How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App to replace MCM capability by 2027 dates back to 2014. A standing commitment to NATO is to provide 11 boats with improved capability by 2031. Navy estimated original funding requirement at 2.7 bln Euros. 2/ There's Virginia Blk I-IV & theres Virginia Blk V aka the one fitted with the Virginia Payload Module. VPM comes with a notable increase in VLS capacity. It also comes with a notable increase in construction hours. One Virginia Blk V equals 1.25 regular Virginia in build time. it's never smart to underestimate an opponent, one key lesson from the campaign so far had been that Russian military materiel is in fact in worse condition than expected by many serious analysts. The appearance very early of vintage T-72 & now T-62 cases in point. da viel Potential fuer Kooperation seitens speziell der militaerischen Betreiber, aber auch industrieller Kapazitaeten? Auf jeden Fall! Wird dieses Potential so in Berlin wahrgenommen oder besteht ein Interesse daran, es auszuschoepfen? Wuerde ich nicht drauf wetten.