in the name of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but this one needs to eliminate fossil fuel use far faster so as to reach net-zero by 2050.

This is 180° wrong.
Oct 14, 2024 42 tweets 12 min read
Myth: Hurricanes Helene and Milton show that we’re experiencing unprecedented danger from extreme weather thanks to fossil fuels.

Truth: Fossil fuels have made us much safer from extreme weather—and the recent hurricanes would’ve been far worse without them. 🧵👇 Image Media reports would lead us to believe that hurricanes like Helene and Milton are proof that fossil-fueled “climate change” is making extreme weather much more dangerous by virtue of being more intense and/or frequent. Mainstream data and climate science show otherwise.
Sep 19, 2024 22 tweets 4 min read
The costs of Biden-Harris's "government-dictated green energy" policies have been enormous so far, would have been catastrophic if not for their opponents' resistance, and will be apocalyptic if not stopped in the future.

My testimony to the Budget Committee (video below) 🧵👇 Watch my testimony here:
Sep 18, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
Media myth: Fossil fuels are making Texas, the capital of fossil fuels, more endangered by heat.

Truth: Fossil fuels have made Texas far safer than ever from climate, both from heat and the far more dangerous cold—but anti-fossil-fuel policies are stalling that progress. 🧵👇 Image A recent WSJ article portrays Texas as threatened by fossil-fueled climate warming. But as evidence, they point to just 200 additional heat deaths that can’t be traced back to climate change, while ignoring the overall decline in climate deaths that fossil fuels helped cause. Image
Sep 10, 2024 23 tweets 5 min read
Myth: @KamalaHarris used to be for banning fracking, but now she supports fracking.

Truth: Kamala Harris is still for banning fracking—because she is still for the *net-zero agenda that requires banning fracking* along with all other fossil fuel activities. 🧵👇 Image Kamala Harris, who in 2019 said, “There is no question I am in favor of banning fracking,” now tells voters in fracking-dependent states like PA that she is no longer wants to ban fracking.

They shouldn’t believe her, since Harris’s net-zero agenda *requires* banning fracking.
Aug 29, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Electricity rates have risen 47% faster than the CPI the last 12 months, and nearly 24% overall since the Biden-Harris administration began.

High electricity bills are the result of government-dictated green energy schemes. 🧵👇 Image As Americans struggle with rising summer electricity bills, it’s important to know that this struggle was 100% unnecessary and 100% preventable.
Aug 26, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
The truth about warm temperatures:

Warmer temperatures are less of a threat than cold ones, and fossil fuels make us safer from both. 🧵👇 Image Anti-fossil fuel politicians love summer because hot temperatures give them the opportunity to portray the world as “on fire”—and offering anti-fossil-fuel policies as a solution.

In reality, cold is a bigger problem than heat—and anti-fossil-fuel policies make both worse.
Aug 23, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Don’t blame the climate for unreliable power, blame climate policies that shut down reliable power. 🧵👇 Image In recent summers it’s become commonplace for Americans to experience electricity shortages, with calls to use less electricity and the frequent threat of brownouts or blackouts.

This is an embarrassment, and it was totally preventable.
Aug 15, 2024 46 tweets 5 min read
Climate “experts” love to talk about the climate negatives of fossil fuels but not the climate positives. But in fact, fossil fuels’ climate positives far outweigh the negatives.

Here are 44 of my favorite truths about fossil fuels and climate.👇 🧵 When looking at the climate effects of fossil fuels, we must look at both negatives and positives.
Aug 7, 2024 56 tweets 5 min read
Energy and climate "experts" love to talk about the negatives of fossil fuels but ignore the huge benefits.

Here are 54 lines I use to spread the truth about fossil fuels' benefits. 👇🧵 Image Fossil fuels are a uniquely cost-effective and scalable source of energy.
Jul 31, 2024 23 tweets 3 min read
21 lines I use to get people to think about fossil fuels in a balanced way, instead of the negative-focused way most “experts” use. Try them out! 🧵👇 Most “experts” look at the negatives of fossil fuels but ignore huge positives.
Jun 21, 2024 18 tweets 6 min read
The Biden administration claims that draining the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve shows its commitment to low gas prices.

In fact, this is yet another cynical ploy to disguise that its real goal is raise gas prices.

🧵👇 Image Biden’s claim that he released 1B barrels of gasoline to “lower prices at the pump” is his latest attempt to convince Americans he's trying to lower gasoline prices. But in fact, he’s doing his utmost to raise prices, because this is necessary for his anti-fossil-fuel goals.
May 23, 2024 22 tweets 7 min read
Tech giants' self-made energy crisis

For years tech giants have been helping climate catastrophists shut down reliable fossil fuel electricity, falsely claiming they can be replaced by solar/wind.

Now the grid they've helped gut can't supply their growing AI needs. 🧵👇 Image For the last decade, tech giants such as @Apple, @Microsoft, @Meta, and @Google have, through dedicated anti-fossil-fuel propaganda and political efforts, promoted the shutdown of reliable fossil fuel power plants in favor of unreliable solar and wind. Image
May 9, 2024 28 tweets 8 min read
Despite massive subsidies and favoritism, EV sales dropped in Q1 of 2024 compared the previous quarter.

Economics be damned, EPA recently announced pollution standards that require car makers to sell >50% EVs by 2032.

My talking points on Biden's dictatorial EV mandate 🧵👇 Image Biden's de facto mandate of >50% EVs by 2032 is a dictatorial attack on the American driver and the US grid that will

1. Force Americans to drive inferior cars.

2. Place massive new demand for reliable electricity on a grid that is declining in reliable electricity supply. Image
Mar 26, 2024 30 tweets 6 min read
How to solve America's critical minerals problem

1) liberate domestic industry to mine and process them cost-effectively
2) encourage friendly trading partners to do the same
3) stop artificially driving up demand before supply chains are ready

🧵👇 Image America’s economy and its national security depend on the secure availability of numerous “critical minerals”—such as lithium, copper, cobalt, and various “rare earth” elements—that, due to their unique chemical properties, are essential for many of today’s leading technologies.
Mar 20, 2024 33 tweets 8 min read
The “climate disclosure” fraud

Congress won't support Biden's anti-fossil-fuel agenda.

So he's circumventing the legislative process by having the SEC coerce companies into spouting anti-FF propaganda and committing to anti-FF plans in the name of “climate disclosure.”

🧵👇 The SEC's new "climate disclosure rules"—now paused by the Fifth Circuit—have been rightly criticized for forcing companies to do endless, costly paperwork, which discourages companies from going public and thus contradicts the SEC's goal of increasing opportunity for investment. Image
Mar 8, 2024 27 tweets 6 min read
Q: What should government do to address climate change?

A: “Climate change” is the wrong target; we want to *reduce climate danger*. And the proven way to do that is: *master* climate danger by letting us use all forms of cost-effective energy, including fossil fuels.

🧵👇 Asking how government should “address climate change” assumes that us impacting climate must be a bad thing.

But it’s only bad if it endangers us by creating challenges we can’t master.

And so far, our climate mastery has far outpaced any new climate challenges.
Jan 29, 2024 20 tweets 5 min read
Biden’s LNG pause: a deadly fraud

@JoeBiden has halted LNG expansion, which the world needs for low-cost, reliable, secure energy.

He pretends it's to lower prices or GHG emissions, but it will do neither.

Halting LNG is pure electioneering. And we'll all pay the price.
🧵👇 We live in a world that needs much more energy. Energy poverty is rampant, and even the wealthy world has chronic energy shortages.

Natural gas can dramatically help because it is low-cost, reliable, versatile, clean, and secure. And America can lead.