Alex Finn Profile picture
Building an X empire. Showing you how to as well. Live content every day at 4pm EST (turn on notifications) | My dope company: @1PercentBetterX
☀️ Leon-Gerard Vandenberg 🇳🇱🇨🇦🇦🇺 Math+e/acc Profile picture Mark Radcliffe Profile picture Jerome Ku Profile picture dragondelis 🇺🇦 Profile picture Lamboland Profile picture 27 subscribed
Jun 13 18 tweets 4 min read
I turned 34 years old today.

The last year has been the single best year of my life

Here are 34 pieces of advice I wish I could tell myself earlier: Image 1. Skipping avocado toast doesn't make you rich. Skipping the bar on a Friday night to learn a new skill does

2. You’re going to be dead a whole lot longer than you’re going to be alive. Every second you spend at a 9-5 doing something you hate is a waste of time
May 30 17 tweets 6 min read
The way your posts are ranked has changed dramatically

What worked 3 months ago no longer works

I read through the thousands of lines of algorithm code that is currently available

Here is every action you need to take today to rank higher:
This post will completely change the way you interact on X

I highly recommend bookmarking the post above in order to come back to this as you shift your strategies 👆

I'm about to cover changes to:
• Replies
• Time on Content
• Monetization
• Trends
• De-boosting Image
May 21 11 tweets 3 min read
Being a reply guy is the ultimate growth strategy on X

The issue is, 99% of people thinks that means spamming stupid replies and stolen memes

If you’re doing this, you’re not only hurting your growth, you’re destroying your brand

Here’s your reply guy master class: Image First off, bookmark the post above so you can refer to this when writing replies 👆

If your definition of "reply guy" is spamming every Elon tweet, you're destroying your growth and brand

You need to be strategic and smart

Let's get into step 1, accounts to target: 👇 Image
Apr 24 9 tweets 3 min read
The biggest X Payments info dump ever just happened

This completely revolutionizes social media forever, and gives you a massive opportunity to get PAID

Here's everything announced and how it will permanently change the way you use X: First off, bookmark the post above so you can refer to it when building your X Payments strategy 👆

In this post I'll cover how X Payments will enable you to:

1. Save money
2. Spend money
3. Earn money

Let's get into all the announcements and new features:
Apr 22 14 tweets 4 min read
🚨BREAKING: X has now acquired money transmitter licenses in HALF the US states

This is a life changing opportunity for X creators. Monetization is coming and it'll create MILLIONAIRES

No platform will pay creators more than X

Here are the 5 things you need to do to prepare: Shout out to @cb_doge for the image Content monetization will allow for X empires to be built

You need to start preparing today

In this post I’ll cover:

• Experiment with video
• Master long form posts
• Master X Spaces
• Network with other content creators
• Improve your writing
Mar 30 9 tweets 2 min read
99% of people have no idea how X revenue-share works

Your replies DO NOT make you any money

Spamming memes on Elon's posts is a TOTAL waste of time

In this post I'm going to completely debunk all the revenue-sharing myths plus go over the massive changes from yesterday 🧵 Bookmark the post above to keep this guide handy 👆

Myth 1: Reply impressions make you money: ❌ FALSE

People turn on alerts for Elon then spam memes for every post

COMPLETE waste of time

They are not only worth $0 but they make you look thirsty
Mar 8 11 tweets 4 min read
Shadowbanning does exist

It's called "Freedom of Speech, Not Reach", and it's all over the algorithm code

If you feel like your engagement has dropped, you are probably impacted

Here's how it works and what you can do to avoid getting your reach destroyed: Image 🔶What is Freedom of Speech But Not Reach?

When you break one of the rules in the algo code, your account gets marked, and your reach destroyed

Currently, these rules are not stated anywhere except for the code

You could be impacted right now and not even know it
Mar 2 13 tweets 3 min read
I wasted my entire 20s chasing one high to the next

This decade matters more than you can possibly imagine

Manage your time right, and the rest of your life can be a breeze

Here are 10 pieces of advice I'd give to my 20-year-old self: 🧵 1. Skipping avocado toast doesn't make you rich. Skipping the bar on a Friday night to learn a new skill does

Saving 3 bucks a few times a month won't make you rich

While others are out destroying their wallets and brains, build yourself

Still have fun, but be balanced
Feb 27 9 tweets 4 min read
There are 400,000 lines of code in the X algorithm

I went through every single one

Here are the top 7 code-backed rules you need to follow on X:

(if you are struggling to get your content in front of people, this is a must read)
First off, bookmark the tweet above so you can refer to this next time you tweet

🔶Format your tweets properly

Media (videos/images) get MASSIVE boosts in the algo. Act accordingly

• News URLs
• Trending language

• No text
• Hashtags
• Too many user tags Image
Feb 21 9 tweets 4 min read
The greatest strategy for growth is replying

It’s in the code. The more you engage with someone the more you show up on their feed

But did you know X Pro makes it 10x easier to do?

Sad thing is you're not using it

Here's how to set up X Pro for the ultimate reply strategy: 🔶I'm not using X Pro. Is that bad?

