Alex Mahadevan Profile picture
Director of @mediawise via @poynter. Sometimes data journalist.
Potato Of Reason Profile picture 1 subscribed
Nov 8, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
Who knows what Twitter will look like tomorrow. But for now, @birdwatch (Community Notes) is here to stay. As its user base expands, will it effectively scale to make an impact on misinformation?… @birdwatch No doubt @birdwatch has shown it is effective at reducing the reach of misleading tweets. And it has drawn bipartisan support — AND love from very smart misinfo researchers. I found that use has exploded, and its contributors are slated to jump 10% weekly.
Nov 5, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
"It's becoming a bit of a battlefield."

The use of @birdwatch since @elonmusk bought Twitter has exploded. In the five days after the sale, *131 notes/day*. Compared to the *45/day* since Birdwatch context notes went public and before the sale. Image @birdwatch @elonmusk Of course not all are public like the one attached to Elon's tweet. That's determined by ratings. The ratings across @birdwatch notes have quadrupled. Before the sale, about *1,000 ratings/day* logged on the platform. More than *4,100/day* since then.