Alex Wodak AM #Vote YES Profile picture
Veteran drug law reform doctor in Australia. Board Director, Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction Australia; Chair, Australia21
HB 🐭🦊 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Apr 9 4 tweets 1 min read
Guiding principles Australia’s National HIV Strategy:
1 Centrality of people with HIV & meaningful involvement of priority populations
2 Human rights
3 Access & equity
4 Health promotion
5 Prevention
6 Quality health services
7 Harm reduction
8 Shared responsibility
.. 9 Commitment to evidence-based policy & programs
10 Partnership

Any surprise Australia’s response to HIV so successful?

Guiding principles Australia’s response to smoking & vaping:
1 Nothing about smoking/vaping discussed with smokers/vapers
Feb 23, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Absolutely right Brian! Damn glad U said these things. Now I’m from different school of thought from you about some things: eg I’m a higher taxes/bigger government guy. But smoking still is Australia’s biggest long term health problem. Oz smoking rates now only falling slowly
1/8 Since 2013 Oz smoking rates only fallen 0.3% pa. US & UK, where #Vaping much more popular, rates fallen 3 x faster than Oz. Pro vapers main aim is to reduce deaths from smoking ASAP. Anti vapers main aim is to destroy Big Tobacco-by any way they can @doctorworkman
Oct 29, 2019 25 tweets 5 min read
From Emeritus Professor Zelman Warhaft, Cornell University: @simonahac
“Global warming is caused primarily by adding Carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels. The lifetime of the carbon dioxide we emit into the atmosphere is long: ..
.. in the range of many hundreds of years. And about a quarter of the carbon dioxide we are emitting will remain in the atmosphere for tens of thousands of years: essentially forever. Every time we turn on a light (if our power comes from fossil fuels) we need to think ..