Yes, you're screwing up big time. It makes using X 100x easier.

You access it on the left hand side under 'More'

I don't want to see you using regular X anymore. X Pro is the only way to be using this platform. Image
Feb 20 13 tweets 4 min read
Elon announced last night that the X algorithm is going to change dramatically this week

Several months ago he asked me what changes I'd make

I went through every single line of code

Here's every change I'd like to see that will make X 100x better: Image 🔶 Post Ranking

Below is the code used to rank posts

There are a ton of variables that determine the rank, and none of them are known to the user

A major improvement would be adding this score to the UI, with an explanation of how the score was calculated Image
Feb 18 19 tweets 6 min read
The way your posts are ranked has changed dramatically over the last year

What worked a year ago no longer works

I read through the 1000s of lines of algorithm code that is currently available

Here is every action you need to take today to rank higher:
This post will completely change the way you interact on X

I highly recommend bookmarking the post above in order to come back to this as you shift your strategies 👆

I'm about to cover changes to:
• Replies
• Multimedia
• Monetization
• Trends
• De-boosting Image
Feb 17 15 tweets 5 min read
Engagement feel down for you?

It’s because you keep breaking the rules of the algorithm

I went through all 13,000 lines of code

Here are 6 landmines in the algo that are destroying your reach, and what you can do to fix it
🔶 You're following too many people

Following too many people will destroy your reach

The algo calculates your follow to following ratio, and if it's off, your engagement will suffer

It stinks this is a part of the algorithm, following should be encouraged Image
Dec 19, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
The reply guy strategy is the most powerful growth tool on X

I’ve been using it for the past 2 years to build a massive army behind me

175,000 followers and 300 X subscribers later I’m ready to share the playbook

Here’s your step by step reply guy playbook: Image First off, bookmark the post above so you can refer to this bible when you're implementing the strategy👆


A reply guy strategy starts with soldiers

Review your last 5 posts.

Find the core group of people who have given you good replies.

Take note Image
Dec 6, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
The most underrated feature on all of X? Advanced Search

I'm not joking

If you use it correctly you can truly improve your content 100x

Here are 7 ways Advanced Search will totally change the way you use X: 🧵👇

If you use advanced search correctly, you can dramatically improve the quality of your content

I use advanced search to find content that has worked well for me and others in the past

In this post I'll go over every query I use

Bookmark the post above then let's get started:
Nov 27, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
This week the most powerful AI chat bot- Grok is being released

I've had the pleasure of having exclusive access over the last month

I've used is obsessively for over 100 hours

Here's your complete guide to getting started (must read before using):🧵 First, bookmark the above post so you have this guide when you get access to Grok👆

In this 🧵 I'll cover:
• What makes Grok elite
• Fun vs Regular mode
• When to use /grok
• Content coaching
• Use it to code
• Roasting
• What it's not good at

Nov 21, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Very shortly Grok will be rolled out to ALL Premium+ X users

I’ve been lucky enough to have access to it the last few weeks

Some of the things it can do will absolutely blow your mind

Here's 5 things Grok can do that ChatGPT CAN'T
First, bookmark this so you have a playbook when you get access to Grok 👆

🔶 See what's trending in REAL TIME

With Grok you have access to real time X data

When Sam Altman got fired, you were able to get answers from Grok IMMEDIATELY

Now you can hop on trends quickly Image
Nov 10, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
It took me 10 months to make my first $1 online

It took me 5 months after that to hit $100,000

The first dollar is always the hardest

Here's how to earn your first $1 way faster than I did: 🧵 First off, bookmark the post above so you can return as you're building👆

In this post I'll cover:

• Finding your voice
• Set up monetizable channels
• Live content
• Monetize
• Scaling
Nov 8, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The only reason I have 170,000 followers is because of my writing.


It's the singular skill that separates me from 99% of people on here. I'm literally a writing addict.

Here's your bible of writing tips that will make your X content 100x more compelling: 🧵 Image 1. Vary sentence length. Check out the picture above. Different sentence lengths are SO much more fun to read

2. Use whitespace between lines, but don't overdo it. Unbelievably cringe when overused

3. On X, simplicity is so much more important than complexity. Keep it simple
Nov 3, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
I wasted my entire 20s chasing one high to the next

This decade matters more than you can possibly imagine

Manage your time right, and the rest of your life can be a breeze

Here are 10 pieces of advice I'd give to my 20-year-old self: 🧵 1. Skipping avocado toast doesn't make you rich. Skipping the bar on a Friday night to learn a new skill does

Saving 3 bucks a few times a month won't make you rich

While others are out destroying their wallets and brains, build yourself

Still have fun, but be balanced
Oct 29, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
8 ad revenue checks have gone out so far

Some for over $100,000

People are literally making fortunes off X

I get asked every day what is the easiest way to 5,00,000 impressions

Here's your simple game plan for ensuring you get a check next time papa Elon pays out: 🧵 Image First off, bookmark the post above so you can refer to this as you're creating content 👆

What I'm covering in this post:
• Stop being so f**king boring
• Replies to big accounts
• Stop being a p**sy and record yourself
• Long form posts are the meta
• Writing skills