How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App "Algebra" should start in pre-K. "You want 6 M&Ms and I gave you 4. So 4+X=6. What is X?" What we do now is: before 6th grade, all symbols are numbers. Then out of nowhere, letters?!? consider timing. Sometimes they're just not in the mood, leave them alone! I also start them very early. Once they can talk, they should count (learn the words in order). Then they should really count (often with treats/dessert): "how many M&Ms"? That way math is just a part.. know of parallel lines? New 5th postulate: "Construct a perpendicular off a line, then construct another; the first and last lines don't meet". That would be much more constructive than "Suppose someone gives you two lines and a third line that crosses the two, and you measure Let chi(n) = 0 if n divides D, 1 if n is a square mod D, and -1 otherwise (this is the "quadratic Dirichlet character" mod D). The first many primes are all non-squares mod D! Just like Riemann zeta, the L-function of chi to look at here. Just recording these to meta-thread so I can find them later as needed. (Is there a better way?...)