Alex Heffron Profile picture
Father and Farmer. Agroecology. Small, collective-ish, mixed farm. Anti-imperialist, agrarian, eco-Marxism. Autistic+ADHD. Long Covid.
Dec 28, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Not enough is said of Aneurin Bevan's adversary David Stark Murray, of the SMA, who had a more radical vision for the foundation of the NHS. He charges that Bevan too easily compromised with the bourgeoisie and in so doing built class distinctions into the DNA of the NHS. A key distinction can be made between Bevan's social democracy and Murray's democratic socialism. There were four key unrealised reforms that Murray pushed for that to this day would make significant improvements.
May 25, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
I really wish some of the Welsh left would read @12rulesforwhat's Post Internet Far Right and stopped using simplistic strawman arguments. And instead understood a little bit more about how the far right functions today. "Far right influencers are the main dealers in a culture of dosing on outrage."

They don't need to have a mass following, they just need to be effective. And in the whole YC debacle they were incredibly effective and derailed the entire movement.
May 20, 2022 21 tweets 4 min read
Superb piece from @n_hold

"Capitalism produces both mass death and people in positions of institutional authority who are able to live with mass death. As such, moral appeals to the administrations’ consciences will not get us very far."… "Thus any serious effort at mitigating this catastrophic episode of social murder in the short term can only take as its starting point how large numbers of ordinary people can create serious consequences for those at the heights of power."