Alex Little Profile picture
Lawyer. Former federal prosecutor. Legal analyst. Founder Litson PLLC.
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Jun 20, 2022 17 tweets 5 min read
Dear Twitter, it's time for a feel-good story.

It's about two young mothers, a baby born with a potentially-fatal heart defect, an American surgeon, and a children's hospital operating in Ukraine as the war rages.

A thread 🧵👇🏻 Rewind four months. A baby girl is born in eastern Ukraine. We’ll call her Nina. She’s unlucky. At birth, her heart has a structural defect. Without surgery, it won’t sustain her very long — and certainly not more than a year. (She shares this challenge with 1 in 100 newborns.)
Mar 11, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Exactly 15 years ago, I had my first oral argument.

I was in my last year of law school, and I’d never before appeared in any courtroom, large or small.

You can imagine the butterflies when I stood up before a panel of the DC Circuit.

But this story isn’t about nerves.

1/13 Now, for non-lawyers, the “DC Circuit” may not mean anything.

The best analogy I can offer is a kid who skipped Little League walking up to bat at Fenway Park to face Roger Clemens.

The baseball analogy also explains why I’m still proud of that very early career moment.

Feb 9, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
The fact that Fox News has Paul Clement and Erin Murphy briefing their initial response tells you how seriously they view the threat this lawsuit poses. It's also a clear sign that Fox knows it's in serious legal jeopardy (and also that the voting machine companies aren't willing to settle for anything less than a substantial payout).
Dec 30, 2020 26 tweets 10 min read
This blockbuster report, first hinted at by @jasonashville a few days ago, and expounded on by @natalie_allison and @NC5_BenHall tonight, raises so many questions, especially in light of the police report and MNPD’s damage-control press release.

Yet another thread 1x/ The police document that these reports reference is a single, four-page Incident Report.

This is the basic form that officers fill out when they respond to a scene and take a complaint.

You can find it online here, thanks to @WKRN:

Dec 29, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
Now that it’s clear that the Nashville Christmas Day bomber was Anthony Warner, many folks have asked: Was this terrorism? And should we call him a domestic terrorist?

My answer: Yes and yes.

But also: It depends on who’s asking, and why.

Another thread 1/x We call people “terrorists” for many different reasons. And we have many different definitions we use when we do so.

Seriously: In the U.S. government alone, there are *at least* 109 different definitions of “terrorism” with 22 distinct elements.

Dec 26, 2020 31 tweets 7 min read
** Boxing Day Update **

It’s now been about 36 hours since the Nashville Christmas Bombing. And there have been a number of developments.

Let’s walk through what we know.

A new thread 1/x Since this morning, we’ve learned:

(1) investigators have identified a person of interest;
(2) federal agents are executing a search warrant at what is likely that person’s home; and
(3) investigators believe this was a suicide attack.

Still no motive. Still plenty of ?s

Dec 25, 2020 68 tweets 11 min read
The Nashville Christmas Bombing is incredibly unusual for a few reasons. The facts we think we know so far — and things may change as new information emerges — paint a picture that is different than any other attack on U.S. soil.

It raises some serious questions.

A thread 1/x First, let’s talk about what makes this attack different.

This was a successful bombing on U.S. soil in a large metro area. There have not been many of these in the last 40 years: Oklahoma City, Atlanta Olympics, Boston Marathon, Times Square.

Dec 9, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
What an embarrassment. The good lawyers in that office deserve better. By signing on to this brazen, lawless attempt to steal an election, Slattery has demonstrated that the way we pick AGs in this state needs to change.

It's one thing for voters to select a partisan hack, quite another for that pick to come from the TN Supreme Court Justices.